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作者:lovewahsing (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:617) 发表:2021-06-14 20:16:49  楼主  关注此帖
父母来新加坡父母之前没有申请LTVP,所以过来是拿Visitor pass,这种情况下除了申请签证,ATP这些流程,机票必须买往返吗?打算他们过来后去申请LTVP。 谢谢啦 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2021-06-14 22:00:09。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第10,奖励楼主1分以及1华新币,时间:2021-06-15 22:00:41。
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作者:lovewahsing (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:617) 发表:2021-06-15 17:45:16  2楼
Family ties lane也需要ATP现在这个是必须的 中国大陆ATP 酒店隔离等结果也是必须的   (more...)
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作者:lovewahsing (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:617) 发表:2021-07-08 16:17:54  3楼
真不是误导啊,我是照着ATP发的checklist做的给我爸爸的ATP checklist PDF上,一项一项写的很清楚 其中有一条是这个丫,必须是non-residential: Book an accommodation in Singapore to serve out your isolation period while waiting for your on- arrival COVID- 19 PCR test result, which may take 1- 2 days. The accommodation must be non- residential, and an individual room with an attached toilet. You may refer to the Singapore Hotel Association (SHA) website for a list of hotels currently accepting visitors travelling to Singapore under the Air Travel Pass. The list is non- exhaustive and you may book other available accommodations as long as these are non- residential, and individual rooms with an attached toilet.
你是公民或者PR的话,你的父母可以走familial ties lane
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作者:lovewahsing (等级:1 - 微不足道,发帖:617) 发表:2021-07-08 20:00:24  4楼
SC/PR family ties laneShort-term visitors coming from these countries/regions should consider applying for the Air Travel Pass instead. If approved to enter under the SC/PR Familial Ties Lane, the following health measures apply: &#8226; No pre-departure test required &#8226; COVID-19 PCR test on arrival*, with self-isolation at self-sourced accommodation or own place of residence, until test results are released to traveller https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/files/SHN-and-swab-summary.pdf
Should apply
不是must apply
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