第一次用credit card 付车资,悲剧发生了。以前都是用cash 付grab车资,突然有一天想用信用卡付车资,选择好了之后,静静的,没有任何消息发给我,我也不知道有没有成功,也不知道哪里可以查到,我有没有付款成功。上车后问司机,司机说现金也可以。最后,下车前付了现金$9.4。一个月以后看到信用卡账单,发现信用卡扣除了$12的车资。然后去grab查一下,原来是$12=9.4+2.3+0.3。但是我付给司机的是$9.4。然后反馈给grab。 看看grab给我的回复,你们觉得对吗?我就不明白,司机难道看不到我用信用卡付款了吗。 Greetings from Grab!
>> In regards to your inquiry, the reported trip IOS-XOCBVIVGWFS8 was taken on March 14,2021.
>> However, we are truly sorry that we are unable to assist you further on this as the trip has been completed more than 12 hours before it was reported to us.
>> For a better experience in the future, we kindly suggest that you confirm your selected mode of payment before you hand any cash to the driver.
>> Please let me know if you have more questions by replying to this messa (more...)
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