请教各位一个research的基本问题导师给了我一个T or F 的问题
when P is 0.001, meaning there is 1% probability that the null hypothesis is not being true.
If P=0.01, so there is a 1% chance that the data groups have no difference while 99% of the chance that the groups have differences. So this is statistically significant as p is less than 0.05.
P value is the probability of getting the results if the null hypothesis is true. So we have a 1% of getting the result if the null hypothesis is true which is no difference.
所以我的答案是 false
难道做了一堆trials发布过N篇papers的也理解错了这个P and Ho吗?
导师还没来得及回答我问题,已经email她。今天我不死心七早八早又找了一堆basic的书,almond ans walker 就说
“the smaller the p value the smaller the likelihood that the null hypothesis is true”...
这句话是对的 P value is the probability of getting the results if the null hypothesis is true.
p value怎么来的呢,是你先假设h0,然后你就可以有一个理论上的distribution,根据这个distribution,继续推导你的sample的p
但是你导师的问题里 null hypothesis是啥?有时候是=有时候是≥或者≤ 你导师的那个问题要结合你的statistics具体分析啊 你的回答一上来就是no difference,好像也不大对题
p value怎么来的呢,是你先假设h0,然后你就可以有一个理论上的distribution,根据这个distribution,继续推导你的sample的p
但是你导师的问题里 null hypothesis是啥?有时候是=有时候是≥或者≤ 你导师的那个问题要结合你的statistics具体分析啊 你的回答一上来就是no difference,好像也不大对题