张口就来?剩下四年吃不完的大米都去哪了?申请卖米准证 政府只需要100吨白米库存
Under the RSS, all White Rice, Basmati Rice, Ponni Rice and Parboiled Rice are classified as stockpile grade rice. Importers of white rice, basmati rice, ponni rice and parboiled rice for local distribution must join the RSS as licensed stockpile participants. Stockpile participants have to pre-commit on the quantity that they wish to import monthly for local distribution. This monthly amount is known as the Monthly Import Quantity (MIQ) which can be adjusted under certain conditions and notice period, driven by market forces. The minimum MIQ for white rice is 50 tonnes. There is no minimum MIQ for basmati rice, ponni rice and parboiled rice.
The stockpile participant must also keep a Stockpile Quantity (SQ) in a government-designated warehouse. The Stockpile Quantity is twice the MIQ for white rice and twice the average monthly import quantity for ponni rice, parboiled rice and basmati rice. The Stockpile Quantity shall be constan (more...)
为你鼓掌 这个笑天同学你太愤青了