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作者:朵朵樱桃 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5835) 发表:2018-08-29 13:54:59  楼主  关注此帖
海峡时报今天的新闻。少帅Lee Chee Koon才43岁,2007才加入公司,才11年就达到职业巅峰了。火箭也没这么快啊!这则消息会如何影响CapitalLand的股价和未来发展?
Ps: 他的照片为什么一眼看过去像《潜伏》里的李涯
The current chief investment officer of CapitaLand Group, Lee Chee Koon, will be appointed as the firm's new President and Group CEO from Sep 15, said the company in a news release on Tuesday (Aug 28).

He will be taking over from Lim Ming Yan who announced his plans to retire from his position earlier in June. With the change in the group's top leadership, Mr Lim will continue to serve as a board director of the company until Dec 31.

Mr Lee joined the company in February 2007 and held several appointments with CapitaLand Group, including CEO of The Ascott Limited (Ascott), CapitaLand’s wholly owned serviced residence business.

该帖荣获当日十大第7,奖励楼主6分以及9华新币,时间:2018-08-29 22:00:01。
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作者:朵朵樱桃 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5835) 发表:2018-08-29 15:42:36  2楼
短期内估计是负面影响吧原来的CEO在本地人中口碑非常好,说他非常down to earth,又很有远见 这个新的CEO就不知道了
Lim Ming Yan才55,还远不到退休年龄啊,是不是公司内有什么暗流涌动波诡云谲
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