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作者:Horton (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:95) 发表:2017-11-15 10:49:08  楼主  关注此帖
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作者:Horton (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:95) 发表:2017-11-15 17:31:45  2楼
新加坡是全球最快乐的地方之一国家地理杂志本月封面文章 (more...)
...Success for Singaporean lies at the end of a well-defined path: Follow the rules, get into the right school, land the right job, and the happiness is yours...

...In a system that aspires to be meritocracy, talent and performance are rewarded...

...almost all of them (Singaporeans) say they feel safe and trust one another...

Singapore has most dependably ranked number one in Asia for life satisfaction...

...the people of Singapore today exemplify the third srand of happiness-what experts call life satisfaction...tend to be financially secure, have a high degree of status, and feel a sense of belonging...
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