发表不当言论 孙旭被国大罚3000元
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2012-03-28 10:21:03  58楼 
看之前的案例吧一新加坡华人,写侮辱伊斯兰教信仰者的小卡片,写了十来张,放在某家信仰伊斯兰教的人的车上,放了几张就被抓,判刑监禁两周。 那人语言影响到的是几个人,处罚显而易见重的多,监禁留案底。 我也认同国大一定程度上是在保护了孙。 同时,也认同:新加坡既然对孙的言论做出这样的处罚,也对本地人言语侮辱伊斯兰教一家人的行为判刑监禁两周,那么tr上面那些侮辱性言论呢?
你是指2009年的Public Prosecutor v. Ong Kian Cheong一案吧
On 19 October 2007, Irwan Bin Ariffin was checking his letterbox, having just returned from his Aidlifitri prayers. He found an envelope with his name and address written on it. It could have been a Hari Raya card for all he knew, if not for the bulk of its contents. Opening the envelope, Irwan found a little book with the title ‘Who is Allah?’

Fresh from his prayers, this seemed to be a serendipitous find. When Irwan flipped the pages, however, he was shocked to discover that he was holding on to a tract, illustrated like a comic, which denigrated Islam. It was filled with drawings of sinister-looking Arabs, and alleged that Allah was a pagan moon god. The tract was published by Chick Publications, a company based in America.

Irwan made a police report, as he believed that a publication of such nature might ‘incite religious tension between Muslims and Christians’.

客观方面:Any reasonable person reading the tracts [which level a pointed attack by one religion on another]… will have no doubt in his mind that the tracts have a
seditious tendency i.e. a tendency to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility
between races or classes of the population of Singapore.
主观方面:[The complainants] Irwan, Isa and Farharti are all Muslims who have read the tracts they received from [both the accused]. They have all stated that the tracts have a tendency to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between Muslims
and Christians. They were angry after they read the tracts which they felt have
been sent by Christians to convert them. Their evidence clearly proves that the
publication[s] have a seditious tendency.
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