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作者:水鸭子 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:9284) 发表:2008-05-16 06:14:08  416楼 
在BBC的误导下,CNN开始了对中国 One-child-policy进行攻击,真不明白这些人为什么总要把政治问题扯进来


Parents' losses compounded by China's one-child policy
From Kyung Lah

SICHUAN, China (CNN) -- Li Yunxia wipes away tears as rescue crews dig through the ruins of a kindergarten class that has buried her only child -- a 5-year-old boy.

China's one-child policy magnifies the loss parents are feeling after learning their child died in the earthquake.

Other parents wail as soldiers in blue masks trudge through the mud, hauling bodies from the rubble on stretchers.

"Children were screaming, but I couldn't hear my son's voice," she says, sobbing.
“孩子们哭喊着,但我听不到我的儿子的声音, ”她哽咽地说。

This grim ritual repeated itself Thursday across southwestern China, as thousands of mothers and fathers await news about their sons and daughters.

The death toll from Monday's massive earthquake could be as high as 50,000, according to state-run media.

The grief is compounded in many cases by a Chinese policy that limits most couples to one child, a measure meant to control explosive population growth.

As a result of the one-child policy, the quake -- already responsible for at least 15,000 deaths -- is producing another tragic aftershock:

Not only must thousands of parents suddenly cope with the loss of a child, but many must cope with the loss of their only child.


由于独生子女政策,这次地震——目前已经导致了至少1 .5万人死亡——正导致另一个悲惨的余震:


China's population minister recently praised the one-child rule, which dates to 1979, saying it has prevented 400 million children from being born.

Some wealthy families ignore the order, have more children and pay a $1,000 fine. In rural areas -- like earthquake-devastated Sichuan province -- families can petition for an additional child, but there's no guarantee the authorities will approve the request -- they usually don't.

That reality has cast parents like Li into an agonizing limbo -- waiting to discover whether their only child is alive or dead.




Thousands of children were in class when the temblor hit Monday afternoon. Many of their schools collapsed on top of them.

In Dujiangyan City, more than 300 students were feared dead when Juyuan Middle School collapsed with 900 students inside. A similar number died at the city's Xiang'e Middle School.

Now parents cluster outside collapsed school buildings, held back by soldiers in some cases as rescue crews search for signs of life.




"Which grade are you in?" a rescuer asks a trapped child in Beichuan County.

"Grade 2," comes the answer.

"Hang on for a while," he says. "We are figuring out ways to rescue you."

The child is pulled from the rubble a short time later.

For every child saved, though, many more are lost.

Many are missing at a middle school in the city of Qingchuan. The scene is devastating at Juyuan Middle School, where sorrow seems endless.

"There were screaming parents, and as the bodies would come out they were trying to identify whether it was their child or not," said Jamil Anderlini of London's Financial Times. "And once they -- the parents -- realized it was their child, obviously they collapsed in grief."


“有无数痛哭的家长,每一具尸体被抬出来,他们就试图确定是否是他们的子女。 ”伦敦金融时报的贾米勒·安德里尼说, “一旦家长辨认出他们的孩子,很明显地,他们(立刻)被悲痛击倒。”

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