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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-28 12:48:31  楼主  关注此帖
Live:FIghting OSA! 我不是一个人在战斗! 我刚刚从OSA回来,OSA service counter拒绝透露相关消息,具体问题请去counter ×× 排队。 来到counter ××,排队现场还有几位马来西亚的学生,相当愤青,F××k,crazy之类的词汇不绝于耳。。 OSA counter ××的负责人只会打官腔,说他们也是按章程办事,CCA分高的才有房子。一再追问之下,对方承认今年CCA普遍较高,PGP需要45分。 小弟一再抗议,45分实在是高的离谱了一点。旁边一个愤怒的马来西亚女学生跳出来厉声追问,OSA是否要追查buying CCA points的事情。 对此敏感问题,该负责人言辞含糊,表示他们正在调查。。Blah,Blah,Blah。。旁边一位学生愤怒的大喊:买多少分什么价钱,直说好了,我也要买。。负责人也急了,现场一片混乱。。 3月28,asdzxcat为您报道。
need to live outside now......


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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-28 13:02:25  2楼
Live:FIghting OSA! 我不是一个人在战斗! 我刚刚从OSA回来,OSA service counter拒绝透露相关消息,具体问题请去counter ×× 排队。 来到counter ××,排队现场还有几位马来西亚的学生,相当愤青,F××k,crazy之类的词汇不绝于耳。。 OSA counter ××的负责人只会打官腔,说他们也是按章程办事,CCA分高的才有房子。一再追问之下,对方承认今年CCA普遍较高,PGP需要45分。 小弟一再抗议,45分实在是高的离谱了一点。旁边一个愤怒的马来西亚女学生跳出来厉声追问,OSA是否要追查buying CCA points的事情。 对此敏感问题,该负责人言辞含糊,表示他们正在调查。。Blah,Blah,Blah。。旁边一位学生愤怒的大喊:买多少分什么价钱,直说好了,我也要买。。负责人也急了,现场一片混乱。。 3月28,asdzxcat为您报道。
Some questions?
Let's say there are 1000 ppl apply, i guess 80% above have 40 pts and above..but how many ppl have cca more than 45? will it be more than 40%?
that means ...OSA provide house for 800 student..but lee than 400 this year?

according to my past experience, most ppl have 40 pts around, last year, i did a project with a indian student, they also think 40 is more than enough...that ms not only us chinse students..but all are think 40 is enough..

then the question is.. the cut off pts for this year 45, whcih means that..lots of ppl dun get the room...only a few ppl get the room, then where is room? OSA reserve so many rooms for what?

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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-28 13:08:06  3楼
Some questions?Let's say there are 1000 ppl apply, i guess 80% above have 40 pts and above..but how many ppl have cca more than 45? will it be more than 40%? that means ...OSA provide house for 800 student..but lee than 400 this year? according to my past experience, most ppl have 40 pts around, last year, i did a project with a indian student, they also think 40 is more than enough...that ms not only us chinse students..but all are think 40 is enough.. then the question is.. the cut off pts for this year 45, whcih means that..lots of ppl dun get the room...only a few ppl get the room, then where is room? OSA reserve so many rooms for what?
some clafication
i assume that the number of applicants each year will be around the same, and this is reasonable!

why so many applications fail this year?

we dun look at the cca pts, just look at the number of students get the room?

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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-28 13:19:31  4楼
more fresh students will be enrolled into NUS this year and they will take PGP's rooms...
among the ppl i know,

very few ppl got the room~~`

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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-28 23:47:07  5楼
Live:FIghting OSA! 我不是一个人在战斗! 我刚刚从OSA回来,OSA service counter拒绝透露相关消息,具体问题请去counter ×× 排队。 来到counter ××,排队现场还有几位马来西亚的学生,相当愤青,F××k,crazy之类的词汇不绝于耳。。 OSA counter ××的负责人只会打官腔,说他们也是按章程办事,CCA分高的才有房子。一再追问之下,对方承认今年CCA普遍较高,PGP需要45分。 小弟一再抗议,45分实在是高的离谱了一点。旁边一个愤怒的马来西亚女学生跳出来厉声追问,OSA是否要追查buying CCA points的事情。 对此敏感问题,该负责人言辞含糊,表示他们正在调查。。Blah,Blah,Blah。。旁边一位学生愤怒的大喊:买多少分什么价钱,直说好了,我也要买。。负责人也急了,现场一片混乱。。 3月28,asdzxcat为您报道。
black heart~~haha~~to award..general L
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-28 23:47:50  6楼
black heart~~haha~~to award..general L
oh wrong..that is a purple diamond
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-29 18:21:48  7楼
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-31 12:11:36  8楼
NUSSU news Dear Fellow Students, Problem of On-campus Accommodation Allocation for Academic Year 08/09 The on-campus accommodation allocation results were released last Thursday, and it has come to the NUSSU Executive Committee’s attention that amount of RHAPS points needed to stay on-campus for the next academic year is exceptionally high this time round. This has resulted in a lot of students being unable to secure on-campus accommodation next year. The problem is especially acute among foreign students, who may be priced-out of living off-campus and may have no where to stay next semester. The Union is aware of the problem. We are currently in the midst of working with the Office of Student Affairs to examine the extent of the housing shortage problem, investigate into its cause and brainstorm for possible feasible resolutions to this matter. Updates will be provided in due-course. I would like to reassure all fellow students affected by this problem that the Union will spare no effo (more...)
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-31 12:12:56  9楼
昨天晚上在pgp看到一群印度三三们 大家坐成一排,前面有人拿着摄像机,坐着的这群人呢,轮流站起来,痛斥osa...
haha..creative...very new~~``
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-03-31 19:20:50  10楼
高分现象也是没办法的事NUS年年扩招,明年又不知道要多几千个人呢...大一大二的人都要住学校,exchange的人也一年比一年多,涨住宿费根本不是解决办法,毕竟跟外边比起来学校住还是很划算的... 倒霉的自然是大三大四的了,从20变30现在竟然要45,不是说大家分数高了,而是房间少了很多。 至于什么卖分的只是个别现象吧,毕竟45分也不是那么好买的,除非你买个个performance group的president来当才有20分吧... 所以呢...大家能搬还是搬出去住吧...反正奖学金的住房allowance又涨了不是?
涨后allowance 是200 per month...
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2008-04-02 13:45:59  11楼
your maths!!!???
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