15块钱找人做一个Excel基础Function题目基本要求8元,Bonus7元(看达到bonus要求程度),实在没时间做,只好找人。做完后请发电邮和做好的worksheet到 pgppuppy@hotmail.com 注明你的电话号和银行户头号码。若不放心也可先给我发email,再电话联系,或在华新回信息。验证所有要求达到后立刻转帐,非先做先得,乃先做对先得,谢谢!
U r required to compile a bill payment calendar.
When a date is entered e.g 1/27/2007 The bill payment dates should all be automatically calculated under the “Date” column
Rules for the date
Rule 1. e.g. 1 Month—the date should be 1 month after the date entered (as shown by the simple example 1/27/2007 one month is 2/27/2007 in the sheet)
Rule2 if the date entered is the last day of the month, the calculated date should also be the last day of the month provided it is a working day.
E.g 1/31/2007 one month is 2/28/2007. (provided 2/28 is working day)
2/28/2007 one month is 4/30/2007 (provided 4/30 is working day)
Rule3 If the calculated date based on rule1 and rule2 is a non-wo (more...)