那么也就是说不管是credit card 还是debit card,弄丢了都是失主自己倒霉呗?如果被别人盗用也都是失主自己赔钱吧?
还有还有,信用卡的号似乎也没什么隐蔽性,除了自己保护好不轻易外泄之外,用信用卡网上交易的时候是不是也没有什么别的security check啊?只要知道号码和expiry date,谁用都行吧?
technically, if someone knows your debit card number and expire date , your money is gone.
one note: this is a check number at the back of the card. need to know it as well.
so do not let your card stay without your control area for too long :P
one note: this is a check number at the back of the card. need to know it as well.
so do not let your card stay without your control area for too long :P