至于有钱没有钱这个里面更有猫腻,不少Hall的Orientation Committee&Rag Team combine marketing,用orientation committee的钱填Rag Team。呵呵呵,每年新生在不知情的情况下就被GIRO扣了一笔钱做Matric Pack Fee,加上Master Fund里给orientation committee的钱,整个orientation的预算超过了10K.呵呵呵,一个orientation怎么用了那多钱,剩下钱不用掉也是充公给了Office of Finance,自然全部资助给了Rag Team.这笔钱还是桌子底下操作,要不然Rag Team的帐单会爆棚,影响lost cost award...
亏钱...呵呵呵...Rag Team亏钱就是为了挣lowest cost award太狠了一点,自掏饮料费,充作welfare...一般不会吧...何况大多数committee在外面都有私底下的秘密户头,年年填钱,增加cash flow...
hehe, you are right in some sense
but talking about the matric pack, EH this year give freshmen invoice of how we are going to charge their money, all the freshmen will know. There is no secret inside it!