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作者:夜一 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:599) 发表:2017-03-15 15:22:49  楼主  关注此帖
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作者:夜一 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:599) 发表:2017-03-15 15:26:45  2楼
给LZ一个Terms and Conditions (including disclaimer) Sample, 修改一下后,放进华新的主页最底部吧 Welcome to our Site. Please read the following Website Terms and Conditions carefully (including our Privacy Policy) (collectively “Website Conditions”) before using this Site and/or the Services (both defined below), so that you are aware of your legal rights and obligations with respect to Singapore Press Holdings Limited and/or its related entities, affiliates and subsidiaries (individually and collectively, "SPH"). By your (or where Clause 1.1.2(iii) applies, your child's or ward's) access of this Site and/or use of the Services, you hereby agree to be legally bound by these Website Conditions. If you do not accept these Website Conditions, please leave the Site and discontinue use of the Services immediately. 1. Agreement 1.1 You hereby represent and warrant that: 1.1.1 you have read and agree to these Website Conditions and our Privacy Policy; 1.1.2 you are at least 18 years old and have the necessa (more...)
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版所有回复从这里展开收起列表
作者:夜一 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:599) 发表:2017-03-15 16:36:46  3楼
基本上已经没有技术部了所以大家祈祷华新的服务器不要出任何问题吧,用的技术过于过于陈旧。如果在前端找不到啥漏洞,技术部门在后台更加没有时间精力去读那些代码。(前端我已经反反复复看过了,至少没什么明显漏洞) 别说把用户密码从加密数据库里搞出来,就是日常维护都已经很困难很困难了。 我就连读懂iOS版本的源程序都做不到。

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 滚雪球 的帖子 “这个是我的马甲”
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