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作者:水棋 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:55) 发表:2008-07-20 16:43:40  21楼
this is what i think is fair and best for the country for chinese chess1) i think that only the best player of Singapore can represent Singapore, i believe all of us would not want a lousier player to play and then throw SG's face right? At least we have to send the best 2) the SIXGA, regardless of any personal matters between the commitee and the player, shall not ban or exclude any player for his/her chance to represent Singapore. Otherwise wont it become like only those who are of liking of the SIXGA committees are able to represent Singapore? They see who happy then they choose? Or rather in another sense, those who "POR"(suck up) to them can have the chance to represent? Singapore CCHESS is about POR? 3)A player shall only be banned from representing SG if He/She played cheat in the competition before(not sure if a second chance can be given to them regardless of their skill). This is important as it would reflect on the image of Singapore players. In other words, any other factors that would affect Si (more...)
add ons
As mentioned earlier in my post, communication is very important between players and the SIXGA. Therefore it is important for the SIXGA to be open and to explain every single action like for example if the SIXGA were to ban a player, it would be good if they can explain it at the SIXGA website. Because the SINGAPORE XIANGQI GENERAL ASSOCIATION is formed for Singapore chinese chess players, not just for the committee ONLY.

Communication is very important!!! Hopefully in the future there will be minimal misunderstandings around and therefore the SIXGA can get 100% cooperation from all of us!!! Wont it be good?
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作者:杀着大全 (等级:0 - 我是小白,发帖:1084) 发表:2008-07-20 16:45:29  22楼
Could we have a quiet and peaceful environment for Bishan East ....... Could we have a quiet and peaceful environment for Bishan East RC Zone 3 residents ? RC is not a place to talk about the xiangqi matters at National level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Residents' Committee The Residents' Committees (RCs) in public housing estates promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents within their RC zones. Run by residents for residents, the RCs also work closely with other PA grassroots organisations like the CCCs and selected government agencies to improve the physical environment and safety of the local precinct.
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作者:水棋 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:55) 发表:2008-07-20 16:54:39  23楼
Yes agree. Should atleast give chance(or advice) for that player to cut hair.I heard about that story to. Its sad. that politics are very much active. Just like in a company. If your boss do not like you. You will never get promotion. Same, if the organisation do not like you, you'll cannot represent.
hi bls
i agree with you about said about <<<If your boss do not like you. You will never get promotion. Same, if the organisation do not like you, you'll cannot represent.>>>

For a boss and his/her company, any decision made by him/her should be answerable to the company and its employees. But whether it is a wise decision or not is another matter, the the boss is not wise, then employees should quit and choose another wise boss...Similar to SIXGA. We should all choose a wise and fair leader. Otherwise we shall quit.
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作者:水棋 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:55) 发表:2008-07-20 16:56:59  24楼
hi blsi agree with you about said about For a boss and his/her company, any decision made by him/her should be answerable to the company and its employees. But whether it is a wise decision or not is another matter, the the boss is not wise, then employees should quit and choose another wise boss...Similar to SIXGA. We should all choose a wise and fair leader. Otherwise we shall quit. (more...)
oops, clarifications
I would like to apologise and clarify that Sorry i did not mean anything about that our current SIXGA is unfair, i was just saying about the perfect plan for Singapore.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-07-20 22:51:01  25楼
我倒是觉得这篇演讲稿前面7段讲的都是“三楼肉骨茶店和四楼肉骨茶店”之间的和谐问题“三楼肉骨茶店和四楼肉骨茶店”的故事最后两段有点跑题而已,其主旨未必是要在一个居委会里讨论国家大事 (more...)
The objectives of PA, CCs and RCs are very clear ......

It's all about Community Bonding!

The People's Association (PA) being the leading government agency that promotes social cohesion, racial harmony and Government-to-People connectivity, has a network of about 1,800 grassroots organisations. The grassroots organisations are managed by volunteers who work with the PA to organise a wide range of programmes and activities to cater to the needs and interests of Singaporeans from all walks of life.

Citizens' Consultative Committee

Community Centre/Club Management Committee (about 105)

The Community Centre/Club Management Committees (CCMCs) help the PA to build, maintain and manage the community centre/clubs (CCs). They promote racial harmony and social cohesion through the various cultural, educational, recreational, sports, social and other community activities organised for residents.

Residents' Committee (about 550)
The Residents' Committees (RCs) in public housing estates promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents within their RC zones. Run by residents for residents, the RCs also work closely with other PA grassroots organisations like the CCCs and selected government agencies to improve the physical environment and safety of the local precinct.

Neighbourhood Committee

Senior Citizens' Executive Committee

Women's Executive Committee

Malay Activity Executive Committee

Indian Activity Executive Committee

People's Association Youth Movement

T-Net Club

Constituency Sports Club

Civil Defence Executive Committee
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作者:email123 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:94) 发表:2008-07-21 10:54:43  26楼
棋会领导人的个人行为也必须自律,不要玷污了棋会的名誉。棋会领导人犯错敢认错吗?我是看不过棋会领导人到处说赖汉顺犯错不认错,不悔改,不回头是岸......但又不把事实说出来....... 我现在把我所知道的说出来: 1. 有人禁止赖汉顺参加一切比赛,包括最近的全国赛,国庆象棋四角赛。不然为什么会有那么多谣言说文礼的棋手被禁止参加国庆象棋四角赛。 2.赖汉顺收到一封象总理事的sms,一怒之下把他转发给很多棋友,象总理事,结果被禁赛。被棋会领导人说玷污了棋会的名誉,犯错不认错,不悔改。 我看过那封sms,觉得棋手严重的被侮辱,完全不尊重棋手,如果是我,我不只是forward sms 给棋友,还会把他放上各国象棋论坛。如果还被禁赛,被辱骂,我会写信到亚象联,目的只为把事实公开。 棋会领导人要赖汉顺公开认错,要赖汉顺说那封sms是某人send的,赖汉顺不就范,结果被禁赛。禁到几时我不懂.......
What happened ? What is the issue about? What happend to MAster Lai ?
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作者:太阳黑子 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:744) 发表:2008-07-21 16:05:11  27楼
Lai did no wrong. Organiser shouldn't do that. Here not russia, here Singapore.Please don't do what the russian chess organisation did to Boris Spassky.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-07-21 21:05:40  28楼
10 years later, If continues to play, LAI will be most 厉害.
One uphill and the other two goes down hill. hehe.
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作者:太阳黑子 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:744) 发表:2008-07-21 22:21:29  29楼
10 years later, If continues to play, LAI will be most 厉害.One uphill and the other two goes down hill. hehe.
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作者:炮卒 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:9) 发表:2008-07-23 17:55:32  30楼
蛇头和蛇尾争老大!!!!! 有一条蛇,头和尾相互争论谁是老大。蛇头说:“我有耳朵可以听,有眼睛可以看路,有嘴巴能吃东西,走路也在前面,当然我应当是老大!”蛇尾说:“那好,要是我.....”它把身子在树上绕了三圈,蛇头不能前进,过了三天,就快要饿死了,蛇头只好向蛇尾说:“你可以放开了,我让你当老大!”蛇尾得意洋洋地向前走去,可是,由于蛇尾没有眼睛,没走几步,就掉进火坑里给烧死了。 四十多年前,我国棋界没有四分五裂,成功举办了“首届东南亚象棋锦标赛”,后来扩展为“亚洲锦标赛”、“世界锦标赛”。四十多年后,我国棋界有的是人力、財力,如果能团结一致,相信也有可能举办一项我向往已久,撼天动地的“世界象棋男女争霸赛”!!!
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2008-07-23 18:54:33  31楼



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作者:太阳黑子 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:744) 发表:2008-07-24 15:54:08  32楼
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2008-07-25 16:29:55  33楼

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作者:peanut (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:197) 发表:2008-07-31 15:26:42  34楼
蛇头和蛇尾争老大!!!!! 有一条蛇,头和尾相互争论谁是老大。蛇头说:“我有耳朵可以听,有眼睛可以看路,有嘴巴能吃东西,走路也在前面,当然我应当是老大!”蛇尾说:“那好,要是我.....”它把身子在树上绕了三圈,蛇头不能前进,过了三天,就快要饿死了,蛇头只好向蛇尾说:“你可以放开了,我让你当老大!”蛇尾得意洋洋地向前走去,可是,由于蛇尾没有眼睛,没走几步,就掉进火坑里给烧死了。 四十多年前,我国棋界没有四分五裂,成功举办了“首届东南亚象棋锦标赛”,后来扩展为“亚洲锦标赛”、“世界锦标赛”。四十多年后,我国棋界有的是人力、財力,如果能团结一致,相信也有可能举办一项我向往已久,撼天动地的“世界象棋男女争霸赛”!!!
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