NUS Chinese Chess Championship 2010
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作者:minghui (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:107) 发表:2010-02-08 12:46:36  21楼
2010年国大个人赛成绩:冠军 岳安;亚军 林超贤;季军 迟益南2010年国大个人赛成绩 7轮瑞士赛制,25分钟包干制 冠军 岳安 亚军 林超贤 季军 迟益南 殿军 Heng Wee Leng 第五 林伟扬 第六 卷心菜 (more...)



Heng Wee Leng异军突起,最终夺得第四,出乎很多人的意料。Heng Wee Leng最后一轮之前甚至还有争冠希望,可惜在第一台负于Lim Chau Sian,未能进入前三名。

Lim Wei Yang发挥不错,可惜前面失分稍多,后来虽然奋起直追,但最终与前三名无缘。

卷心菜前五轮发挥甚好,可惜多子惜败Heng Wee Leng之后,最后一轮再次惜败,未能获得奖杯。

其他诸位棋手各有亮点,这里不一一评述。值得一提的是首次参赛的预科班学生Zhang Xiaotong,不畏强手,顽强拼搏,虽然最终战绩不甚理想,但此人颇有潜力,值得注意。

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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2010-02-08 15:04:21  22楼
may be can have 活动预告 in 悟入棋途 say two months before the event 。。。。。

Since NUS Chinese Chess Championship is a yearly event around Feb each year, may be can have 活动预告 in 悟入棋途 say two months before the event so that more can plan to join 。。。。。could someone please provide input to the organiser(s) of future event(s) if possible.
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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-02-08 15:12:26  23楼
may be can have 活动预告 in 悟入棋途 say two months before the event 。。。。。 Since NUS Chinese Chess Championship is a yearly event around Feb each year, may be can have 活动预告 in 悟入棋途 say two months before the event so that more can plan to join 。。。。。could someone please provide input to the organiser(s) of future event(s) if possible.
赞同。 00000
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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-02-08 15:20:22  24楼
最近除了家勇方的棋赛,大多没对局发表,不知原因。 00000
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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-02-08 16:04:19  25楼
另外 用菜的话题:
要有种菜的人、收割菜的人、送菜的人、卖菜的人、买菜的人、吃菜的人 。。。

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2010-02-08 17:45:49  26楼
may be can have 活动预告 in 悟入棋途 say two months before the event 。。。。。 Since NUS Chinese Chess Championship is a yearly event around Feb each year, may be can have 活动预告 in 悟入棋途 say two months before the event so that more can plan to join 。。。。。could someone please provide input to the organiser(s) of future event(s) if possible.
As this is decided by NUS IGC club chairman, I have no control.
As this is decided by NUS IGC club chairman, and the chairman himself doesn't play chess and doesn't know huasing, it is out of our control.
Normally the news will be announced 2 to 3 weeks before the competition and will be pasted on notice board in NUS.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2010-02-08 18:25:14  27楼
As this is decided by NUS IGC club chairman, I have no control.As this is decided by NUS IGC club chairman, and the chairman himself doesn't play chess and doesn't know huasing, it is out of our control. Normally the news will be announced 2 to 3 weeks before the competition and will be pasted on notice board in NUS.
knew about this event in 悟入棋途 since 2008 。。。。。

"Normally the news will be announced 2 to 3 weeks before the competition ....."

unable to join in 2008, 2009 and 2010 due to these short notices
and having problems to change other prior appointments ....


If possible,hope to join Singapore Open in 2010, 2011 and 2012。
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作者:特级大师洪安豪 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:33) 发表:2010-02-08 21:16:43  28楼
照片若干张 (more...)
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作者:kurubear (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:740) 发表:2010-02-08 21:32:34  29楼
knew about this event in 悟入棋途 since 2008 。。。。。 "Normally the news will be announced 2 to 3 weeks before the competition ....." unable to join in 2008, 2009 and 2010 due to these short notices and having problems to change other prior appointments .... 无三不成书 If possible,hope to join Singapore Open in 2010, 2011 and 2012。
maybe can have someone to help monitor events at these schools 00000
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作者:林家勇 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:119) 发表:2010-02-08 22:42:17  30楼
Games on demand看来还是很少很少人贴对局。当然25分钟的包干比赛,棋的质量比较一般。我就继续献丑,我有以下7局记录,请观众点播。 第一轮:Jia Xiaoming 先负 卷心菜 第二轮:卷心菜 先和 林超贤 第三轮:Tang Ling(女) 先负 卷心菜 第四轮:卷心菜 先胜 Zhang Xiaotong(女) 第五轮:岳安 先和 卷心菜 第六轮:卷心菜 先负 Heng Wee Leng 第七轮:迟益南 先胜 卷心菜
May i request for....
第一轮:Jia Xiaoming 先负 卷心菜
第二轮:卷心菜 先和 林超贤
第三轮:Tang Ling(女) 先负 卷心菜
第四轮:卷心菜 先胜 Zhang Xiaotong(女)
第五轮:岳安 先和 卷心菜
第六轮:卷心菜 先负 Heng Wee Leng
第七轮:迟益南 先胜 卷心菜

all. haha
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2010-02-08 22:43:03  31楼
第三轮:唐玲 先负 卷心菜
第三轮:Tang Ling(女) 先负 卷心菜

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2010-02-08 23:11:38  32楼
May i request for....第一轮:Jia Xiaoming 先负 卷心菜 第二轮:卷心菜 先和 林超贤 第三轮:Tang Ling(女) 先负 卷心菜 第四轮:卷心菜 先胜 Zhang Xiaotong(女) 第五轮:岳安 先和 卷心菜 第六轮:卷心菜 先负 Heng Wee Leng 第七轮:迟益南 先胜 卷心菜 all. haha
Here it is
第一轮:Jia Xiaoming 先负 卷心菜

第二轮:卷心菜 先和 风云剑

第三轮:Tang Ling(女) 先负 卷心菜

第四轮:卷心菜 先胜 Zhang Xiaotong(女)

第五轮:岳安 先和 卷心菜

第六轮:卷心菜 先负 Heng Wee Leng

第七轮:yinan 先胜 卷心菜

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作者:minghui (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:107) 发表:2010-08-11 13:56:26  33楼
照片若干张 (more...)
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作者:SG-Reporter (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1988) 发表:2010-08-11 15:04:24  34楼
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作者:棋一生 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:3182) 发表:2011-03-23 23:02:05  35楼
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