i dun feel that they treat ppl like shit
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作者:banban (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2772) 发表:2008-10-01 01:36:29  楼主  关注此帖
有没有人在Bloomberg工作?有问题请教Bloomberg工作氛围如何?优点和缺点是什么?对个人发展有何帮助? Compensation怎样?听说the pay is good, but they treat ppl like shit...不知是不是真的?? 我去过他们的office在capital square, open space, very refreshing...而且他们的pantry太强了,简直就是一个mini seven-eleven, fruits and snacks are everywhere... 请有经验的牛人介绍一下,谢谢了!
i dun feel that they treat ppl like shit
if so, their sales should complain already...i guess should be fine...but just bear in mind that financial is a stressful industry, so many ppl are hash sometimes, or just naturally nasty, but they can be very successful!
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