怎样使用 void cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK
(IplImage* imgA, IplImage* imgB, IplImage* pyrA,
IplImage* pyrB, CvPoint2D32f* featuresA, CvPoint2D32f* featuresB, int
count, CvSize winSize, int level, char* status, float* error,
CvTermCriteria criteria, int flags );
这个method?就是apply Locus-Kanade到image pryamid上的那个。我是按照它的这个API来的,可是关于status这个argument,它的介绍是:
status ------ Array. Every element of the array is set to 1 if the flow for the
corresponding feature has been found, 0 otherwise
(IplImage* imgA, IplImage* imgB, IplImage* pyrA,
IplImage* pyrB, CvPoint2D32f* featuresA, CvPoint2D32f* featuresB, int
count, CvSize winSize, int level, char* status, float* error,
CvTermCriteria criteria, int flags );
这个method?就是apply Locus-Kanade到image pryamid上的那个。我是按照它的这个API来的,可是关于status这个argument,它的介绍是:
status ------ Array. Every element of the array is set to 1 if the flow for the
corresponding feature has been found, 0 otherwise