昨天在pgp bus stop看到了一个很梦幻的MM
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作者:fool (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:5183) 发表:2004-05-10 12:09:39  楼主  关注此帖评分:
昨天在pgp bus stop看到了一个很梦幻的MM
7:20pm,我来到了pgp bus stop, 准备搭车回家,突然看到指路牌旁边站着一个很pp的MM, 她长发及肩,穿着一件淡蓝色的无袖连衣一步裙,手里拿着光盘,钱包和手机。不停的用手机发着sms。7:30分的A1 shuttle bus到了,我最后一个上车,坐在最后一排,从后面看着她,再后来我什么都没做,就在science下车了。
Perfect Yourself First! Perfect Myself First!
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作者:小姗 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:123) 发表:2004-05-10 13:42:22  2楼
听你描述的装扮, 很像是
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作者:fool (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:5183) 发表:2004-05-10 13:47:23  3楼
听你描述的装扮, 很像是薛颖。。。八成是她
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作者:kelvin (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:763) 发表:2004-05-10 20:51:03  4楼
听你描述的装扮, 很像是薛颖。。。八成是她
dun be a fool and disclose other people's privacy...

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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2004-05-11 11:54:16  5楼
the guy who answered you was from Australia for at least half a year, how can he know?

btw, it is he, not she, superSG

haha, focus on something more important ba:P
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作者:kelvin (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:763) 发表:2004-05-11 12:34:59  6楼
foolthe guy who answered you was from Australia for at least half a year, how can he know? btw, it is he, not she, superSG haha, focus on something more important ba:P
Mr DJ tell us something about superSG?
People are always very skeptical about this gentleman, why?


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作者:fool (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:5183) 发表:2004-05-11 13:59:23  7楼
foolthe guy who answered you was from Australia for at least half a year, how can he know? btw, it is he, not she, superSG haha, focus on something more important ba:P
Hehe, a more practical way to get to know her is to go to pgp again and wait for her!

Use Counter Strike code,
'GO!GO!GO! Storm the front!' \\I go to pgp bus stop!
'I'm in position!Hold this position' \\Wait for her
'Enemy Spotted!' \\I see her again!
'Roger that! Affirmative!' \\Go for her!
'Need back up!'\\Ask for help from friends!
'Fire in the hole!' \\Chat, chat!
'Enemy down!' \\Got her contact and information!
'Report in!'\\Report to parents and friends!
'You take the point!'\\Parents say ok!
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2004-05-11 18:15:56  8楼
Mr DJ tell us something about superSG?People are always very skeptical about this gentleman, why? Kelvin
sorry, only the information commonly known to others can I say
others, I should keep silent
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作者:kelvin (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:763) 发表:2004-05-11 20:36:45  9楼
sorry, only the information commonly known to others can I sayothers, I should keep silent
Oops...I swear never ask about other people's business again...
Anyway, sometimes they mistake me with him, thats why I want to know.


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