招一名 Speech and Audio processing R&D Engineer (Part-time/full time)
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作者:Leereg (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2013-09-23 20:03:04  楼主  关注此帖
招一名 Speech and Audio processing R&D Engineer (Part-time/full time)

(Part-time/full time) Speech and Audio processing R&D Engineer

Education Requirements Master's degree with 3 plus years of relevant industrial experience ideal.
PhD degree in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in digital signal processing/speech processing/audio signal
processing preferred. In-depth understanding of two or more of the areas mentioned above in addition to:
1) Deep understanding of fundamentals applied to speech and/or music .
2) Expertise in signal processing techniques including signal modeling, spectral analysis,
statistical signal processing, speech/audio perception, adaptive filter theory, noise suppression,
independent component analysis and signal enhancement.
3) Skills/Experience in a windows/UNIX development environment and matlab/C/C++ required .
4) PR or Singapore citizen

Please contact: Dr. Debroah Huang email: huangDOTdongyanATyahooDOTcomDOTsg HP: 92962798
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