Financial Risk Manager and Professional Risk Manager
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作者:本贴应该删 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:17) 发表:2005-04-04 17:12:39  楼主  关注此帖
Financial Risk Manager and Professional Risk Manager
求教:FRM (Financial Risk Manager)& PRM(Professional Risk Manager) 比较及问题

FRM ( )1门共$500每年一次11月考,有年费,Schweser有复习资料

PRM ( )4 门共$395(CFA Charter Holder免2门

求教:不知它们在行内的声誉如何? and how to get the relevant notes for preparing the exam? what is the use of the two exams?
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作者:本贴应该删 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:17) 发表:2005-04-06 11:18:57  2楼
FRM materials
Through the internet search, I found there is the useful website Is there anyone who want to take the 2005 exam. Could we buy the material together by the above websie?
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