HOLA!!!!!!!!!AMIGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!Happy CNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hey yo ppl.dont knoe how many of ya stil recognize me.Wel,4 those who dont,go ask yo seniors,let em tel ya mah story as a friggin' joke.ya knoe who i am,y'all should knoe who da fug i aaaaam.
Mah main ID wuz lost,damn.But suprisingly diz one still got thru.
Miss y'all .Life in NUS wuz part of mah memory.CSC games iz comin' up.wish yo guyz gals especially those who involved in em basketball match !hav fun and a happy CNY.
Juz decided,I ain't gon B back cuz im rah now
doin' gud.Graduated,makin' bucks.getin' mah nu hommiez ,hoes,mah dope,mah doe.Rite.Juz like some of ya think.usin' mah talent,realisin' mah dream.
So,fellaz out dea.Work hard ,play hard.gettin' life like yo should.
peace out.alloyo.
哈哈, 半夜显灵了
尽情的爽吧, 老了就没得爽了T_T
天下英雄, 忠直豪杰言无隐, 志垂日月保江山,
古今八风吹不动天地月, 改尽这江山昔旧,
自古人生谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。