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作者:好人买好股 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:290) 发表:2017-10-16 13:08:50  楼主  关注此帖
很佩服山人的手笔和勇气大概是相信AM的CEO?或者根本就是内部人? 下面是审计的观点: Alliance Mineral Assets Limited filed its Annual on Oct 05, 2017 for the period ending Jun 30, 2017. In this report its auditor, Ernst & Young LLP, gave an unqualified opinion expressing doubt that the company can continue as a going concern. 目前是背水一战吗? 其实我不该多说,讨人嫌啊,我既不看多,也不看空, 看基本面选股,看技术面操作 酒浆
E&Y后半句是:The company(AM) will need to raise more funds during the final quarter of 2017 to meet its committed and planned capex (capital expenditure) for its Bald Hill project, and for general working capital, the auditor said. 意思就是加入可以继续吸引外部投资,融资拿到钱少就还可以继续经营下去.
NetNet诚可贵,成长价更高,市场若疯狂,两者皆可抛。 https://gentlemanbuysvaluestock.wordpress.com/
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作者:好人买好股 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:290) 发表:2017-10-16 15:32:16  2楼
2周翻倍啊不算疯涨,重要是并没有业绩基础啊 -现金净流出, 亏损扩大, 新的合同没见明显增长, 股价突涨的基础是什么?
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