bring along the old passport with you
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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6859) 发表:2005-09-03 21:44:01  楼主  关注此帖评分:
护照换新-原有的其它国家签证怎么办?有换过护照的朋友传授一下经验?多谢! (听说其它国家是允许同时持有新旧两本护照,这样原有的签证还可以继续使用)
bring along the old passport with you
if any of the visas on it are still in use

Note: the old passport is important. For anything you signed up using your old passport number, until you update with your new number, you still have to use old passport to identify yourself.

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作者:simon (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:6859) 发表:2005-09-04 19:48:36  2楼
谢谢!这样表示我们可以同时持有新旧两本护照了?那旧护照什么时候需要还给大使馆呢?还是不需要还? 谢谢!
no need return. there is "CANCELLED" seal on it
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