套装是: US155, Clarisonic Pro Deluxe model, 2 brushes (one fro sensitive skin and one for body therapy), each set is coming with a Clarisonic mesh travel bag.
另外买刷子是每个US10 (four kinds of brushes available: normal, sensitive, delicate and body)
套装是: US155, Clarisonic Pro Deluxe model, 2 brushes (one fro sensitive skin and one for body therapy), each set is coming with a Clarisonic mesh travel bag.
另外买刷子是每个US10 (four kinds of brushes available: normal, sensitive, delicate and body)
圣诞节快乐!!有最新更新~~好消息是:已经有9个包裹送往vpost了,其中有14套pro和10套pink mia
2)pink mia的套装严重不足: 据卖家说,现在clarisonic公司非常非常严格的控制卖出的PINK Mia套装,一次进货不能超过10套mia. 现在卖家已经将他手头的mia都先卖我们了。可是还得再进至少2次货。所以mm们还得耐心等待等待。
3)pink mia的价格有所调高:上次他给我价格时候说10套以上是110美金。可是我后来查看账单时发现他还是多收了每套3美金作为运费, 跟我说there will be a shipping charge for the Mia's of $3.00 per Mia as I did not include it in the total price originally because I forgot that you do not pay for shipping on your orders。我只好不停问她怎么能多收我这3元,她回答说实在是profit很少,不能再低了,主要是因为现在进货很难,可能还得通过其他代理去买,所以她也没办法再低了。