without saying, my vote to 陈茗芳. :)
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-16 20:27:59  21楼
This year players in total much more stronger than last year and .....

this should be the best pairings by computer software.

Of course with total of 10 players, Round Robin System of 9 rounds could be used if all players are informed.
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-16 20:29:37  22楼
最后一轮会遇到的。如果真的遇不到,就期待其他选手把张玥砍掉 然后查对手分,婉妮胜出
Round 6 is the last round lah ......
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-16 20:44:12  23楼
呃。。。但是章程上面是 7轮 或许后来改了,如果真的是这样,那么也只能说: 好吧,张玥和婉妮运气都挺衰的
Yes, better to plan with more rounds in the rules .......

e.g. if starting with 9 rounds planning for ladies, then just use Round Robin System for 10 players.

Since the existing rules with 7 rounds, usually you only can plan with same or less rounds and not more rounds as some of the players may not free to play for the additional round(s).
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-16 21:03:21  24楼
让下一任的理事来探讨这个课题吧!!! 我个人认为,从制度上来解决这个问题,只能治标,不能治本。要澈底解决这个问题,必须从棋手们的思想着手。 我个人的思想是:如果我放水让一个不够资格的棋手进入前三甲,让他代表国家出赛时丢人现眼,那我将有愧于国家。棋手们应该明白,放水让友人夺标,不只是两个人的事,那是国家大事。放水让友人在国际赛出丑,对朋友,对国家,你良心过意得去吗?另外,别人放水让你夺标,和你用钱向别人买奖牌一样,是一件非常可耻的事。希望棋友们,能够明白这个道理。 请祭出你们“亮剑”的精神,不要下假棋!!! 这一次卢国龙虽然不能进入前四名,但我从他下的棋里,看到了他那股强烈求胜的“亮剑”精神!!!
agree to 必须从棋手们的思想着手。
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-17 00:14:15  25楼
今天,从棋人生那里得知X+1制度的运作方式,个人觉得值得考虑采用!!! 我相信本届新上任的赛务主任陈茂然君会对这个制度予与重视,分析其利弊,然后考虑是否能在来年的全国赛,实行这个新的制度!!!
when could we know the SIXGA New EXCO Appointments .....
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-17 08:54:58  26楼 评分:
The two issues -- 8 + 1 and Round Robin for Ladies ....

if you have followed these two issues in 悟入棋途 closely, you might notice that I suggested these two changes just before the competition started but the schedule has covered 7 + 2 and only up to 7 rounds for ladies as indicated.

You may need at least 3 years or 3 times to try out a new system, as mentioned, 无三不成书.

In Bishan, we plan to use 3 years to try out 会员分级循环赛曁棋艺水平单一分级制, we are happy with the results from the last two years and all 2007 rules without change (2007 rules were amended from 2006 rules) will be used the third time in 2008/2009 会员分级循环赛 so that we are able to suggest further changes if any to 棋艺水平单一分级制 in 2009/2010.

The question should not be on why someone is not the 1st or Top 3 or Top 4 or Top 8, but more on whether we are having a better and better system, unless there are people willing to come out to help to implement the changes otherwise all will be just sitting around and the same system will be used in 2009, 2010, 2011 .......

x+1 method for Groups A & B and Round Robin for Ladies may not be the best systems due to the schedule etc, personally 分级循环赛 could be used for ladies if there are more than 10 players. If we are looking for Top 3 only, then either 分级循环赛 or 分组循环赛 is ok.
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-17 10:57:48  27楼
As usual, except 曹子航 and me, the other six 乙级 are .......

As usual, except 曹子航 and me, the other six 乙级 are still in the race with 黄荣岳 and 梁文杰 leading the way .......


获公开A组冠军;或亚军/ 季军达三次者,颁予象棋大师称号。


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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-17 11:06:45  28楼
几个主要职位由新人担任!!! 第一秘书长:康德荣 第二秘书长:苏盈盈 赛务主任 :陈茂然 副主任 :王绍祖 学务主任 :吕瑞展 正财政 :黎德义
aiyah, show us the complete list including you lah, why feel shy ?
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-18 12:27:06  29楼
当对手要刻意和你下盘和棋时!!! 当你成为众矢之的时,对手们要刻意和你下盘和棋,你的棋就难下了。对吕瑞展那盘棋,你局面占优,由于你不想下和,才会超时输棋。对刘郁兴,你局面只是微优,但由于不能再和,你充份发挥出高度的中残水平,最后在很难胜的情况下,终于下胜了这盘棋,很令我敬佩。 今年,你,吴宗翰与卢国龙,大家都猜测你们三人会进入三甲。因此,对手们都纷纷“以和为贵”,想与你下盘和棋,增加了你们赢棋的难度。 名次其次,重要的是棋要下得好,下得精彩。 我前几天发表了十多年前我战胜参赛棋手的对局。昨天有位棋手问我:“为什么我只登我胜他的对局,不登我输他的对局?”我回答他:“至今我只和你下过一盘棋,那里有你胜我的对局?”他想了一会,才回答:“是呵!”当然,其他的棋手,也有胜过我!我发表这些棋局的目的,不是在炫耀自己,当年他们还年轻,我战胜他们并不希奇,主要的目的是让棋友们看看当年他们的棋艺水平,十多年后,他们和我一样,没有放弃象棋,不断的努力奋战,终于达到今天的水平,相信现在,我已经不是他们的对手。 不要失望,来日方长,还有机会!也千万要记住:“名次其次,”最重要的是:“下棋要发挥求胜的亮剑精神,下出 (more...)
"彼此放分下假棋的棋手,他们污辱了象棋。" -- strongly agreed !!!
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-18 16:15:09  30楼 评分:
几个主要职位由新人担任!!! 第一秘书长:康德荣 第二秘书长:苏盈盈 赛务主任 :陈茂然 副主任 :王绍祖 学务主任 :吕瑞展 正财政 :黎德义
hear-say, the full list ...... please refer to the official list later.
Sorry if I have provided the wrong information here .....

Appointments in 31st SIXGA EXCO Committee

Chairman Lim Kwan How
1st Vice Chairman Neo Bock Kwee
2nd Vice Chairman Ong Eng Chye
Secretary General Kng Ter Yong
1st Deputy Secretary Soh Ying Ying
2nd Deputy Secretary 颜裕泰
Treasurer Lai Teck Ngee
Deputy Treasurer 洪顺利
Chairman Tournament Chan Mau Yin
Deputy Chairman Tournament Ong Siew Chor
Chairman Qualification 陈添华
Chairman Study 吕瑞展
Chairman Publication 王白安
Committee Member Wong Heng Nam
Committee Member Tan Tuan Seng
Committee Member Tang Soon Kwang
Committee Member Goh Test Soon

Account Auditor

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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-18 23:58:23  31楼
if I get 9 连负 in 2008, then I can have a few plans ..... (1) to have closed door training for 3 years before say 2011 (after 60 years old) National Open at SIXGA; (2) it should be easier for me to get better result in 2009 or 2010 at Boon Lay; (3) to look for some numbers and buy TOTO now.... :D
八连负 now, do you like to see 9 连负 ? If yes, please .......

八连负 now, do you like to see 9 连负 ? If yes, please come to support on Thursday. :D
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-19 09:47:24  32楼
经过4个小时的苦战,卷心菜的这一盘成为了第8轮最晚结束的一盘。这一盘斗到了马炮双仕对马炮单士,双方仍然遵循着棋一生大哥所倡导的精神,继续战斗。 最终双仕方侥幸获胜。
卷心菜, you are doing well, luckily you turned up for Round 8 ......
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-19 13:45:01  33楼
Yes, I made some special arrangement.My boss was back to Singapore last night at 8pm which was exactly the time of round 8. My boss didn't the room key. However, I made some special arrangement and left the key at a special place so that my boss can easily find. With this, finally I can complete all 9 rounds. Still, sad to see only 25 tables left in div B.
if all 50 Group B players could turn up tonight is considered as very very good
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2008-06-20 15:56:31  34楼
Sorry to those tuened up last night to see 9 连负......... just joking. Of course all of you wanted to watch those games played by the top players. :) May be, since 八连负 could be a record, we could keep 9 连负 for another year to create. :P
joke aside, if I really want to join the next time, I need to do some ......
joke aside, if I really want to join 全国赛 the next time, I need to do some preparation, heard that 吕大侠 started the preparation as early as in Apr 2008 ......
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