至于该选什么地图,当然是比赛用的地图好啦。。(反正我喜欢)。但是考虑到楼下的NUS的兄弟们的帖子,似乎nuke cbble prodigy inferno这样的地图没有iceworld dust 受欢迎。其实我觉得,反正大家打cs也不是一天两天的。稍微花点时间,多熟悉熟悉比赛用地图,总比每天在dust 和dust 2里跑来跑去来的爽。(就好比你打hero3,选最简单难度,不用费什么力气就把整个地图clear了,你的兵力总是敌人的10倍以上。这样玩儿有什么意思呢?)不要总是拿“我是菜鸟,我只会打dust 和ice”来做挡箭牌,那样你只会越来越菜!
train inferno (这两个地图土匪进攻路线非常多,很适合很多人打。而且双方都很难集体camp,适合public server)像dust那样,一边守着一个洞,到点了也没人出来,打个P啊。。
dust2 aztec (经典老图,必选)
snow (ice放大版,穿插在中间,调节调节)
fy其他地图 (如果只有一个server,最好多放点正规的map。两个server倒是可以考虑一个正式的,一个funny map)
cbble inferno (比较 (more...)
iceworld is popular, because most of us are amateurs, not professionals.
train, prodigy and cbble might not be suitable for few players.
inferno and nuke are also larger, but they don't have so many dark areas and the structure is not so complex. Just as what is said above, you will find nuke is really a good map.
iceworld is popular, because most of us are amateurs, not professionals.
train, prodigy and cbble might not be suitable for few players.
inferno and nuke are also larger, but they don't have so many dark areas and the structure is not so complex. Just as what is said above, you will find nuke is really a good map.