不知道为什么大家都去申请银行-选择career需要三思如果说high pay,投资银行并不是唯一的选择,而且life span短,压力大,工作强度大,很容易被淘汰,除非你做得很好。可是很少有看到做投行做到五六十的,当然不排除有一些存够了钱退休的,可是大部分的呢?受不了工作压力,频繁的travel,命好的退到一些大的MNC里面的finance department。
欧美的investment bank同样competitive,大部分的大学毕业生都在学business and finance,欧美的engineering sector 严重缺人,所以如果看看他们的salary range就知道,engineer是远远高于investment banker的,而且principle engineer or lead engineer的年薪可达百万,(虽然这个数字不能跟在美国做医生的比)但也算不错的中产阶级了。
consulting firm, media firm 也是比较高压力的工作,工资高,travel多,虽说可以短时间内可以聚敛财富,接触到上流社会,可是看看"devil wear Prada",那样的生活又有多大的意义呢?
我觉得大家还是应该从自己兴趣出发,设立长远目标,不要怕少工资,工作时间长,最重要的是每一天是有意义的,充实的,自己热爱的,特长得到发挥的。Career 毕竟不只是个 job. :D
想自己开公司的人就最好不要在consulting firm高薪职位上待 (more...)
agree that career is not just money. but you need to get the facts right.
an average first year associate, note just an average one, gets between US$200-300k per year. And i don't believe an average engineer gets even close.
on the other hand, yes i-bankers works long hours and overnight is frequent. so it's definitely not a decent job for young girls, especially if you care more about your beaufy and health.
an average first year associate, note just an average one, gets between US$200-300k per year. And i don't believe an average engineer gets even close.
on the other hand, yes i-bankers works long hours and overnight is frequent. so it's definitely not a decent job for young girls, especially if you care more about your beaufy and health.