今天去看牙医,被建议拔智齿,一颗牙齿居然要价 800!!当时就觉得,我牙齿好值钱阿!
据医生描述,拔下面的大牙旁边的支持是一个复杂的拔牙过程,所以要价比较高,800。上面的比较简单,只需要200。。。。 汗!
大家长智齿都是怎么处理的阿?等他长,还是拔了算了? 你们拔牙多少钱呢?
If you get the surgery done in Alexandra
hospital, it will cost you only ~450, you can ask for the department head, she is very good.
You can pay the entire cost using MediSave, then you would not need to pay cash at all...
It's better to take it out early, b'cos it might affect the molar next to it...
You can pay the entire cost using MediSave, then you would not need to pay cash at all...
It's better to take it out early, b'cos it might affect the molar next to it...