【幸福育儿】警示:家住bukit panjang的妈妈们
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作者:西门飘飘 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:672) 发表:2019-06-29 22:09:57  楼主  关注此帖
【幸福育儿】警示:家住bukit panjang的妈妈们

请不要带你的孩子去这间24小时诊所 prohealth .

本月23日星期日,我1岁的儿子因为前天晚上腹泻,而熟悉的家庭医生又周日休息,在网上查到了这一家在bukit panjang 老巴刹旁边的24小时诊所,抱着儿子前往。

回家后把药拿出来,先把外用的药加水冲淡给孩子洗屁股 然后准备给孩子喂药,仔细一看,觉得奇怪,为什么2种退烧药呢?而且照护士说的,要2种退烧药轮着来,发烧退了38度还要用另外一种退烧药。明明是腹泻,却没有给任何停止腹泻的药。紫色药水通常是用在外伤的情况下,为什么我儿子没有外伤还要给他开这个药呢?

之前去polyclinc打预防针,也会给退烧药,也会交代37度半以下就不用再给药了,那种益生菌以前女儿7个月的时候腹泻,也有医生开过,是1天3次,每次1包,但是这个医生让我们1天2次,每次半包。回想起那个医生让人不舒服的态度,本能的没有用他开的药,而是用了polyclinc 给的退烧药 给了儿子1次5ml,和之前女儿腹泻医生开的药粉。


1,Brufen Syrup is indicated for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or Still's disease), ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and other non-rheumatoid (seronegative) arthropathies.

In the treatment of non-articular rheumatic conditions, Brufen Syrup is indicated in peri-articular conditions such as frozen shoulder (capsulitis), bursitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis and low back pain; Brufen Syrup can also be used in soft-tissue injuries such as sprains and strains.

Brufen Syrup is also indicated for its analgesic effect in the relief of mild to moderate pain such as dysmenorrhoea, dental and post-operative pain and for symptomatic relief of headache including migraine headache.

Brufen Syrup is indicated in short-term use for the treatment of pyrexia in children over one year of age.


3,For the treatment of mild to moderate pain, including headache, migraine, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat, period pains, aches and pains.

For the reduction of fever and to be used as an adjunctive treatment to relieve symptoms of cold and flu.

4,What is potassium permanganate?

Potassium permanganate is a common chemical compound that combines manganese oxide ore with potassium hydroxide.
What does it treat?

When applied to your skin, potassium permanganate kills germs by releasing oxygen when it meets compounds in your skin. It also acts as an astringent, which is a drying agent

Some of the conditions that potassium permanganate can help treat include:

Infected eczema. If you have eczema with blisters, potassium permanganate can help to dry them out.

Open and blistering wounds. Potassium permanganate is used as a wet dressing for wounds on your skin’s surface that are blistered or oozing pus.

Athlete’s foot and impetigo. Potassium permanganate can help to treat both bacterial and fungal skin infections such as athlete’s foot and impetigo.
各位妈妈请看,这些药对于1个刚满1岁,昨晚才开始腹泻的幼儿合适吗? <!--/data/user/0/com.samsung.android.app.notes/files/clipdata/clipdata_190629_220706_515.sdoc-->

该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2019-06-30 22:00:01。
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作者:西门飘飘 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:672) 发表:2019-06-30 16:08:55  2楼
【幸福育儿】警示:家住bukit panjang的妈妈们请不要带你的孩子去这间24小时诊所 prohealth . 本月23日星期日,我1岁的儿子因为前天晚上腹泻,而熟悉的家庭医生又周日休息,在网上查到了这一家在bukit panjang 老巴刹旁边的24小时诊所,抱着儿子前往。 进去看了医生,跟医生说了儿子前晚腹泻的症状,1天总共拉了3次,医生说正常,这时儿子伸手去碰医生桌上的东西,医生一把拍在桌上,说不要碰。我说,不好意思,他才刚满1岁,听不懂你在说什么,那个医生说,1岁了还不会说话要带去检查哦。我说会说简单的,还不会像大人一样说话,医生说,我是指跟同龄人比说话慢要去检查。接着医生用耳温枪往儿子耳朵一贴,告诉我儿子发烧38度半,说要吃退烧药,发烧会导致颠疯,然后我们就出去拿药了。2个内服的,1个益生菌,1个外用的,护士交代了药的用法我们就回家了。 回家后把药拿出来,先把外用的药加水冲淡给孩子洗屁股 然后准备给孩子喂药,仔细一看,觉得奇怪,为什么2种退烧药呢?而且照护士说的,要2种退烧药轮着来,发烧退了38度还要用另外一种退烧药。明明是腹泻,却没有给任何停止腹泻的药。紫色药水通常是用在外伤的情况下,为什么我儿子没有外伤还要给他开这个药呢? 之前去polyclinc打预防针,也 (more...)
我是新手妈妈(twins),我的两个孩子的确在1岁以前没有给他们吃过药,除了女儿在7个月有过腹泻,通过贴肚脐和给益生菌,2,3天也恢复了。现在看来我们真的是遇到一个非常好的家庭医生,给了我们最好的意见让他们顺利度过first year,可能是因为两个医生明显的对比,让我觉得给这么小的孩子镇痛退烧的药物无法接受。作为保护孩子的心情发的这个帖子,既然是合理范围,那也就不说了,不再去这家诊所就是。
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