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作者:毒鼠强 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:5530) 发表:2009-07-25 17:53:49  楼主  关注此帖
祝你平安!送你一首Enya的歌 很喜欢这首歌,所以动手搞了一个四不像的中文版,将就看~ Marble Halls I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls 我梦华堂 With vassels and serfs at my side, 侍从随旁 And of all who assembled within those walls 宾客满座 That I was the hope and the pride. 沐我荣光 I had riches all too great to count 拥财万贯 And a high ancestral name. 家名远扬 But I also dreamt which pleased me most 我心却望 That you loved me still the same, 你我久长 That you loved me 我心只望 You loved me still the same, 你我久长 That you loved me 我心但望 You loved me still the same. 你我久长 I dreamt that suitors sought my hand, 我梦嘉客 That knights upon bended knee 苦求芳泽 And with vows no maiden's heart could withstand, 誓言信信 They pledged their faith to me. 凡女失魄 And I dreamt that one of that noble host 堂上主人 Came forth my hand to claim. 葇夷亦索 But I also dreamt which charmed me most 我心却望 That you loved me still the same 你我久长 That you loved me 我心只望 You loved me still the same, 你我久长 That you (more...)
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