今天去看牙医,被建议拔智齿,一颗牙齿居然要价 800!!当时就觉得,我牙齿好值钱阿!
据医生描述,拔下面的大牙旁边的支持是一个复杂的拔牙过程,所以要价比较高,800。上面的比较简单,只需要200。。。。 汗!
大家长智齿都是怎么处理的阿?等他长,还是拔了算了? 你们拔牙多少钱呢?
can't input chinese, don't know why
You can try A Dental surgury. It's cheap and the service is good
I and my husband have followed their survice for several years.
Their address is:
APT Blk 431 #01-324, Clementi Avenue 3, Singapore 120431
Tel: 67761675
One of my labmate had the same situation as you and only costed less than 100 dollars!
You can try A Dental surgury. It's cheap and the service is good
I and my husband have followed their survice for several years.
Their address is:
APT Blk 431 #01-324, Clementi Avenue 3, Singapore 120431
Tel: 67761675
One of my labmate had the same situation as you and only costed less than 100 dollars!