急问,电脑开不了机...刚刚开机的时候,插座那边冒了下火花,然后电脑就开不了机了.主板好像也没有电源.请问是电源出了问题?还是主板.怎么检查?(另外没有闻到什么焦味,估计不是主板短路造成的) 谢谢!
is ur mainboard light on? (the small green one)
if not, ur MB or your powersupply down.
Get another set of machine for testing, and i suggest
u uninstall the cpu, coz sometimes for cpu and mb, they kill each other ^_^
if not, ur MB or your powersupply down.
Get another set of machine for testing, and i suggest
u uninstall the cpu, coz sometimes for cpu and mb, they kill each other ^_^