吐槽, 关于读phd本科毕业来了两年了,感觉整个人越来越抑郁,总是濒临崩溃。
导师对我也很不满意,说你得不断的surprise me, 得有好的ideas。我感觉到他对我很失望,而且也越来越没有耐心。我对自己也丧失了所有的信心,整个人都没有了这个年纪该有的朝气。
open your mind
Think freely , do not let anything to limit your imagination.
You are not clever than others while others are not clever than you.
Find out root cause of the issues and fix it.
That is it.
You are not clever than others while others are not clever than you.
Find out root cause of the issues and fix it.
That is it.