所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2014-12-08 13:35  评分:

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You must love your job as a maid because it is important to my family and also supports your family in Philippines.
Home cleanliness, food hygiene, child health&safety will all be your responsibility. When things happen, don’t ever say "I don’t know".
Be honest and do not lie or steal.
No privacy beyond rest hours.
No cellphone
Always standby beyond rest hours.
Two quick showers a day.
There is no "your room". We wont bother rest hours if nothing is urgent. So always answer when someone knocks door.
Always be proactive.
Always smile and know when to say"Bye,Sir/Ma'am; Hi, Sir/Ma'am"; "Ok, I understand", "Sure, I will do it",….
Always talk to us, always ask anything that you do not know clearly.
Do not tell other about our address.
Baby 's room door must be open when you should not be sleeping.
Room doors is not allowed to be locked.
Be polite and courteous. Be hospitable to any guests.

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同求中介联系方式!谢谢。 奥特曼打小怪兽   (0 bytes , 28reads )
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