所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2012-10-31 12:19

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We must understand that
making good choices is
like any other activity:
It has to be learned.

All loving parents face essentially the same
challenge: raising children who have their
heads on straight and will have a good
chance to make it in the big world. Every
sincere mom and dad strives to attain this
goal. We must equip our darling offspring to
make the move from total dependence on us
to independence, from being controlled by us
to controlling themselves.

As parents, this means we must allow for
failures and help our kids make the most of
them during their elementary school days,
when the price tags are still reasonable.

The cost of learning how to live in our world
is growing up daily. The price a child pays
today to learn about
friendships, school,
learning, commitment,
decision making, and
responsibility is the
cheapest it will ever be.

The older a child gets,
the bigger the decisions
become and the graver
the consequences of those decisions. Little
children can make many mistakes at
affordable prices. Usually all they’re out
are some temporary pain and a few tears.
Yet those prices are too high for some
parents. They protect. They reason, “I love
him. I don’t want little Johnny to learn the
hard way.”

True, it’s painful to watch our kids learn
through natural consequences or, as we like
to call them, significant learning opportunities
(SLOs). But that pain is part of the price we
must pay to raise responsible kids.

The challenge of parenting is to love kids
enough to allow them to fail—to stand back,
however painful it may be, and let SLOs
build our children.

To help our children gain responsibility, we
must offer them opportunities to be responsible.
That’s the key. Parents who raise responsible
kids spend very little time and energy
worrying about their kids’ responsibilities;
they worry more about how to let the children
encounter SLOs for the irresponsibility. They
are involved with their kids, certainly,
lovingly using good judgment as to when
their children are ready to learn the next level
of life’s lessons. But they don’t spend their
time reminding them or worrying for them.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
你是否接受你的孩子' 平庸 '? 清尘   (79 bytes , 2195reads )
为什么不接受呢?天生我才必有用 yuanmoon   (219 bytes , 129reads )
咳咳,十分平庸的我,不对孩子做太高要求。。。 sunnysunnyrain   (498 bytes , 126reads )
Me2 emma   (399 bytes , 139reads )
自己的孩子无论怎样都得接受。 789456   (74 bytes , 146reads )
拒绝平庸,从我做起。 哈哈 king   (19 bytes , 194reads )
我觉得king说得最实在拉。。哈哈。。 watercooler   (56 bytes , 157reads )
实实在在的做人。 哈哈 king   (0 bytes , 130reads )
回复 清尘   (150 bytes , 155reads )
浪浪可是明星。。。 watercooler   (32 bytes , 93reads )
平庸不是我门定义的. king   (46 bytes , 114reads )
不平庸的同时还要显得didn't try too hard... niumum   (0 bytes , 108reads )
回复 清尘   (223 bytes , 126reads )
第一种就可以了。。。 watercooler   (81 bytes , 119reads )
赞同mm的选择。 清尘   (20 bytes , 124reads )
我觉得还是李云迪比较朴实。 哈哈 king   (0 bytes , 94reads )
偶还是觉得张昊辰比较好。。。 watercooler   (40 bytes , 114reads )
李云迪貌似是基佬。。。 niumum   (10 bytes , 268reads )
李云迪不是跟周杰伦也合作哈。 watercooler   (27 bytes , 103reads )
李云迪跟我说他喜欢汤唯 king   (0 bytes , 123reads )
我觉得这是教育方法的问题 ellinlin   (73 bytes , 148reads )
你是否接受你孩子的性向? niumum   (125 bytes , 190reads )
回复:牛妈 清尘   (82 bytes , 142reads )
不接受也得接受啊 dengyizhen   (240 bytes , 110reads )
我估计他爸会说不配做人还不如人道毁灭算了。 fkcc   (0 bytes , 87reads )
不得不说,很多不平庸的都是同性恋 niumum   (20 bytes , 108reads )
咳,我估计他爸会说不会被传承的基因自己再好死了也是个烂基因。 fkcc   (180 bytes , 109reads )
宝爹说的有一定道理,不过 mimy   (92 bytes , 110reads )
哎玛呀,把我笑死了。 fkcc   (0 bytes , 130reads )
弱问笑点在哪儿? niumum   (0 bytes , 114reads )
"基因突变"啊。 fkcc   (0 bytes , 117reads )
打扁,没说的。哈哈 king   (0 bytes , 114reads )
我能接受,并且会祝福他们/她们 Chelseann   (0 bytes , 122reads )
囧囧囧~ deepPurple   (36 bytes , 148reads )
我一直觉得:读书不是唯一的出路 凡人   (1368 bytes , 255reads )
握手,顶最后几句话 whywhy   (547 bytes , 158reads )
如果我的娃是女孩,我希望她找个好老公。。。 sunnysunnyrain   (227 bytes , 110reads )
mm这么漂亮,娃娃一定会很帅的。 whywhy   (38 bytes , 105reads )
回复 清尘   (118 bytes , 123reads )
没想到姐姐都赞成我这个的观点 whywhy   (323 bytes , 93reads )
凡人姐姐的话多中肯啊。 sunnylau2   (96 bytes , 132reads )
最后这段+1 Jane珍   (450 bytes , 143reads )
其实有一阵子我也这样想。觉得自己以前读书好也是傻读。。没出息。 watercooler   (83 bytes , 133reads )
平庸是指什么方面? deepPurple   (622 bytes , 142reads )
多大的孩子,能喊出让我过自己的生活? 走走   (847 bytes , 136reads )
所以这个就是我要决定的。。。 watercooler   (177 bytes , 132reads )
我觉得吧 -_-||   (109 bytes , 177reads )
有国大南大上就不能算平庸了 skywood_01   (176 bytes , 144reads )
“你是否接受你的孩子' 平庸 '?” 清尘   (932 bytes , 121reads )
我也有类似经历 行至水穷处   (4178 bytes , 180reads )
MM真是超级有耐心啊,不过孩子上幼儿园受挫确实后果很严重 凡人   (2086 bytes , 170reads )
过奖过奖 行至水穷处   (76 bytes , 137reads )
回复 清尘   (606 bytes , 128reads )
mm的女儿应该都上中学了把。。。 watercooler   (18 bytes , 108reads )
不厚道地说,你家老人的事儿可真多啊。你也够有耐心的。 盛港花儿   (0 bytes , 132reads )
美眉的语言文字学造诣真是…… 行至水穷处   (68 bytes , 176reads )
回复 清尘   (87 bytes , 97reads )
。。好多字啊。。手机满屏了。。先mark一会看,呵呵 skiifans   (0 bytes , 124reads )
偶小的时候就对自己说 watercooler   (173 bytes , 135reads )
据说那些容易做出错误决定的孩子,就是从小什么都让家长决定没有机会自己做决定 niumum   (2145 bytes , 124reads )
顾问性家长 niumum   (754 bytes , 150reads )
我觉得象牛妈这样的。。 watercooler   (348 bytes , 153reads )
你是说我转载的这样吧。。。 niumum   (78 bytes , 99reads )
我的意思是,牛妈你花这么多精力,就是好妈妈。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 106reads )
知易行难 niumum   (90 bytes , 114reads )
说实话,其实是我自己在玩。。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 80reads )
平庸不好界定。来点容易判断的标准吧。 走走   (730 bytes , 113reads )
我也常常在思考,我们的父辈究竟做对了什么 niumum   (26 bytes , 116reads )
moral value education... watercooler   (42 bytes , 125reads )
这几天关于PSLE考试制度的讨论 niumum   (308 bytes , 153reads )
平庸包括: 清尘   (216 bytes , 173reads )
我觉得吧,娃们尽力了就行, 能走多远不强求 skiifans   (31 bytes , 99reads )
我全部接受 行至水穷处   (566 bytes , 182reads )
接受孩子的平庸不代表孩子以后的生活就平庸,不接受孩子的平庸却可能后患无穷 行至水穷处   (634 bytes , 135reads )
没错! niumum   (223 bytes , 126reads )
第一的话我接受,其他的就得探讨下是为什么了,态度很关键呀。 盛港花儿   (0 bytes , 109reads )
同意 niumum   (1838 bytes , 190reads )