Never think that you will have no milk. Engorgement and blocked ducts on breast are very common in today’s society. There is a difference between engorgement and clogged duct. You will feel almost your whole breast swollen if it's engorgement which is caused by expanding veins and the pressure of new milk. A clogged duct is a localized blockage of milk and you can literally feel each lump when you massage your breasts, and sometimes the skin above the lumps will look pink and feel warmer too.
Our TCM Post-Natal TuiNa focuses on helping to prevent or handle engorgement and clogged duct in breasts and make it better breastfeeding for the loved baby. Others include:
Assist in weight loss.
Restoration of the uterus to its normal state.
Relieve soreness and stiffness after childbirth.
Price enquiry, please call--6618 2605