Are ECs a better long-term investment than condos?
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2016-02-26 08:52

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OrangeTee study suggests they are, and makes a case for executive condos as an investment home

By Lee Meixian @LeeMeixianBT

PRICES of executive condominiums (ECs) do catch up with private condos after the initial five-year minimum occupation period (MOP), and even more so when they are fully privatised 10 years after purchase.

A study by OrangeTee has found that the average price gap between new condos and ECs starts at around 20 per cent, due to the sales restrictions that apply to ECs, as well as their lower land and construction costs.

But upon fulfilling the MOP and at privatisation, the discount narrows to 9 per cent and 5 per cent respectively.

At the end of the MOP, ECs can be sold in the open market to Singaporeans and permanent residents; upon privatisation, ECs can be sold to foreigners.

This is not to say that buying an EC is a sure-profit investment, as history shows that much still depends on the initial purchase price.

By matching caveats at 21 EC projects already privatised and analysing their profits made at the end of five and 10 years, the study found that 13 projects made a loss after five years, mostly because they were bought at the boom period before the Asian financial crisis. The remaining eight projects managed gains of over 20 per cent.

But at privatisation, all the EC projects became profitable. How much money owners made depended on the ECs' locational attributes and surrounding supply at the time of sale.

"Based on historical data, first-hand owners of currently privatised ECs are sitting on considerable gains," the report said.

The report also alluded to a trend that The Business Times had highlighted in an article in January - that increased vacancy rates may be a sign that buyers are starting to treat ECs as an investment product, as young-couple EC buyers continue to live with their parents after marriage while waiting for EC prices to re-calibrate over time before they sell.

OrangeTee said this trend is plausible. But its study found something even more surprising. Comparing between buying an EC and a private condo and holding each for 10 years, the report said that the EC could in fact be the better long-term investment due to their higher internal rates of return over 10 years.

This is because of their subsidies and lower prices compared to private condos. Also from year six onwards, entire EC units are allowed to be rented out, and their rentals tend to be on a par with private condos'. This helps to significantly defray their holding costs.

The hypothetical study assumed a 1,100-square-foot EC home bought for S$875,000, and a comparable condo for S$1.09 million.

The hypothetical couple has a household income of S$14,000, with a not very financially prudent loan-to-value of 80 per cent for 25 years at a fixed rate of 2.5 per cent per annum.

Rents for both units are fixed at S$3,000 per month. To simplify matters, other costs such as stamp duties, maintenance fees, and taxes were not considered.

At the end of just five years, the private condo proved to be the better buy, because the EC was not able to offset its monthly mortgage payments with rental income, as regulations forbid renting out the whole unit. This dampened its otherwise stellar capital appreciation.

But once rental restrictions are lifted, the EC quickly outperformed the condo.

Asked if the findings, which support an investment case for ECs, mean that the partly state-subsidised housing designed for the "sandwiched class" home buyer has become irrelevant, OrangeTee's research analyst Celine Chan said no.

"(This is) given the significant price gap between ECs and private condos. ECs provide an affordable option to HDB upgraders or first timers who aspire to achieve a higher standard of living. Though some may plausibly be buying ECs for investment, majority are buying them for their own occupation," she said.


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EC转手能起多少? 西芹妈   (45 bytes , 6393reads )
Are ECs a better long-term investment than condos? solo_estoy   (8495 bytes , 61reads )
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09年后买房最多保值。。而且有风险接盘。 henryYang   (0 bytes , 35reads )
怎么没人说先上EC后上Condo?我觉得比EC liyin   (36 bytes , 103reads )
那就是有钱人了 一米阳光   (152 bytes , 51reads )
买了ec的人很肯定的说 一米阳光   (73 bytes , 98reads )
我有个疑问。 yaxin   (672 bytes , 80reads )
己经买了 西芹妈   (30 bytes , 65reads )
西芹妈   (34 bytes , 71reads )
不是有钱人, yaxin   (534 bytes , 53reads )
关键第一种cash会多很多 五月天   (111 bytes , 43reads )
当然选第一种 逃课专家   (156 bytes , 47reads )
你忘了最重要的人一条 yayayayayaya   (47 bytes , 50reads )
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差不多 一米阳光   (367 bytes , 63reads )
好坏不知道。第一种情况,每月cash不用那么多吧 Copy猫   (39 bytes , 70reads )
预算充足肯定直接上二套公寓啊 umbrellalin   (58 bytes , 47reads )
其实是看budget 一米阳光   (89 bytes , 51reads )
保守来说15-20%,具体的要看大市 DengWei   (0 bytes , 44reads )
歪个楼问下 柴火妞   (58 bytes , 37reads )
谁敢说EC五年后一定能赚15-20%啊 jiatong32   (120 bytes , 81reads )
新加坡的组屋收租金 x4   (41 bytes , 56reads )
恭喜入手那么精美的旗舰组屋! jiatong32   (12 bytes , 45reads )
其实都是炒作出来的 x4   (59 bytes , 35reads )
可以参考周围现有公寓的价格和供应量 DengWei   (0 bytes , 38reads )
周围有很多组屋但EC就这一个 柴火妞   (22 bytes , 36reads )
不如组屋 西芹妈   (70 bytes , 47reads )
你买EC算second timer了吧? 萧萧笑笑   (18 bytes , 77reads )
levy 西芹妈   (42 bytes , 51reads )
假如 西芹妈   (46 bytes , 261reads )
不需要levy的EC还是有的 shinewa163   (0 bytes , 46reads )
地点 西芹妈   (30 bytes , 50reads )
EC地点好并靠近MRT的很少见 shinewa163   (244 bytes , 54reads )
skypark靠近地铁且没有levy 胖头鱼的喵喵   (42 bytes , 56reads )
你买的BTO? 明楼   (0 bytes , 34reads )
目前住的 西芹妈   (57 bytes , 40reads )
如果现金足够,建议直接购买公寓,保留投资回报率较高的祖屋 明楼   (0 bytes , 40reads )
就是没钱 西芹妈   (32 bytes , 100reads )
如果楼主家是双公民 vickychen   (712 bytes , 74reads )
把hdb转给公民是不是需要组屋贷款全部还清阿 五月天   (88 bytes , 92reads )
如果是银行贷款,要还清. vickychen   (401 bytes , 71reads )
西芹妈   (163 bytes , 50reads )
你的房子价格比起你买的时候差不多或涨了,估价不怎么影响贷款 vickychen   (330 bytes , 35reads )
Pr就别搞了。pr出来还要交absd 五月天   (142 bytes , 76reads )
重新估价 西芹妈   (107 bytes , 48reads )
西芹妈   (130 bytes , 59reads )
CPF 利息 vickychen   (86 bytes , 28reads )
接手HDB的那一方申请HDB贷款的条件是 vickychen   (327 bytes , 65reads )
HDB ownship transfer(适用于夫妻) vickychen   (238 bytes , 48reads )
这样你就要好好算算了 明楼   (148 bytes , 40reads )
卖了EC,可以买回二手组屋。 DengWei   (65 bytes , 59reads )
2010年前买的都是赚,现在买bto不会好过EC DengWei   (72 bytes , 69reads )
那我该怎么做 西芹妈   (135 bytes , 53reads )
理想的当然是保留组屋,做hdb transfer ownership, DengWei   (277 bytes , 264reads )
EC 西芹妈   (67 bytes , 77reads )
EC 需要的时间太长了 Hannahzgg   (279 bytes , 50reads )
我想问一下。。您觉得单身申请二房式BTO的 income ceilling 还会继续起吗 Givaudan16   (0 bytes , 41reads )
感觉最近5年都不会,薪水没增加这么快的 DengWei   (0 bytes , 47reads )
25%就不错啦 CrossSG   (0 bytes , 42reads )
没法回答。。。 目测至少50%起 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 32reads )
目前的情况说50%太夸张了! vickychen   (13 bytes , 46reads )
目测楼主希望看到这样的数字, 你懂得 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 38reads )
不要捣乱。 vickychen   (51 bytes , 54reads )
哈哈 vililytan   (118 bytes , 42reads )
楼主问的是EC, 楼上联想过于丰富了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 42reads )
杰伦的票买好了 回家给我报销 Givaudan16   (0 bytes , 38reads )
我是说 vililytan   (20 bytes , 34reads )
EC也是要卖给外国人啊 vililytan   (43 bytes , 38reads )
西芹妈   (43 bytes , 36reads )