所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2008-10-20 22:39

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Singapore citizen households can qualify for the CPF housing grant for family if they are:

Married couples where both are Singapore Citizens; or a Singapore Citizen who marries a Singapore Permanent Resident; or

Fiance-fiancee couples about to get married and are able to produce their marriage certificate, latest by the date of resale completion; or

Widowed or divorced persons with children under their legal custody

21 years old and above

First-timer households: one where all members of the family have not enjoyed a housing subsidy before
A 1st-timer citizen (with a spouse who is a 2nd-timer, ie. has enjoyed a housing subsidy), can apply for half of the grant amount (Half-Housing Grant), if the family meets the eligibility conditions of the CPF Housing Grant Scheme for Family.

Having a gross monthly household income of $8,000 and below. For extended families, the income ceiling is $12,000. If the average monthly household income over the last 2 years is $4,000 and below, they can apply for Additional CPF Housing Grant (AHG) as well, ie. on top of Family Grant.

Not owning any private residential property (including HUDC flat and/or Executive Condominium), house, building or land (whether local or overseas) or have disposed of such properties within 30 months before the resale flat application.

Not buying a 1-room flat or a resale flat (of any flat type) that has been announced for redevelopment under the Selective Enbloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS). Pls click here for the list of SERS sites

Not undischarged bankrupt

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
买房子,请大家来看看提提意见 realtwo   (862 bytes , 2861reads )
贷款能贷80%,按30万四房组屋来说,全算上首期大概需要准备10万,不包括家具家电装修 帝释天   (23 bytes , 604reads )
首付就得要100K啊?不知道什么时候能买房......... 白云山   (0 bytes , 343reads )
80%的贷款, 准备现金23.5% × 300,000 也就是 六万七左右 亢牛有悔   (70 bytes , 510reads )
我的意见 炎鑫   (456 bytes , 916reads )
我在狮城论坛看到过有人说:买了房子拿公民,要拿3w补贴必须和另外一个人换房子。 hula   (0 bytes , 410reads )
我来提供点信息吧(亲自问HDB的) liupeng   (127 bytes , 807reads )
以讹传讹 fyer   (195 bytes , 579reads )
这位大哥啊 四季豆   (132 bytes , 769reads )
是啊,想的真长远呀. 白云山   (0 bytes , 278reads )
惭愧惭愧,实在是刚刚开始考虑这事 realtwo   (54 bytes , 467reads )
如果你不急,可以等等在考虑买房子,总觉得这房价要有点变动,   (80 bytes , 677reads )
你卖的是hdb吗,在哪一带的?还是公寓? yutou   (29 bytes , 406reads )
lakeside一带的condo,房子现在有点有价无市的味道   (0 bytes , 474reads )
lakeshore的价钱现在还是高的离谱阿 yutou   (109 bytes , 681reads )
嗯,这是事实了。 qaz   (90 bytes , 542reads )
看了下面有个帖子讨论房价 realtwo   (164 bytes , 676reads )
97年经济危机,房价垮了,之后有现金在手,从而发达的人很多很多。 大热卖   (22 bytes , 923reads )
心还是不要太贪了。 炎鑫   (237 bytes , 515reads )
运气,我觉得还是个风险控制。。。 realtwo   (146 bytes , 376reads )
这些人发达,不是因为贪念,而是得益于不逆势而为。 大热卖   (0 bytes , 260reads )
呵呵,看过很多热卖兄的帖子 realtwo   (128 bytes , 537reads )
恩,支持,我也是这么想的...... jane_8258   (0 bytes , 268reads )
买房很快的,不用这么早考虑。现在省钱就行了。 树冷   (57 bytes , 625reads )
“省钱”二字如雷贯耳~~~ realtwo   (26 bytes , 495reads )
再不省钱了 fio12345   (92 bytes , 445reads )
顶住好吃好 realtwo   (120 bytes , 374reads )
省个P icky   (128 bytes , 618reads )
不知你是幼稚,曾经受打击过,是超前卫,还是。。。 炎鑫   (315 bytes , 527reads )
这一贴好像有攻击性 icky   (60 bytes , 454reads )
有么?我不觉得阿。真的有,可不是我本意啊,不好意思。 炎鑫   (371 bytes , 366reads )
哈哈哈哈~~~~~ 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 243reads )
但没钱讨不到老婆啊 mkx   (8 bytes , 292reads )
不怕你老婆上华新啊 realtwo   (28 bytes , 348reads )
她贵姓啊? mkx   (0 bytes , 177reads )
哈哈, icky兄好像深有体会啊~~~ realtwo   (35 bytes , 257reads )
估计三年后,你二人薪水已过8K fio12345   (40 bytes , 579reads )
en, 看来3年以后若是能拿到补贴 realtwo   (68 bytes , 440reads )
如果你已经有房了,买房可能无法享受政府补贴 felix   (1570 bytes , 706reads )
没有影响 fyer   (343 bytes , 444reads )
白痴的问:公民买resale hdb也有3w的grant 啊 ? realtwo   (26 bytes , 409reads )
3w的grant只适用于resale,因为新房已经有subsidy,政府不会给双重补助 武汉伢   (2 bytes , 298reads )
那看来还是买resale合算 realtwo   (74 bytes , 293reads )
仔细读了一下 realtwo   (284 bytes , 437reads )
漏了private,HDB不算是private吧?另外 realtwo   (161 bytes , 334reads )
我的中介告诉我,如果有房,需要另行申请subsidy felix   (140 bytes , 336reads )
怪我没说明白 realtwo   (171 bytes , 411reads )
你想得太美了 icky   (81 bytes , 380reads )
ks的再确认一下:2个pr联名买了第一套 realtwo   (125 bytes , 412reads )
只要没拿grant 就是first timer. fio12345   (174 bytes , 356reads )
三应该不成立。新加坡不可以有两套hdb watercooler   (124 bytes , 315reads )
打个电话问问HDB吧,他们应该知道的 icky   (0 bytes , 210reads )
不算 icky   (0 bytes , 217reads )
如果买地铁沿线的4room icky   (64 bytes , 669reads )
多谢斑主指点。从开始考察房子到最后确定,大家一般都用了多久啊? realtwo   (70 bytes , 324reads )
没有时间限制的。有的1天有的1年。找老婆不也是?找不到好的。宁愿单身。。。 炎鑫   (767 bytes , 360reads )
我最近这个基本上才花了一个礼拜, 只看了一套 aspernet   (83 bytes , 380reads )
我花了10天左右…… PE   (39 bytes , 275reads )
我花了大概4个月的时间 icky   (59 bytes , 389reads )
按你目前的情况, jurong west的4房好像刚刚买得下 aspernet   (12 bytes , 611reads )
多谢斑主百忙之中解答 realtwo   (91 bytes , 381reads )