所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2017-06-04 13:07  更多评分:

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Skii repair c 15ml 26sgd
红腰子精华 10ml 15sgd
资生堂white lucent 美白精华30ml 70sgd
小黑瓶眼霜15ml 65sgd
Dior 唇膏试色版 3sgd
Dior skin forever makeup 020 3ml 3sgd
Cpb水膜精华 90sgd
Albion ex vie 水乳精华 各30ml
25sgd 一组

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
========TTR 出货贴,6月1号下午两点更新==== ttr   (93 bytes , 21732reads )
这个还有吗 chunyuruo   (9 bytes , 41reads )
kisskiss娇兰 Zhiqing   (13 bytes , 46reads )
这个三个平邮加多少? 随白色飞翔   (5 bytes , 65reads )
取消这个,谢谢 foryee   (33 bytes , 49reads )
剩下全排 Ming0425   (0 bytes , 63reads )
有多少留着。 Ming0425   (0 bytes , 82reads )
收一个! msfish   (19 bytes , 67reads )
三个 岛人   (0 bytes , 65reads )
======更新区===== ttr   (5 bytes , 96reads )
======发完啦~~====== ttr   (54 bytes , 80reads )
?? 呆子5200   (32 bytes , 69reads )
转账那层楼主有放账号 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
======YSL==== ttr   (14 bytes , 73reads )
400. YSL刷子三件套,25出就一套 ttr   (125 bytes , 160reads )
排介个~ solacui   (26 bytes , 85reads )
这个是什么毛毛啊 圣托里尼的猫   (42 bytes , 51reads )
这个先不要了,留给排队的妹子吧 @solacui 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 70reads )
399. YSL妍活洁面20ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (29 bytes , 70reads )
收这个。。。。 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 55reads )
398. YSL 伸缩散粉/腮红刷,18出,有四个 ttr   (122 bytes , 102reads )
397. YSL 光泽妆前乳10ml,12出就一个 ttr   (104 bytes , 91reads )
396. YSL forever youth 眼霜 3ml, 8出,有两个打包15 ttr   (112 bytes , 87reads )
395. YSL方管中样70号,15块一个,有三个 ttr   (86 bytes , 117reads )
收一个 ddc28   (36 bytes , 48reads )
收一个 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 53reads )
一个 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 70reads )
394. YSL方管中样1号,15块一个,有两个 ttr   (86 bytes , 79reads )
排一个 卡布布   (5 bytes , 56reads )
一个 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 60reads )
393. YSL方管中样19号,15块一个,有两个 ttr   (87 bytes , 88reads )
392. YSL 唇部打底 3ml,6出,有三个打包15 ttr   (86 bytes , 70reads )
要一个试试 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 61reads )
391. YSL top secret instant glow 黑丝缎妆前隔离5ml, 6出,有三个 ttr   (189 bytes , 77reads )
要一个 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 63reads )
收一只 群航   (8 bytes , 65reads )
打包收 枕头   (0 bytes , 55reads )
390. YSL新出的CC霜紫色5ml, 5出,有三个打包13 ttr   (86 bytes , 88reads )
打包剩下两个 cyr   (32 bytes , 59reads )
收一个试试 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 61reads )
色号ROSE,打错了 ttr   (5 bytes , 58reads )
389. YSL睫毛膏2ml, 4一个,10块三个,有八个 ttr   (87 bytes , 66reads )
收1个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 49reads )
收一个 simila   (0 bytes , 51reads )
388. YSL黑色防水眼线笔0.8g,一个4块,三个10块。有10只 ttr   (93 bytes , 74reads )
收一个 cyr   (13 bytes , 52reads )
要6只 BBTXIAOJIN   (12 bytes , 51reads )
1个。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 55reads )
这个取消吧,我自己有 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
387.YSL粉扑,每包里面两个,3一包,2包打包5 ttr   (203 bytes , 85reads )
收 一包 simila   (0 bytes , 57reads )
一包 Murama   (0 bytes , 55reads )
386. YSL奶油粉饼1.5g, 5出,有三个打包12 ttr   (189 bytes , 81reads )
要一个 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 59reads )
385. YSL美白精华 5ml,8出,有两个打包15 ttr   (118 bytes , 57reads )
打包。。。。。 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 67reads )
384. YSL top secret instant glow 黑丝缎妆前隔离正装40ml, 58出,有2个 ttr   (471 bytes , 75reads )
收一只 枕头   (0 bytes , 64reads )
383. YSL 气垫10号星星限量版,82出,就一个 ttr   (144 bytes , 90reads )
Hold一下这个! 秋味   (0 bytes , 67reads )
382. YSL气垫正装,20号适合大多数妹子,68出,有两个 ttr   (282 bytes , 83reads )
收这个 Ceceliaah   (4 bytes , 53reads )
hold一個 JenniferCrane   (17 bytes , 56reads )
这个要 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 65reads )
381. YSL唇膏方管17号,37出就一个 ttr   (102 bytes , 70reads )
收方管 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 59reads )
380. YSL黑管409,37一只,有3个 ttr   (95 bytes , 96reads )
收一 Tiya   (8 bytes , 60reads )
379. YSL黑管401,37出,有两个 ttr   (94 bytes , 85reads )
======WHOO===== ttr   (5 bytes , 60reads )
378. WHOO 拱辰享睡眠面膜17ml, 7出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 59reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 51reads )
要这个。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 55reads )
377. WHOO密贴面霜8ml,13出,有两个 ttr   (331 bytes , 52reads )
打包收了 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 63reads )
376. WHOO密贴自生精华8ml, 14出,有两个打包25 ttr   (113 bytes , 62reads )
打包收 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 57reads )
375. WHOO密贴循环精华15ml, 12出,有三个打包35 ttr   (113 bytes , 65reads )
打包 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
374. WHOO天气丹华泫眼霜5ml,20出就一个 ttr   (93 bytes , 62reads )
373. WHOO天气丹华泫面霜10ml,20出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 53reads )
372. WHOO 天气丹华泫精华 8ml,20出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 55reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 57reads )
取消,家里还有 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 52reads )
371. WHOO glow lip balm 色号Red, 30出就一个 ttr   (101 bytes , 64reads )
370. WHOO密贴循环精华85ml, 正装无盒,85出,有两瓶 ttr   (114 bytes , 80reads )
369. WHOO luxury唇膏 15号色, 40出就一个 ttr   (126 bytes , 83reads )
收这个 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 82reads )
=======SULWHASOO===== ttr   (5 bytes , 75reads )
368. 雪花秀 闪里眼霜 3.5ml ,6出就一个 ttr   (294 bytes , 71reads )
收眼霜 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 53reads )
367. 雪花秀润燥精华8ml按压泵的没盒子,8出就一个 ttr   (208 bytes , 64reads )
366. 雪花秀新版人参面霜5g,就一个7出 ttr   (442 bytes , 57reads )
sunpengsdu   (0 bytes , 68reads )
365. 雪花秀滋阴水+乳,各15ml,打包4出就一组 ttr   (191 bytes , 67reads )
排这个 牛肉粒粒   (10 bytes , 74reads )
hh0nn   (2 bytes , 77reads )
364. 雪花秀玉容撕拉面膜新版15ml, 4出,有三个打包10 ttr   (44 bytes , 68reads )
meimeixi   (0 bytes , 57reads )
打包 群航   (4 bytes , 50reads )
363. 雪花秀snowise brightening uv protector spf50 2号色 soft peach,两个打包5出 ttr   (88 bytes , 68reads )
打包。。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 59reads )
打包两个一起 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 60reads )
362. 雪花秀 snowise brighteining cream 5ml, 4一个,有两个 ttr   (115 bytes , 70reads )
这个也打包收了 牛肉粒粒   (4 bytes , 84reads )
361. 雪花秀 snowise brightening spot treatment 3ml, 5出,有两个 ttr   (113 bytes , 62reads )
360. 雪花秀美白精华8ml,8出, 有三个打包22 ttr   (379 bytes , 61reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 57reads )
打包三个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 55reads )
359. 雪花秀美白水+乳各15ml, 5一组,有三组 ttr   (88 bytes , 62reads )
打包收这个 牛肉粒粒   (20 bytes , 74reads )
358. 雪花秀新版与润睡眠面膜15g, 6出,有三个打包16 ttr   (113 bytes , 68reads )
打包 sunpengsdu   (9 bytes , 69reads )
打包 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 66reads )
357. 雪花秀新版与润睡眠面膜30g, 12出,就一个 ttr   (434 bytes , 70reads )
收~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 68reads )
356. 雪花秀harmonizen regenerating cream ex多馠雪再生露面霜8ml, 20出就一个 ttr   (172 bytes , 68reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 66reads )
面霜太多了,取消这个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
355. 雪花秀气垫粉扑限量版,7一套,3套20,有12套 ttr   (85 bytes , 102reads )
要2套,邮寄 开水白面包   (16 bytes , 63reads )
收一套这个! 秋味   (0 bytes , 74reads )
想收这个 ivyzhang05   (14 bytes , 65reads )
错了 ivyzhang05   (20 bytes , 64reads )
一套 Sue0123456   (5 bytes , 61reads )
要一套 LovelyFace   (6 bytes , 58reads )
一套 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 56reads )
joannlu83   (4 bytes , 52reads )
354. 雪花秀美颜修容亮润露Luminature Essential Finisher 8ml,4出就一个 ttr   (525 bytes , 66reads )
Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 66reads )
353. 雪花秀滋阴水+乳套装,105出就一套 ttr   (170 bytes , 73reads )
收这套 Wendy_TWT   (15 bytes , 85reads )
352. 雪花秀润燥精华限量版120ml jumbo size,135出就一个 ttr   (104 bytes , 68reads )
收这个 维生素E   (10 bytes , 54reads )
351. 雪花秀顺行柔和洁颜油正装200ml,35出,有两个 ttr   (96 bytes , 59reads )
350. 雪花秀顺行洁面正装200ml有盒子,35出,有3个 ttr   (293 bytes , 53reads )
收。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (0 bytes , 64reads )
349. 雪花秀木莲花气垫BB亮白版13号限量包装,56出,有两套 ttr   (128 bytes , 70reads )
收一个。。 lily1987   (6 bytes , 62reads )
348. 雪花秀气垫限量版21号,51出,有7个 ttr   (142 bytes , 94reads )
收一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 50reads )
21号收一套 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 57reads )
347. 雪花秀气垫限量版13号,51出,有11个 ttr   (130 bytes , 74reads )
收2个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 37reads )
346. 雪花秀木莲花气垫BB亮白版13号,55出,就一套 ttr   (356 bytes , 71reads )
345. 雪花秀气垫BB 21号,50出,有2套 ttr   (543 bytes , 69reads )
要一个 水墨   (4 bytes , 65reads )
收一套 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 49reads )
=======SKII====== ttr   (5 bytes , 69reads )
344. SKII facial treatment gentle cleansing cream 15g, 6出,有五个打包27 ttr   (190 bytes , 108reads )
收一个就好 圣托里尼的猫   (6 bytes , 56reads )
343. SKII FACIAL TREATMENT GENTLE CLEANSER 洁面6g*6只=36g,打包10块 ttr   (87 bytes , 58reads )
打包6个一组 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 48reads )
打包 BBTXIAOJIN   (12 bytes , 61reads )
打包 joannlu83   (3 bytes , 58reads )
342. SKII 神仙水10ml,有七个打包40 ttr   (190 bytes , 65reads )
打包~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 60reads )
341. SKII 新版clear lotion 10ml, 6个打包10块就一组 ttr   (190 bytes , 51reads )
要了 kallang88   (4 bytes , 78reads )
340. SKII RNA面霜2.5g,8个打包13出,就一组 ttr   (299 bytes , 70reads )
kallang88   (2 bytes , 85reads )
339. SKII clear lotion 30ml,6出就一个 ttr   (190 bytes , 53reads )
收一个························· 湿湿一大坨   (0 bytes , 59reads )
338. SKII FACIAL TREATMENT REPAIR C, 正装一半15ML, 26出,有两个打包50 ttr   (105 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收一个 Chels   (0 bytes , 56reads )
337. SKII RNA 面霜15g, 20出,5个打包95,有11个 ttr   (318 bytes , 65reads )
打包要5个 大壮壮   (33 bytes , 57reads )
打包要5个 水墨   (4 bytes , 60reads )
336. Skii cellumination deep surge ex 新版环彩面霜15ml, 20出,5个打包92,有10个 ttr   (415 bytes , 66reads )
打包五个,玖八伍二二久三六 JESSICA333   (0 bytes , 30reads )
取消単,己从别处收了 JESSICA333   (0 bytes , 38reads )
收5个 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 54reads )
收5个,不要之前那个防晒的环彩日霜啦 Kyria   (0 bytes , 68reads )
要5个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 57reads )
335. SKII 神仙水樱花限量版230ml, 155出,有三个 ttr   (125 bytes , 84reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 kallang88   (6 bytes , 74reads )
收一瓶 呆子5200   (24 bytes , 48reads )
要一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 54reads )
334. SKII clear lotion 清莹露正装230ml, 低于半价55出,有三个 ttr   (138 bytes , 67reads )
收1个 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一瓶 呆子5200   (22 bytes , 55reads )
333. SKII skin signature全效活能3D面膜正装六片有盒子,低于四折75出,有两盒打包140 ttr   (556 bytes , 69reads )
收一盒这个试试 大壮壮   (33 bytes , 71reads )
332. SKII男士神仙水230ml正装,142出,有两个 ttr   (95 bytes , 54reads )
诶 要一个吧 崦嵫客   (33 bytes , 68reads )
331. SKII RNA 面霜大大版100g, 超值145出,有四个 ttr   (110 bytes , 76reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 60reads )
330. SKII facial treatment essence eye眼部神仙水精华正装15ml,史低价55,有6个 ttr   (314 bytes , 62reads )
329. SKII REPAIR C正装30ml有盒子,低于半价75出,有2个 ttr   (300 bytes , 59reads )
328. SKII facial treatment oil 黄金面油,正装有盒子50ml,低于六折120出, 有三瓶 ttr   (483 bytes , 57reads )
327. SKII RNA眼霜正装15ml, 85出,有2个 ttr   (199 bytes , 57reads )
326. SK2 cellumination day surge UV 环采钻白修复防晒日霜50g正装,70出就一个 ttr   (301 bytes , 70reads )
不要这个啦,要 336 那个面霜~ Kyria   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
325. SKII mid day miracle essence日间奇迹精华喷雾正装有盒50ml,近半价50出,有7个 ttr   (315 bytes , 61reads )
324. SKII Signs Up-Lifter Serum弹性抗松弛精华乳40g正装,低于半价90出,就一个 ttr   (300 bytes , 60reads )
324. SKII Signs Up-Lifter Serum弹性抗松弛精华乳40g正装,低于半价90出,就一个 魏魏   (4 bytes , 65reads )
=======SHISEIDO====== ttr   (5 bytes , 91reads )
323. 资生堂white lucent 晚霜10ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (115 bytes , 62reads )
meimeixi   (0 bytes , 61reads )
Vase   (0 bytes , 54reads )
322. 资生堂white lucent brightening spot control base色号ivory,10ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (137 bytes , 69reads )
收这个 mshuahua   (0 bytes , 54reads )
321. 资生堂眼影RD299小样0.2g, 3一个,有两个 ttr   (88 bytes , 95reads )
收一个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
320. 资生堂散粉2g 带粉扑,5一个,有两个 ttr   (89 bytes , 72reads )
一个 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 60reads )
一个 mshuahua   (0 bytes , 65reads )
Yi ge angelabebe   (0 bytes , 55reads )
319. 资生堂vital whrinklelift mask 悦微眼膜,一包两片,6一包,有三包打包15 ttr   (113 bytes , 50reads )
打包 Murama   (0 bytes , 55reads )
318. 资生堂防晒perfect uv protector spf 50,15ml, 10出,有两个打包18 ttr   (113 bytes , 59reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 55reads )
Vase   (0 bytes , 64reads )
打包两个 Vase   (0 bytes , 65reads )
317. 资生堂红腰子精华5ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (88 bytes , 63reads )
Yao angelabebe   (0 bytes , 52reads )
316. 资生堂vital white circulator serum 悦微美白精华10ml, 15出,有两个 ttr   (114 bytes , 63reads )
shou两个~ Vase   (0 bytes , 61reads )
315. 资生堂水活焕妍瞬间眼唇卸妆乳30ml, 有两个打包6 ttr   (88 bytes , 63reads )
打包两个一起 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 62reads )
314. 资生堂 vital lift cream悦微面霜7ml, 12出,有六个打包70 ttr   (114 bytes , 65reads )
打包 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 64reads )
打包剩下的。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (0 bytes , 56reads )
一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 50reads )
313. 资生堂 creamy cleansing emulsion 40ml, 5出,有两个 ttr   (102 bytes , 69reads )
要一个 扯野棉花   (0 bytes , 57reads )
收一 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 56reads )
312. 资生堂white lucent 眼霜5ml+防晒15ml, 打包10出就一组 ttr   (37 bytes , 58reads )
Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收~ Vase   (0 bytes , 59reads )
311. 资生堂红腰子精华10ml, 15出,有六个 ttr   (301 bytes , 204reads )
要一个 迦楼罗   (33 bytes , 47reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 55reads )
一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 58reads )
收两个 kallang88   (4 bytes , 70reads )
要一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 55reads )
310. 资生堂IBUKI protective moisturizer emulsion 15ml, 3出,有六个打包15 ttr   (567 bytes , 66reads )
309. 资生堂IBUKI refiningmoisturizer emulsion 15ml, 3出,有六个打包15 ttr   (190 bytes , 64reads )
308. 资生堂睫毛膏Perfect Mascara Defining Volume Black 2ml, 3一个,5两个,有5个 ttr   (400 bytes , 62reads )
307. 资生堂肌活舒缓香氛滚珠香水8ml, 8出,14两个,有5个打包30 ttr   (189 bytes , 67reads )
306. 资生堂rouge 口红2.5g, 12出,有4个,看好要什么色号 ttr   (145 bytes , 100reads )
要一个305邮寄 tu1pig   (9 bytes , 61reads )
305. 资生堂香味身体乳30ml, 2个打包6块 ttr   (301 bytes , 59reads )
304. 资生堂white lucent 水25ml+洁面50ml, 打包8出就一组 ttr   (88 bytes , 57reads )
Vase   (0 bytes , 58reads )
303. 资生堂vital系列洗面奶30ml, 5出,有四个打包18 ttr   (126 bytes , 63reads )
打百四个 Vase   (0 bytes , 56reads )
打包四个 Vase   (4 bytes , 55reads )
302. 资生堂vital系列洗面奶50ml, 8出,有2个 ttr   (126 bytes , 67reads )
要一个。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 67reads )
一个 Murama   (0 bytes , 54reads )
301. 资生堂悦微乳液滋润型15ml, 9出,有四个打包35 ttr   (53 bytes , 63reads )
300. 资生堂悦微乳液滋润型30ml, 18出,有两个 ttr   (61 bytes , 66reads )
299. 资生堂vital 水水滋润型 25ml,6出,有3个打包16 ttr   (116 bytes , 49reads )
也打包要了 Vase   (0 bytes , 55reads )
298. 资生堂vital 水水75ml正装一半,18出,有2个 ttr   (323 bytes , 63reads )
打包 Vase   (0 bytes , 56reads )
297. 资生堂红腰子75ml jumbo size, 120出,有两个 ttr   (97 bytes , 72reads )
296. 资生堂 vital perfection 悦微水滋润型正装150ml, 无盒,50出,有两个 ttr   (98 bytes , 67reads )
收一个 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 50reads )
收1 Vase   (5 bytes , 56reads )
295. 资生堂white lucent美白精华正装30ml, 无盒, 特价70出,有三个 ttr   (106 bytes , 76reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 54reads )
资生堂美白精华 魏魏   (6 bytes , 54reads )
要1個 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 58reads )
294. 资生堂化妆棉,9块两包,有四包 ttr   (77 bytes , 55reads )
都要了 大壮壮   (18 bytes , 59reads )
293. 资生堂美白洁面,正装无盒125ml, 25出,有两个 ttr   (471 bytes , 59reads )
排一个 群航   (0 bytes , 60reads )
打包 joannlu83   (4 bytes , 54reads )
292. 资生堂红色蜜露高机能水正装125ml,50出,有八瓶 ttr   (408 bytes , 78reads )
=======次饭去啦,晚上八点继续,今天全发完!!========= ttr   (24 bytes , 67reads )
=======RMK==== ttr   (5 bytes , 58reads )
291. RMK cream soap 水果精华泡沫洁面 正装115g, 35出就一个 ttr   (95 bytes , 76reads )
hold BBTXIAOJIN   (38 bytes , 55reads )
290. RMK 玫瑰卸妆膏正装100g, 36出就一个 ttr   (109 bytes , 68reads )
狐狸熊   (8 bytes , 65reads )
取消这个,谢谢 foryee   (33 bytes , 73reads )
foryee   (33 bytes , 59reads )
========NARS===== ttr   (5 bytes , 65reads )
289. NARS velvet shadow stick 1g,一色一个,15出,三个打包42 ttr   (234 bytes , 69reads )
打包。。。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 49reads )
288. NARS 修容粉bronzing powder 色号laguna 2.5g, 14出,有12个 ttr   (113 bytes , 111reads )
排一个 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 50reads )
要一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 58reads )
这个也收一个 维生素E   (8 bytes , 55reads )
收一个。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 52reads )
收一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 50reads )
要一个 foryee   (33 bytes , 64reads )
要1個 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 54reads )
要一个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 61reads )
joannlu83   (4 bytes , 44reads )
287. NARS the multiper多功能棒 膏状高光 4g, 色号copacabana,15出,有两个 ttr   (330 bytes , 63reads )
一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 51reads )
收一个 维生素E   (4 bytes , 71reads )
286. NARS 高潮腮红中样3.5g,20出,有2个 ttr   (290 bytes , 75reads )
排队。。 Kyria   (5 bytes , 57reads )
一个~ Tiya   (8 bytes , 57reads )
拍一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 56reads )
285. NARS smudge proof eyeshadow base 无所畏惧眼部打底2.8g,8出,两个15,有15个 ttr   (111 bytes , 97reads )
收一个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 37reads )
收两个 枕头   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收两个! Tania4576   (5 bytes , 72reads )
要两个。。 day   (0 bytes , 63reads )
两个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 48reads )
收两个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
一个 foryee   (33 bytes , 58reads )
一个 Murama   (0 bytes , 52reads )
一个呀 Sue0123456   (5 bytes , 56reads )
284. NARS audacious mascara black moon睫毛膏3ml, 8出,两个15,有11个 ttr   (147 bytes , 71reads )
283. NARS指甲油正装15ml, 三折10出,一色一个,打包18 ttr   (585 bytes , 70reads )
=======MAC====== ttr   (5 bytes , 53reads )
282. MAC 单色眼影正装,半价12出,一色一个,打包45 ttr   (303 bytes , 80reads )
=======LAURA MERCIER============ ttr   (5 bytes , 61reads )
281. laura mercier 晶透唇彩 lip gloss 2.8g, 色号bare naked, 8出,有三个打包20 ttr   (214 bytes , 65reads )
收一个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 59reads )
不要了 123Berry   (5 bytes , 51reads )
280. laura mercier foundation primer妆前乳14.7ml,10一个,就两个打包18 ttr   (412 bytes , 64reads )
打包 kallang88   (4 bytes , 62reads )
打包~ foryee   (33 bytes , 55reads )
279. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer有色面霜15g, 12出就一个 ttr   (522 bytes , 73reads )
i want this 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 53reads )
取消,不好意思 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
278. laura mercier 睫毛膏5.7g, 5一个,两个8,三个10,有6个 ttr   (294 bytes , 52reads )
ho Dryskinlan   (6 bytes , 57reads )
======LANEIGE 兰芝===== ttr   (5 bytes , 65reads )
277. 兰芝time freeze firming sleeping mask 10ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (88 bytes , 59reads )
276. 兰芝睡眠面膜15ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (114 bytes , 53reads )
275. 兰芝Water Bank Essence EX 10ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (89 bytes , 58reads )
也收了 aaalei   (0 bytes , 47reads )
274. 兰芝 water bank gel cream10g, 4出就一个 ttr   (101 bytes , 58reads )
273. 兰芝perfect renew 小套装,10出就一组 ttr   (98 bytes , 52reads )
272. 兰芝气垫小样,色号beige, 5g, 8出就一个 ttr   (123 bytes , 78reads )
取消这个 颜色看错 198x   (0 bytes , 59reads )
198x   (0 bytes , 61reads )
艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 54reads )
不好意思 这个不要了 艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 61reads )
19年8月到期 ttr   (5 bytes , 51reads )
271. 兰芝 two tone lip bar 11号宋慧乔色,24出,就两个 ttr   (96 bytes , 70reads )
=======LA MER======== ttr   (5 bytes , 70reads )
270. LA MER eye balm intense 眼霜3ml, 25出就一个 ttr   (114 bytes , 62reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 49reads )
269. LA MER regenerating serum 3ml, 18出,有两个打包35 ttr   (121 bytes , 63reads )
打包 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 54reads )
268. LA MER LIFTING CONTOUR SERUM, 3ML, 17出,有两个打包32 ttr   (112 bytes , 58reads )
267. LA MER 护手霜30ml, 20出,有2个打包38 ttr   (127 bytes , 66reads )
排队 Sunxiaoqin   (0 bytes , 54reads )
打包收了 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 59reads )
266. LA MER cleansing lotion 100ml, 正装一半,带按压泵,40出就一个 ttr   (113 bytes , 63reads )
265. LA MER 经典面霜7ml, 30出,有四个 ttr   (113 bytes , 78reads )
收俩 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个 Ricola   (0 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 57reads )
264. LA MER perfect treatment完美柔肤修复霜 3ml, 10出,有两个打包18 ttr   (438 bytes , 74reads )
打包 Sue0123456   (0 bytes , 56reads )
263. LA MER 美白洁面 Brilliance White Cleansing Foam 30ml, 18出,2个35,有六个 ttr   (135 bytes , 71reads )
收1 @Lucy   (17 bytes , 31reads )
还有四个 ttr   (10 bytes , 57reads )
262. LA MER soft cream 3.5ml, 14出就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 56reads )
抖S的大众脸   (0 bytes , 61reads )
261. LA MER 最新产品美白面膜套装,20出就一组 ttr   (490 bytes , 60reads )
要这个 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 52reads )
260. LA MER 经典面霜3.5ml, 14出,有两个打包27 ttr   (87 bytes , 73reads )
打包这个,谢谢。 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 65reads )
打包 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 53reads )
看错了 LovelyFace   (12 bytes , 65reads )
259. LA MER眼霜托盘,10出,就一个 ttr   (398 bytes , 80reads )
托盘还在么 misus   (8 bytes , 60reads )
258. LA MER cleansing micellar water 30ml, 14一个,有五个打包68 ttr   (114 bytes , 66reads )
257. LA MER the tonic 爽肤水30ml, 14出,有五个打包68 ttr   (300 bytes , 65reads )
收俩 miachung   (33 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 卡布布   (5 bytes , 57reads )
256. LA MER soft cream 7ml, 30出,有三个 ttr   (104 bytes , 73reads )
一个 Sue0123456   (0 bytes , 50reads )
一个 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 51reads )
一个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 60reads )
255. LA MER 面油5ml, 35出,有6个 ttr   (420 bytes , 84reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 65reads )
要一个! lemoncon   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收一个。。。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 51reads )
要一个 扯野棉花   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 58reads )
要1个 00ooo00   (0 bytes , 74reads )
254. LA MER 护手霜 正装100g, 无盒,特价100出就一个 ttr   (102 bytes , 60reads )
253. LA MER the tonic爽肤水正装200ml, 无盒,特价100出,有三个 ttr   (103 bytes , 71reads )
252. LA MER 面油正装30ml, 特价250出,有三个 ttr   (199 bytes , 67reads )
========LANCOME====== ttr   (5 bytes , 80reads )
251. 兰蔻multi lift redefining night cream 立体塑颜晚霜15ml,10出,有3个打包28 ttr   (113 bytes , 63reads )
打包 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 49reads )
250. 兰蔻multi lift redifining cream 立体塑颜面霜15ml,10出,有4个打包35 ttr   (113 bytes , 72reads )
打包。。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 50reads )
249. 兰蔻新出的根源补养水漾滋润面霜 15ml, 10出,有三个打包28 ttr   (300 bytes , 96reads )
打包。。。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 63reads )
248. 兰蔻精华基底面膜,10一片,有7片打包65 ttr   (313 bytes , 62reads )
247. 兰蔻眼部精华肌底液5ml, 带正装一样大小的金属按摩头的~15出,有三个打包42 ttr   (299 bytes , 68reads )
打包 Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 56reads )
246. 兰蔻眼唇卸30ml, 4一个,有三个 ttr   (189 bytes , 59reads )
剩下打包。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收一个 yukimura05   (0 bytes , 60reads )
245. 兰蔻美白洁面50ml+美白乳液15ml, 打包10出就一组 ttr   (338 bytes , 67reads )
要这一套 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收 --- day   (0 bytes , 54reads )
这个先取消 day   (0 bytes , 53reads )
244. 兰蔻BLANC NIGHT CREAM臻白晚霜15ml, 10出,有4个打包35出 ttr   (300 bytes , 63reads )
收一个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 61reads )
一个 LovelyFace   (6 bytes , 51reads )
243. 兰蔻小黑瓶眼膜一对,5出,有四包打包18 ttr   (189 bytes , 55reads )
242. 兰蔻小黑瓶小样5ml,5出,有2个打包8 ttr   (189 bytes , 56reads )
打包要 Sheepoo   (4 bytes , 58reads )
241. 兰蔻小黑瓶眼霜5ml, 14出,三个40,有11个 ttr   (299 bytes , 77reads )
3个 Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 62reads )
收剩下的2个 Joycewenn   (11 bytes , 64reads )
收三个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 64reads )
收3个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 63reads )
不要了 123Berry   (4 bytes , 57reads )
3个 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 52reads )
240. 兰蔻小黑瓶精华7ml, 8出,5个38,有19个 ttr   (277 bytes , 61reads )
收5个 cyr   (4 bytes , 60reads )
收5个 candy_zhe   (2 bytes , 68reads )
239. 兰蔻美白淡斑精华10ml, 12出,有三个打包32 ttr   (402 bytes , 57reads )
打包 群航   (6 bytes , 52reads )
238. 兰蔻MULTI lift 立体塑颜眼霜5ml tube装,8出,有2个打包15 ttr   (243 bytes , 69reads )
打包 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 59reads )
这个取消先 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 62reads )
237. 兰蔻蓝水50ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (287 bytes , 54reads )
236. 兰蔻gentle softening Cleansing Fluid 50ml, 5出,两个打包8,有6个打包22 ttr   (318 bytes , 55reads )
235. 兰蔻tresor edp香水100ml, tester包装,55出,就一个 ttr   (120 bytes , 61reads )
234. 兰蔻tresor in love 75ml EDP for women,tester包装,低于四折50出,有两个 ttr   (126 bytes , 59reads )
233. 兰蔻大眼精华20ml, 特价75出,有四个 ttr   (109 bytes , 70reads )
232. 兰蔻 gentle cleansing gel 洁面125ml正装,半价25出就一个 ttr   (101 bytes , 49reads )
收一个 维生素E   (5 bytes , 52reads )
shou Ricola   (0 bytes , 51reads )
231. 兰蔻小黑瓶眼霜正装15ml, 特价65出就一个 ttr   (95 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (0 bytes , 62reads )
230. 兰蔻气垫色号BO-01,20出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 72reads )
这个也收了 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 60reads )
229. 兰蔻BLANC EXPERT瞬白亮肌气垫粉底REFILL 14g,20出,有两个打包是一盒38,就一盒 ttr   (105 bytes , 66reads )
228. 兰蔻BLANC EXPERT瞬白亮肌气垫粉底REFILL 14g,20出,有两个打包是一盒38,有三盒 ttr   (1279 bytes , 64reads )
收一盒 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 61reads )
227. 兰蔻BLANC EXPERT瞬白亮肌气垫粉底 SPF 23 REFILL 14g,20出,两个38,有3个 ttr   (77 bytes , 71reads )
226. 兰蔻粉水200ml,28出,有两个打包54 ttr   (288 bytes , 56reads )
打包 joannlu83   (4 bytes , 65reads )
225. 兰蔻蓝水400ml, 50出,有两个 ttr   (290 bytes , 49reads )
224. 兰蔻小黑瓶75ml, 低于6折130出,只有一瓶 ttr   (300 bytes , 63reads )
收这个 学霸小刺猬的梦   (5 bytes , 58reads )
===========LA PRAIRIE========== ttr   (5 bytes , 63reads )
223. La prairie 蓝鱼子眼精华5ml, 28出,就一个 ttr   (301 bytes , 68reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 50reads )
222. LA PRAIRIE 蓝鱼子眼霜3ml tube, 28出,就一个 ttr   (707 bytes , 67reads )
排一个 群航   (9 bytes , 52reads )
要一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 60reads )
amanda1991   (7 bytes , 55reads )
221. LA PRAIRIE 新版白鱼子精华5ml, 50出就一个 ttr   (183 bytes , 65reads )
220. LA PRAIRIE白鱼子面霜5ml, 22出,有两个42 ttr   (318 bytes , 62reads )
取消这个 拍了SKII大红瓶 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 54reads )
一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 49reads )
收一个 群航   (0 bytes , 57reads )
219. LA PRAIRIE 散粉透明色正装56g+,特价六折100出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 79reads )
盒子里是56g+10g一个旅行装的,一共66g, 灰常划算 ttr   (9 bytes , 60reads )
218. LA PRAIRIE 活細胞眼部及面部卸妝水正装150ml, 半价85出就一个 ttr   (405 bytes , 55reads )
217. La Prairie 蓝鱼籽眼精华正装15ml,史低价170出,有5个 ttr   (773 bytes , 79reads )
========KOSE===== ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
216.KOSE 雪肌精 clear whitening mask 正装80g, 半价18出,有两个打包35 ttr   (190 bytes , 54reads )
215. KOSE infinity perfective white xx 美白精华正装40ml, 四折60出就一个 ttr   (161 bytes , 79reads )
198x   (0 bytes , 58reads )
214. KOSE 雪肌精treatment cleansing oil 300ml正装,特价24出就一个 ttr   (188 bytes , 53reads )
我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 48reads )
瓶子上是clear cleansing oil 卸妆油是嘛 我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 59reads )
=======KIEHL'S============ ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
213. 契尔氏紫鸢尾花青春激活肌底液活肌液精华水40ml ,6出,就一个 ttr   (189 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
212. 契尔氏夜间修复精华4ml带滴管的, 5出就一个 ttr   (298 bytes , 60reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 68reads )
波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 57reads )
211. 契尔氏 ultra facial toner 40ml, 5一个,有四个打包18 ttr   (86 bytes , 61reads )
210. 契尔氏强力抗皱眼精华3ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (190 bytes , 59reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 51reads )
取消这个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 53reads )
209. 契尔氏强效抗皱精华5ml, 5一个,有五个打包22 ttr   (296 bytes , 57reads )
208. 契尔氏 莓果精粹亮肤面膜14ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (112 bytes , 65reads )
207. 契尔氏抗衰老极致修颜霜7ml, 7一个,有三个打包18 ttr   (413 bytes , 63reads )
206. 契尔氏金盏花水40ml, 6出,有4个打包22 ttr   (202 bytes , 59reads )
打包这个 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 53reads )
205. 契尔氏活肌精华露Daily Reviving Concentrate 4ml带滴管,5一个,有四个打包18 ttr   (298 bytes , 54reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 55reads )
204. 契尔氏美白淡斑精华4ml带滴管, 6一个,有两个 ttr   (298 bytes , 72reads )
收一个 抖S的大众脸   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收1 Sue0123456   (0 bytes , 55reads )
这个先不要了。 Sue0123456   (5 bytes , 46reads )
203. 契尔氏白泥面膜正装125ml, 34出,就一个 ttr   (288 bytes , 56reads )
一起收这个 joannlu83   (0 bytes , 53reads )
202. 契尔氏Midnight Recovery Eye 正装 15ml无盒子,半价30出就一个 ttr   (110 bytes , 68reads )
要这个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 64reads )
201. 契尔氏 ultra facial cream 50ml, 33出,有两个 ttr   (102 bytes , 61reads )
要1个 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 61reads )
这个能保质到什么时候呀 我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 56reads )
200. 契尔氏唇膏正装15ml, 11出,有三个打包30 ttr   (288 bytes , 66reads )
199.契尔氏牛油果眼霜正装14g,36出,有2个 ttr   (209 bytes , 61reads )
要一个 foryee   (33 bytes , 54reads )
一个 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 65reads )
198. Kiehl's紫鳶青春肌活露/神奇水正装200ml, 半价35出, 就一个 ttr   (386 bytes , 59reads )
======今天就到这里=== ttr   (73 bytes , 68reads )
=======GIVENCHY==== ttr   (5 bytes , 55reads )
197. GIVENCHY blurring foundation balm 5ml, 3出就一个 ttr   (93 bytes , 89reads )
要这个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 57reads )
196. Givenchy le rouge a porter 唇膏小样1g,正装的一半但是看着很小很小,就一个10出 ttr   (450 bytes , 135reads )
还有别的颜色吗? yilt1   (0 bytes , 50reads )
排队 ddc28   (0 bytes , 65reads )
+1 fiona_tian   (6 bytes , 51reads )
======Guerlain===== ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
195. 娇兰metrorites base 5ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (122 bytes , 84reads )
收~ fiona_tian   (2 bytes , 59reads )
这个取消 fiona_tian   (19 bytes , 58reads )
194. 娇兰御庭兰花晚间净肌能力精华水20ml, 降价15出就一个 ttr   (319 bytes , 70reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 61reads )
193. 娇兰orchidee imperiale the cream 7ml, 15出就一个 ttr   (57 bytes , 65reads )
fiona_tian   (2 bytes , 52reads )
192. 娇兰orchidee imperiale eye and lip cream 5ml, 15出就一个 ttr   (127 bytes , 64reads )
fiona_tian   (2 bytes , 54reads )
收一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
Murama   (0 bytes , 65reads )
191. 娇兰orchidee imperiale the longevity concentrate 3ml, 10出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 73reads )
190. 娇兰kiss kiss唇膏1.4g, 超火的344色,15出,就两个 ttr   (189 bytes , 113reads )
排一下 我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 53reads )
1个 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 62reads )
189. GUERLAIN 娇兰 Super Aqua Lotion水合青春保湿精华水正装150ml, 50出,有三个 ttr   (96 bytes , 89reads )
要一个 Ricola   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要一瓶 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 52reads )
=========FRESH====== ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
188. FRESH莲花眼胶正装15ml, 低于半价45出,就一个 ttr   (197 bytes , 73reads )
187. FRESH 玫瑰面膜正装有盒子100ml,68出,有两个 ttr   (201 bytes , 65reads )
186. FRESH 香水正装30ml, 特价45出 ttr   (306 bytes , 57reads )
185.FRESH 唇膏ROSE色正装4.3g无盒,史低价22出,两个42,有7个 ttr   (297 bytes , 85reads )
收一个16年的 mshuahua   (0 bytes , 53reads )
=====ESTEE LAUDER====== ttr   (5 bytes , 73reads )
184. 雅诗兰黛anr eye serum 4ml按压泵,12一个,有三个打包35 ttr   (93 bytes , 72reads )
要剩下的两个 panghucute   (0 bytes , 49reads )
一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 50reads )
183. 雅诗兰黛Revitalizing Supreme活肤抗衰老眼霜5ml, 12出,有三个打包一个正装32出 ttr   (299 bytes , 77reads )
收正装一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 112reads )
要三个打包,谢谢 Chels   (0 bytes , 64reads )
182. 雅诗兰黛resilience lift 日霜5ml, 三个打包8出 ttr   (327 bytes , 70reads )
这个图片是晚霜吗?是的话收 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 64reads )
181. 雅诗兰黛resilience lift提拉系列晚霜,15ml,13一个,2个25,有五个打包60 ttr   (93 bytes , 68reads )
要两个 迦楼罗   (5 bytes , 60reads )
180. 雅诗兰黛resilience lift提拉系列 日霜+晚霜,各15ml,25一组,有2组打包48 ttr   (113 bytes , 66reads )
收一组 fiona_tian   (6 bytes , 48reads )
179. 雅诗兰黛 advanced night micro cleansing foam 3ml, 5一个,5个打包22,有10个 ttr   (111 bytes , 81reads )
如果是30ml就打包五个 Chels   (0 bytes , 50reads )
嗯嗯是30ml打错了 ttr   (0 bytes , 54reads )
要是30ml就打包5个 晓柒   (5 bytes , 57reads )
这个图怎么看着跟正装不太一样? 晓柒   (23 bytes , 58reads )
178. 雅诗兰黛take it away makeup remover lotion 30ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 57reads )
177. 雅诗兰黛微精华水15ml,有三个打包12出 ttr   (117 bytes , 70reads )
3个打包 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 111reads )
176. 雅诗兰黛微精华水30ml,9出,5个打包40,有10个 ttr   (316 bytes , 80reads )
五个 kallang88   (4 bytes , 80reads )
175. 雅诗兰黛anr精华7ml, 8一个,7个50,有14个 ttr   (331 bytes , 55reads )
收7个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 85reads )
收七个,谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 70reads )
174. 雅诗兰黛唇彩,5块钱一个,有4个 ttr   (388 bytes , 77reads )
173. 雅诗兰黛 lip conditioner 护唇膏正装3.8g, 三折15出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 70reads )
172. 雅诗兰黛长方形粉扑,一盒两个,半价5出,有两盒 ttr   (0 bytes , 66reads )
收一盒 枕头   (0 bytes , 53reads )
171. 雅诗兰黛advanced night micro cleansing foam正装100ml, 30出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 62reads )
170. 雅诗兰黛新版红石榴水滋润型正装200ml, 52出,有两个 ttr   (292 bytes , 59reads )
=======DIOR====== ttr   (5 bytes , 88reads )
169. DIOR 新品life micellar water cleanser 15ml, 有三个打包8出 ttr   (86 bytes , 71reads )
打包这个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 65reads )
168. diorsnow bloom perfect 气垫c10,4g, 8出,有三个 ttr   (86 bytes , 101reads )
要一个 Sheepoo   (4 bytes , 67reads )
也要一个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 58reads )
一个 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 66reads )
167. DIOR one essential booster serum 3ml, 3一个,有8个打包22 ttr   (86 bytes , 66reads )
打包。。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 54reads )
166. dior capture dream skin creator 3ml, 3一个,有7个打包18 ttr   (86 bytes , 73reads )
165. DIOR capture le serum multi perfection 3ml, 3出,有三个打包8 ttr   (87 bytes , 90reads )
打包 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 62reads )
164. DIOR capture 360 open up eye serum 5ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (22 bytes , 53reads )
1ge blueorhid   (0 bytes , 56reads )
163. Dior capture night crème 3ml, 3一个,有五个打包14 ttr   (86 bytes , 61reads )
打包。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 57reads )
打包继续 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
不好意思取消了 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 63reads )
162. DIOR capture eye treatment 3ml, 5一个,有三个打包14 ttr   (86 bytes , 70reads )
打包收 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 58reads )
取消 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 50reads )
161. Dior capture le serum 3ml, 3一个,有五个打包13 ttr   (86 bytes , 61reads )
打包 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 51reads )
收1个。。 day   (0 bytes , 62reads )
160. Dior capture la crème multi perfection 3ml, 3块一个,有8个打包20 ttr   (86 bytes , 68reads )
打包 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 56reads )
159. Dior 新品超模漆光黑管唇膏试色板, 3一个,5两个,有16个 ttr   (122 bytes , 131reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (0 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 MiaLin   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个! 晓柒   (5 bytes , 63reads )
收一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 57reads )
收四个~ Tiya   (8 bytes , 63reads )
来一个玩看看 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 65reads )
158. dior lip maximizer 1g, 3出,3个8块,有12个 ttr   (87 bytes , 98reads )
剩下的都要了 xiaofan   (8 bytes , 74reads )
也要三个 平凡就是幸福   (28 bytes , 64reads )
要3个 随白色飞翔   (11 bytes , 54reads )
1个 Murama   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要三个 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 64reads )
这个取消,谢谢啦 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 58reads )
157. diorskin forever perfect markup everlsting 粉底液020色3ml, 3出,有7个打包18 ttr   (89 bytes , 78reads )
再要一个这个 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 50reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 52reads )
一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 92reads )
收两个~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 65reads )
要一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 62reads )
要3个 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 74reads )
取消这个,我跟错贴了。。。 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 61reads )
156. DIOR sauvage edt 男士香水5ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (35 bytes , 72reads )
155. DIOR真我香水5ml, 10出,有8个 ttr   (87 bytes , 81reads )
154. DIOR capture dreamskin 4g 气垫020色,8出, 有3个 ttr   (86 bytes , 85reads )
排一个 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收一个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 75reads )
收一个 卡布布   (5 bytes , 59reads )
1个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 52reads )
取消这个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 晓柒   (5 bytes , 63reads )
153. DIOR prestige la crème eclaircissante 5ml, 12出,有两个 ttr   (337 bytes , 71reads )
16年的一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
152. Dior prestige la crème de nuit 高端系列晚霜5ml, 12出,有三个 ttr   (144 bytes , 59reads )
一ge blueorhid   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收1 00ooo00   (2 bytes , 66reads )
151. Dior 高端系列 prestige la crème texture essentielle 5ml, 12出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 67reads )
收这个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 49reads )
150. DIOR le nectar de nuit 夜间精华5ml,7出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 58reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 82reads )
149. DIOR light in nectar deep serum 精萃再生精华 5ml, 7出,有三个打包20 ttr   (87 bytes , 61reads )
打包这个 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 64reads )
148. dior精萃再生光燦淨白化妝水 10ml, 5出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 60reads )
147. DIOR prestige 眼霜3ml, 12出,有三个打包35 ttr   (87 bytes , 85reads )
打包剩下的 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
收一个试试 艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 59reads )
146. DIOR 高端系列Prestige La Mousse 洁面 10ml 5出,有三个打包13 ttr   (86 bytes , 65reads )
打包 @Lucy   (31 bytes , 38reads )
145. DIOR brightening makeup base rose色7ml, 6出,有四个打包20 ttr   (87 bytes , 67reads )
打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 59reads )
不好意思,这个取消 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 56reads )
144. Dior 雪晶灵焕白祛斑透亮精华露7ml,8出,有四个打包30 ttr   (86 bytes , 56reads )
打包 Ming0425   (0 bytes , 59reads )
打包 00ooo00   (2 bytes , 58reads )
143. DIOR 雪晶灵透白亮采保湿乳霜 15ml, 9出,有四个打包35 ttr   (86 bytes , 58reads )
打包收 00ooo00   (0 bytes , 52reads )
142. DIOR diorsnow white gentle purifying foam 美白洁面50ml,12出,有四个 ttr   (86 bytes , 68reads )
打包 joannlu83   (10 bytes , 65reads )
141. DIOR睫毛膏中样4ml, 6出,三个打包15,有9个 ttr   (86 bytes , 71reads )
跟一个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 56reads )
跟一个 kallang88   (4 bytes , 75reads )
收一个睫毛膏 Kyria   (5 bytes , 54reads )
140. DIOR instant eye makeup remover 15ml, 两个打包6出 ttr   (86 bytes , 58reads )
打包两个一起 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 62reads )
139. DIOR 新品超模漆光唇釉最热门的740色,38出,有11个 ttr   (109 bytes , 145reads )
晚了,泪,排一个 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 50reads )
收一个~ msfish   (29 bytes , 87reads )
收一个 fiona_tian   (12 bytes , 63reads )
收一个740 维生素E   (4 bytes , 55reads )
收一个~~~ 舒然99   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 68reads )
要4个!! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 73reads )
收一个 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 62reads )
取消,留给排队的妹纸吧 Sglotus   (30 bytes , 57reads )
来一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
收3个 Tiya   (8 bytes , 55reads )
138. DIOR 新品 lip tatto 色号451,正装6ml, 34出,有两个 ttr   (46 bytes , 85reads )
收这个 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 100reads )
想收一个,谢谢。 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 46reads )
不好意思,跟错了,取消这个。谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 56reads )
137. DIOR 变色唇膏001粉色, 36出,有五个 ttr   (94 bytes , 91reads )
收1个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 37reads )
再要个这个 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 55reads )
收一个,谢谢。这回跟对了 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 57reads )
hello22   (6 bytes , 94reads )
要一个变色唇膏 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 57reads )
========COSME DECORTE 黛珂===== ttr   (5 bytes , 69reads )
136. 黛珂liposome treatment liquid 30ml, 13出就一个 ttr   (31 bytes , 73reads )
135. 黛珂aqmw repair 水50ml+乳50ml, 打包28一组,有两组 ttr   (88 bytes , 96reads )
这个还剩一组吧? 安德烈大人   (6 bytes , 32reads )
show zhege candy_zhe   (6 bytes , 54reads )
134. 黛珂aqmw bright eye serum 2ml, 12出,有两个打包22 ttr   (124 bytes , 59reads )
133. 黛珂 IP shot line treatment serum抚纹能量精华4ml, 12出,有两个打包20 ttr   (122 bytes , 75reads )
打包这个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 50reads )
132. 黛珂蜜粉扑,5出,就一个 ttr   (36 bytes , 77reads )
00ooo00   (0 bytes , 57reads )
131. 黛珂liposome serum 15ml, 20出,有两个 ttr   (319 bytes , 79reads )
黛珂liposome serum 15ml, 20出,有两个 魏魏   (6 bytes , 55reads )
要另外一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 53reads )
+1 fiona_tian   (3 bytes , 55reads )
130. 黛珂liposome treatment liquid mask 10ml, 5一片,有五片打包20 ttr   (88 bytes , 75reads )
打包这个试试 Chels   (0 bytes , 52reads )
========CLINIQUE======== ttr   (10 bytes , 57reads )
129. 倩碧甜心小方唇膏正装3.9g, 半价18出,一色一个 ttr   (524 bytes , 74reads )
128. 倩碧CHEEK POP 菊花腮红正装,特价24出就一个 ttr   (405 bytes , 66reads )
127. 倩碧all about eyes rich 滋润型眼霜正装15ml, 特价38出就一个 ttr   (112 bytes , 56reads )
==========CPB========== ttr   (5 bytes , 81reads )
126. CPB香薰蜡烛120g,16出,有五个 ttr   (146 bytes , 94reads )
排一个。。。 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 51reads )
拍一个 卡布布   (6 bytes , 63reads )
拍一个 群航   (0 bytes , 74reads )
排一个 Tiya   (14 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 vert   (0 bytes , 63reads )
收一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 63reads )
要一个 smileclove   (0 bytes , 57reads )
这个包装什么的都有吗 晓柒   (18 bytes , 58reads )
就图里那样,还有黑色绸丝带绑着的 ttr   (14 bytes , 54reads )
好哒好哒 晓柒   (12 bytes , 51reads )
也来一个 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 53reads )
125. cpb小套装,12出就一组 ttr   (119 bytes , 64reads )
tu1pig   (0 bytes , 54reads )
124. CPB uv protective cream tinted SPF50,色号IVORY, 3ml ,5出就一个 ttr   (61 bytes , 76reads )
收这个~~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 55reads )
123. CPB 黑管隔离小样3ml, 5出,有两个打包8 ttr   (121 bytes , 66reads )
tu1pig   (0 bytes , 52reads )
打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 54reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 64reads )
122. CPB renew massage cream按摩膏 6ml, 6出,有五个打包25 ttr   (87 bytes , 65reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 58reads )
121. cpb intensive eye contour cream 2ml,12出,有两个 ttr   (28 bytes , 52reads )
打包 smileclove   (0 bytes , 62reads )
120. CPB la creme 2ml, 那个贵到神经的面霜,10出,有两个 ttr   (327 bytes , 99reads )
打包 smileclove   (0 bytes , 61reads )
119. CPB美白精华6ml,15出,有三个 ttr   (448 bytes , 60reads )
打包 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 58reads )
118. CPB 精华 le serum 3ml, 12出,有两个 ttr   (328 bytes , 61reads )
打包 smileclove   (0 bytes , 66reads )
117. CPB lip serum 2ml, 6出,有三个打包16 ttr   (114 bytes , 76reads )
一个 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 63reads )
要一个要一个 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 52reads )
amanda1991   (7 bytes , 62reads )
要一个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 56reads )
要一个-- day   (0 bytes , 52reads )
1ge Murama   (0 bytes , 58reads )
116. CPB concentrated brightening eye serum 美白眼精华2ml, 10出,有7个打包65 ttr   (94 bytes , 71reads )
115. CPB UV protective emulsion for body身体防晒spf 50, 20ml, 10出,有两个打包18 ttr   (55 bytes , 55reads )
打包两个~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 58reads )
114. CPB UV protective emulsion for body身体防晒乳spf 30,20ml, 10出,有五个打包45 ttr   (46 bytes , 61reads )
113. CPB cleansing cream oil 9ml,有三个打包9块 ttr   (119 bytes , 74reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
112. CPB 清爽型日乳12ml,8一个,有五个打包38 ttr   (126 bytes , 65reads )
排这个,打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
打包这个! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 53reads )
111. CPB 清爽型日乳12ml+夜乳 12ml, 打包16出,有两组 ttr   (132 bytes , 63reads )
一组 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要一组吧! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 56reads )
110. CPB Radiant Multi Repair Oil 精华美容油10ml, 22出,有五个打包95 ttr   (313 bytes , 74reads )
收一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收一个试试 lemoncon   (18 bytes , 55reads )
1个 00ooo00   (0 bytes , 55reads )
109. CPB三部曲面膜,20一组,有五组 ttr   (274 bytes , 85reads )
打包收了 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 48reads )
108. CPB洁面20ml, 7出,有7个打包45 ttr   (189 bytes , 91reads )
打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收两个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
给楼上的Mm吧 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
107. CPB Hydro-Clarifying Lotion 清爽型护肤水30ml, 13出,有七个打包85 ttr   (300 bytes , 70reads )
106. CPB护手霜15ml, 9出,有两个打包17 ttr   (299 bytes , 61reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 52reads )
打包 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 56reads )
105. CPB眉笔正装refill,25出,有五个 ttr   (425 bytes , 69reads )
104. CPB隔离 黑瓶 正装30ml, 70出,有两个 ttr   (98 bytes , 83reads )
要一个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 58reads )
一个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 54reads )
收一个。。。 lily1987   (5 bytes , 61reads )
103. CPB 隔离黑色长管正装36ml, 70出,有四个 ttr   (97 bytes , 87reads )
102. CPB水磨精华正装170ml, 90出,有4瓶 ttr   (311 bytes , 73reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 57reads )
=======CHANEL===== ttr   (12 bytes , 60reads )
101. CHANEL sublimage 奢华精萃系列小套装一组,20出就一组 ttr   (932 bytes , 82reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 54reads )
=======今天就到这里,明天下午一点半继续==== ttr   (105 bytes , 59reads )
明天的看完一起付 一个暖暖   (33 bytes , 50reads )
=======CLARINS===== ttr   (5 bytes , 119reads )
100. clarins 黄水100ml, 12出,有七个 ttr   (127 bytes , 67reads )
99. CLARINS沐浴精华100ml, 蓝色一个,黄色四个,9一个,五瓶打包40 ttr   (87 bytes , 89reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 49reads )
2个黄色 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 56reads )
这个不要了 不好意思 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 63reads )
收一个黄色 晓柒   (5 bytes , 58reads )
蓝色 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 59reads )
98. clarins 新版美白洁面慕斯 50ml, 10出就一个 ttr   (112 bytes , 64reads )
波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 60reads )
97. CLARINS Multi-Active 多元眼霜3ml, 5一个,有四个打包18 ttr   (298 bytes , 82reads )
楼主~这个最近还有吗~ wlx_   (20 bytes , 43reads )
还有也想要一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 58reads )
这个还有吗 Via悦   (12 bytes , 62reads )
打包收 Chels   (0 bytes , 59reads )
96. clarins contour body oil 瘦身排水油30ml, 15出,有7个 ttr   (112 bytes , 81reads )
要1个 cyr   (8 bytes , 57reads )
收两个。。 lily1987   (5 bytes , 60reads )
95. clarins tonic body oil 10ml, 5出,有四个打包18 ttr   (87 bytes , 54reads )
打包收~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 57reads )
94. clarins 红魔晶新版30ml, 7出,有五个打包32 ttr   (112 bytes , 57reads )
Dryskinlan   (4 bytes , 56reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 59reads )
93. CLARINS Extra firming 颈霜30ml, 20一个,38两个,有六个 ttr   (98 bytes , 85reads )
要俩 大壮壮   (13 bytes , 54reads )
两个 岛人   (0 bytes , 59reads )
要一个 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 68reads )
要2个 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 52reads )
92. CLARINS Extra firming 颈霜15ml, 10一个,有三个打包28 ttr   (218 bytes , 58reads )
aaalei   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收剩下两个 cyr   (17 bytes , 53reads )
要一个~~ day   (0 bytes , 61reads )
91. CLARINS extra firming 日霜15ml,10出,有五个打包46 ttr   (346 bytes , 57reads )
收一个 fiona_tian   (9 bytes , 57reads )
这个取消,换el fiona_tian   (6 bytes , 54reads )
90. CLARINS extra firming 日霜15ml+晚霜15ml,20出,两套38,有四套打包72 ttr   (1124 bytes , 62reads )
收一套 Joycewenn   (12 bytes , 54reads )
收2套 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 68reads )
89. clarins 补水面膜30ml, 10一个,三个28,有7个, ttr   (112 bytes , 58reads )
88. CLARINS 防晒无色,10ml, 9一个,有6个,打包50出 ttr   (317 bytes , 62reads )
打包收六个 Chels   (0 bytes , 53reads )
87. CLARINS 新版美白精华10ml, 低于三折每个12出,有五个打包55 ttr   (113 bytes , 61reads )
打包剩下的 panghucute   (0 bytes , 58reads )
收2个美白精华 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 58reads )
86. clarins total cleansing oil 30ml, 3一个,有五个打包12 注意日期 ttr   (87 bytes , 60reads )
85. CLARINS新版瘦脸按摩面膜V-Facial Wrap 15ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (324 bytes , 102reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 49reads )
84. CLARINS新出的BB霜10ml, 9出,有三个打包25 ttr   (297 bytes , 63reads )
83. CLARINS shaping facial lift 提拉紧致精华10ml, 9出,5个40,有14个 ttr   (123 bytes , 62reads )
收一个 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 53reads )
82. CLARINS 新出的extra firming mask, 15ml,7出,有2个打包12 ttr   (300 bytes , 68reads )
打包这个 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 53reads )
81. Clarins hydraquench mask补水面膜15ml, 5出,有五个打包22 ttr   (121 bytes , 67reads )
收2个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 56reads )
80. CLARINS body shaping cream 30ml,6出,有2个打包10 ttr   (301 bytes , 69reads )
79. clarins Gentle refiner 面部磨砂霜30ml, 10一个,有3个 ttr   (122 bytes , 61reads )
78. CLARINS花样极致精粹系列眼精华7ml,23出,有两个打包近一个正装42出 ttr   (300 bytes , 62reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 57reads )
77. CLARINS花样极致精粹精华10ml, 20新币,有两个打包35 ttr   (314 bytes , 67reads )
打包 Murama   (0 bytes , 54reads )
收两个 Chels   (0 bytes , 58reads )
76. CLARINS花样极致精粹抗老面霜15ml, 14出,就一个 ttr   (317 bytes , 66reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 59reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 57reads )
75. CLARINS花样极致精粹系列日霜+晚霜各15ml,打包28出就一组 ttr   (326 bytes , 70reads )
Ricola   (0 bytes , 54reads )
74. clarins 花样极致精粹系列活肤水50ml, 12出,两个22,四个40,有8个 ttr   (320 bytes , 66reads )
73. CLARINS extra firming Treatment Essence,50ml, 10出,有3个 ttr   (144 bytes , 87reads )
打包收 yaoxinwhu   (0 bytes , 61reads )
要一个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 51reads )
收一个这个精华水 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 65reads )
00ooo00   (3 bytes , 61reads )
72. clarins眼卸30ml,4一个,7两个,有7个打包23 ttr   (124 bytes , 72reads )
71. clarins双层眼卸50ml,7一个,三个20,有11个 ttr   (312 bytes , 69reads )
joannlu83   (3 bytes , 64reads )
三个,刚点错了地方 岛人   (0 bytes , 55reads )
一个 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 56reads )
70. CLARINS 大橘子洁面50ml,10出,有2个打包18 ttr   (189 bytes , 68reads )
收一个 晓柒   (5 bytes , 61reads )
收一个洁面 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 62reads )
69. CLARINS 身体磨砂100ml, 12一个,22两个,50五个,有9个 ttr   (61 bytes , 60reads )
收俩 大壮壮   (31 bytes , 60reads )
收一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收2个 卡布布   (6 bytes , 60reads )
要两个这个 徐小福   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收一个身体磨砂 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 52reads )
也要一个试试 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 55reads )
68. CLARINS 保湿身体乳100ml, 12出就一个 ttr   (123 bytes , 54reads )
崦嵫客   (9 bytes , 59reads )
67. CLARINS body shaping cream 塑身霜100ml, 18出,35两个,有6个打包100 ttr   (52 bytes , 60reads )
收两个~ aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 52reads )
收两个 徐小福   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收两个。。。 lily1987   (5 bytes , 65reads )
66. CLARINS Extra firming body cream紧致身体霜 100ml,20一个,38两个,就2个 ttr   (210 bytes , 55reads )
收两个,谢谢! yhwust   (16 bytes , 74reads )
65. CLARINS Extra firming body lotion身体紧致乳100ml,20一个,38两个,5个90,有15个 ttr   (118 bytes , 66reads )
64. clarins 黄水正装200ml, 25出就一个 ttr   (83 bytes , 64reads )
狐狸熊   (20 bytes , 58reads )
63. CLARINS 新版纤体精华霜红魔晶200ml正装,55出,有四个 ttr   (108 bytes , 69reads )
这个 joannlu83   (8 bytes , 69reads )
收一个 清晨旅行   (22 bytes , 57reads )
62. clarins 身体磨砂正装200ml,无盒有塑封,特价32出有两个 ttr   (95 bytes , 56reads )
61. clarins 护手霜100ml,正装无盒有塑封,特价24出就一个 ttr   (102 bytes , 55reads )
收这个吧! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 52reads )
60. clarins extra firming body cream 正装200ml,无盒有封口,特价55出就一个 ttr   (98 bytes , 62reads )
59. clarins Body Treatment Oil 排水瘦身油正装100ml, 无盒有塑封,特价45出,有三个 ttr   (109 bytes , 61reads )
58. CLARINS double serum 双萃精华30ml正装,无盒特价52出,有三个 ttr   (109 bytes , 96reads )
收一个 迦楼罗   (22 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 Sunxiaoqin   (0 bytes , 57reads )
取消 不好意思 Sunxiaoqin   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收一个 Chels   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个! 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 54reads )
一个 妮妮叶   (5 bytes , 70reads )
手机网路错误 取消这个 妮妮叶   (43 bytes , 53reads )
要一个 妮妮叶   (5 bytes , 58reads )
取消这个 妮妮叶   (10 bytes , 56reads )
57. clarins 瘦脸面膜正装75ml,无盒有塑封,特价45出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 55reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 58reads )
56. CLARINS补水面霜gel版正装50ml,46出,有2个 ttr   (197 bytes , 63reads )
拍一个 ying422   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一个补水面霜 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 50reads )
hold一个 崦嵫客   (0 bytes , 60reads )
这个不要啦 崦嵫客   (23 bytes , 63reads )
55. clarins tonic body polisher 正装250ml巨大罐,无盒有封口,28出就一个 ttr   (98 bytes , 77reads )
到我碗里来 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 53reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 59reads )
ho Dryskinlan   (7 bytes , 59reads )
Vase   (8 bytes , 49reads )
54. clarins body shaping cream正装200ml 无盒有封口,特价50出,有三个 ttr   (102 bytes , 63reads )
收一个! yhwust   (0 bytes , 67reads )
不好意思,换一个,这个不收了! yhwust   (0 bytes , 76reads )
53. CLARINS extra firming 眼霜 正装15ml, 超低50出,有八个 ttr   (294 bytes , 77reads )
收一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 52reads )
要一个 Joycewenn   (6 bytes , 62reads )
ttr的主题:“53. CLARINS extra firming 眼霜 正装15ml, 超低50出,有八个” yixia   (8 bytes , 95reads )
一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 46reads )
收一个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 59reads )
52. Clarins新版美白防晒乳液正装75ml, 低于六折特价60出就一个 ttr   (95 bytes , 70reads )
51. Clarins 护手护甲霜正装有盒30ml,半价8块出,就一个 ttr   (344 bytes , 60reads )
要一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 48reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 58reads )
50. CLARINS新品BB霜1号FAIR色正装无盒30ml, 低于半价33出,就一个 ttr   (293 bytes , 66reads )
49. larins Stretch Mark Control 防妊娠纹的霜正装200ml带盒,不到六折55出,就一个 ttr   (289 bytes , 65reads )
Ivyg   (5 bytes , 67reads )
48. Clarins 孕妇消浮肿美腿滋润乳正装 125ml带盒子,近四折25出,有2个 ttr   (290 bytes , 56reads )
两个都收~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 69reads )
47. clarins tonic body oil 防妊娠油正装100ml有盒子, 50出,有两瓶 ttr   (94 bytes , 71reads )
要一个 Ivyg   (5 bytes , 50reads )
要一瓶 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 75reads )
46. CLARINS 新出的extra firming mask紧致舒缓面膜正装无盒75ml, 55出就一个 ttr   (491 bytes , 63reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 53reads )
一个,排队 xiaoqinzq   (5 bytes , 49reads )
00ooo00   (2 bytes , 54reads )
45. CLARINS双层眼卸正装125ml, 降价20一瓶,有三瓶 ttr   (412 bytes , 58reads )
ttr的主题:“45. CLARINS双层眼卸正装125ml, 降价20一瓶,有三瓶” yixia   (8 bytes , 64reads )
要一瓶 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 54reads )
这个不要了,多谢 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 51reads )
44. CLARINS SHAPING FACIAL LIFT 提拉瘦脸精华jumbo size 75ml,特价76出,有6个 ttr   (459 bytes , 71reads )
======BOBBI BROWN======= ttr   (5 bytes , 68reads )
43. Bobbi brown 粉底刷短柄,15出就一个 ttr   (174 bytes , 72reads )
那我收了吧 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 57reads )
排错了 不好意思 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 51reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 50reads )
42. Bobbi brown face base 7ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 52reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 44reads )
41. Bobbi brown双层卸妆油30ml, 6出,有三个打包15 ttr   (113 bytes , 59reads )
打包这个! 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 52reads )
40. Bobbi brown hydrating eye cream 3ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 59reads )
39. Bobbi brown extra repair moisture cream 7ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (114 bytes , 62reads )
38. Bobbi brown hydrating face cream 15ml, 9出就一个 ttr   (113 bytes , 48reads )
蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 52reads )
37. Bobbi brown soothing cleansing oil 15ml, 3出就一个 ttr   (88 bytes , 62reads )
收这个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 56reads )
36. Bobbi Brown Powder Pink Pot Rouge Cream Blush 1.7g, 12出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 71reads )
收这个 狐狸熊   (8 bytes , 50reads )
35. Bobbi brown 睫毛膏3ml, 5块一个,有两个打包8块 ttr   (111 bytes , 71reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 51reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 53reads )
34. BOBBI BROWN creamy lip color 正装无盒3.8g, 低于三折13出就一个 ttr   (222 bytes , 74reads )
33. BOBBI BROWN 波光亮唇蜜 crystal lip gloss 7ml,7一个,有三个打包18 ttr   (298 bytes , 56reads )
32. BOBBI BROWN BB霜正装40ml,特价42出就一个 ttr   (423 bytes , 51reads )
======BIOTHERM 碧欧泉===== ttr   (5 bytes , 58reads )
31. Biotherm小套装一组,打包10出就一组 ttr   (188 bytes , 65reads )
收了 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 58reads )
30. Biotherm aquasource instant hydration toning lotion 100ml,9出就一个 ttr   (106 bytes , 66reads )
29. Biotherm aquapower refreshing shower gel男士沐浴胶75ml, 10一个,有两个打包18 ttr   (94 bytes , 54reads )
两个打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 54reads )
28. 碧欧泉Aquasource Night spa 睡眠补水面膜20ml, 10出,2个18,有四个打包35 ttr   (104 bytes , 72reads )
27. 碧欧泉aquasource anti-pollution toner 100ml,正装一半,10出,有三个 ttr   (121 bytes , 63reads )
26. Biotherm aquasource gel正装50ml,原价69,40出就一个 ttr   (136 bytes , 64reads )
25. BIOTHERM LIFE PLANKTON ESSENCE水源再生基底活肤源液200ml, 低于六折60出,有两个 ttr   (104 bytes , 71reads )
hold 一个 Chels   (0 bytes , 53reads )
=========ALBION============ ttr   (5 bytes , 66reads )
24. ALBION 28天美白精华 Whitening Immaculate Essence 1.5ml,5一瓶,7个32,有57个 ttr   (153 bytes , 115reads )
收4组(28个) dtcywj   (0 bytes , 67reads )
要七个 smileclove   (0 bytes , 46reads )
yao7ge 00ooo00   (3 bytes , 56reads )
那就要28个试试吧… 崦嵫客   (5 bytes , 56reads )
要七个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 58reads )
要28个 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 55reads )
美白精华 来7个 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 50reads )
要14个 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 53reads )
要21个 123Berry   (0 bytes , 54reads )
要28个 123Berry   (0 bytes , 52reads )
23. Albion 贵妇唤肤抗老EX-VIE渗透乳+水各30ml, 打包25一组,48两组,70三组,有12组 ttr   (309 bytes , 75reads )
收一组 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 53reads )
一组 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 63reads )
hold一组 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 55reads )
這個不要了 不好意思 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 61reads )
要一组 群航   (0 bytes , 57reads )
22. ALBION exage美白卸妆油21ml, 三个10块,九个28,有18个 ttr   (82 bytes , 56reads )
21. ALBION exage保湿精华8ml, 5一个,8两个,15四个,有12个 ttr   (82 bytes , 62reads )
20. ALBION exage保湿水30ml, 只有两个打包6块 ttr   (82 bytes , 60reads )
打包 P莹莹   (5 bytes , 50reads )
19. ALBION 保湿渗透乳II号30g, 三个10块,有9个打包28 ttr   (94 bytes , 65reads )
还在的话 小丫嘎嘎   (28 bytes , 85reads )
要3个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 67reads )
18. ALBION exage保湿卸妆油21ml, 三个10块,有8个打包25 ttr   (82 bytes , 70reads )
17. ALBION 新出的embeage系列睡眠面膜2.8g, 5出,就两个打包8块 ttr   (334 bytes , 55reads )
排一下 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 54reads )
全要 123Berry   (0 bytes , 53reads )
不要了 123Berry   (5 bytes , 59reads )
16. ALBION EXCIA RICH MILK渗透乳30g,9出,两个打包17,五个打包40,有25个 ttr   (344 bytes , 59reads )
收两个,ntu取 fhs   (38 bytes , 52reads )
打包5个。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 53reads )
15. lbion Eclafutur 细胞修护精华液肌底液8ml, 7一个,三个打包20,有23个 ttr   (94 bytes , 63reads )
14. ALBION excia eternal keystone serum 8ml,7一个,三个打包20,十个打包60,有65个 ttr   (272 bytes , 58reads )
13. ALBION HERBAL OIL GOLD 8ml, 5出,5个打包22,10个打包40,有48个 ttr   (82 bytes , 64reads )
十个 岛人   (0 bytes , 57reads )
一个 Ritanicol   (0 bytes , 49reads )
12. Albion 健康水12ml, 三个10块,有21个打包65 ttr   (95 bytes , 65reads )
健康水21瓶 打包 魏魏   (10 bytes , 57reads )
11. ALBION infinesse 保湿柔肤水30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有17个 ttr   (95 bytes , 57reads )
10. ALBION infinesse 保湿渗透乳30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有12个 ttr   (95 bytes , 58reads )
9. ALBION infinesse 美白柔肤水30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有50个 ttr   (95 bytes , 47reads )
8. ALBION infinesse 美白渗透乳30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有39个 ttr   (95 bytes , 70reads )
6. ALBION infinesse美白精华8ml, 7出,三个打包20,十个打包60,有37个 ttr   (193 bytes , 69reads )
美白精华3个+健康水3个,NTU 取货可以直接付现金么 无名泡泡   (0 bytes , 62reads )
要三个 P莹莹   (5 bytes , 58reads )
要十个 198x   (0 bytes , 54reads )
三个 Ritanicol   (0 bytes , 63reads )
5. ALBION line terminate maximum 极致抗皱精华正装30g无盒,特价低于三折100出 ttr   (280 bytes , 87reads )
不好意思取消这个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 59reads )
hold一下 Murama   (10 bytes , 62reads )
这个取消 Murama   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要一个 smileclove   (0 bytes , 52reads )
要一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 52reads )
两个打包190,一共有4个 ttr   (5 bytes , 59reads )
4. Albion exage 美白渗透乳200g 蓝瓶 II号,55出,就一个 ttr   (97 bytes , 73reads )
albion蓝瓶乳液 Zhiqing   (6 bytes , 46reads )
还在么? 小丫嘎嘎   (6 bytes , 85reads )
谢谢 小丫嘎嘎   (8 bytes , 75reads )
3. Albion exage 保湿渗透乳粉瓶200g II号,55出,就一个 ttr   (97 bytes , 85reads )
2. ALBION健康水面膜8片,35出,两盒68,三盒100,有8盒 ttr   (98 bytes , 66reads )
要1盒 Danae   (23 bytes , 58reads )
收一个吧 维生素E   (4 bytes , 53reads )
一盒 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 55reads )
这个要三盒~ 学霸小刺猬的梦   (5 bytes , 51reads )
mm不好意思,这个不要了 学霸小刺猬的梦   (61 bytes , 53reads )
1. 健康水330ml,全新,105出, 有三个 ttr   (102 bytes , 57reads )
楼楼 这个还有吗~请问~ wlx_   (21 bytes , 39reads )
一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 54reads )
不好意思,这个我不要了,发现排太多了。 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 84reads )
=====分货区====== ttr   (5 bytes , 75reads )
我要快递 加多少邮费 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 56reads )
======邮寄区============== ttr   (191 bytes , 77reads )
所有给我留言邮寄的全都寄出去啦 ttr   (36 bytes , 55reads )
是今天刚邮寄的吗? BBTXIAOJIN   (2 bytes , 63reads )
报名smartpac fiona_tian   (18 bytes , 59reads )
报名smartpac 迦楼罗   (21 bytes , 62reads )
报名TAQBIN Wendy_TWT   (137 bytes , 76reads )
已经转了taqbin的运费了 lemoncon   (18 bytes , 56reads )
已转$198.80 请查收 包括了邮寄Singpost$3.8的费用 一个暖暖   (324 bytes , 55reads )
求平邮,谢谢mm Sglotus   (54 bytes , 49reads )
mm我跟的都取消吧,留给排队的妹纸 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 51reads )
求邮寄 MiaLin   (54 bytes , 54reads )
mm求邮寄,邮费多少阿75. CLARINS花样极致精粹系列日霜+晚霜[…] Ricola   (200 bytes , 58reads )
已转账,地址私信mm 谢谢 Ricola   (0 bytes , 59reads )
我要邮寄Singpost 3.8那个 一个暖暖   (378 bytes , 51reads )
mm, 我所有东西列表, 旺旺牛奶   (646 bytes , 50reads )
我要快递 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 55reads )
已转56.15包邮费 BBTXIAOJIN   (30 bytes , 54reads )
楼主 已经Posb转了 报名平邮 谢谢 ddc28   (0 bytes , 52reads )
邮费多少呀 Sue0123456   (82 bytes , 52reads )
报名平邮,邮费$1 已paylah mshuahua   (31 bytes , 50reads )
=======其他时间==== ttr   (56 bytes , 63reads )
sms你具体收东西的方式啦。。。 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 52reads )
想约八号下班时间金文泰拿 aiiwaa   (103 bytes , 55reads )
报名八号在金文泰拿 aiiwaa   (13 bytes , 54reads )
======NTU随时约==== ttr   (5 bytes , 67reads )
NTU拿货 sunpengsdu   (54 bytes , 66reads )
已转 hello22   (43 bytes , 66reads )
妹纸可以哪天7点到7点10分左右约boonlay 或者pioneer mrt吗? Kyria   (24 bytes , 53reads )
求八号白天自取 马甲甲甲   (381 bytes , 63reads )
如果隔壁八号在金文泰取的妹子约下午4点之前的时间,我可以一起在金文泰取 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 66reads )
有JP分货么 岛人   (0 bytes , 68reads )
=======6月7号, 下周三晚上6:50 raffles mrt==== ttr   (9 bytes , 62reads )
那个出口。 呆子5200   (30 bytes , 64reads )
报名这个 mickeybubu   (93 bytes , 53reads )
报名 Ceceliaah   (7 bytes , 49reads )
Ceceliaah   (77 bytes , 54reads )
报名这个x 崦嵫客   (19 bytes , 57reads )
报名这个 枕头   (132 bytes , 61reads )
报名 舒然99   (23 bytes , 54reads )
报名这个,给现金 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 56reads )
报名取货 Ritanicol   (13 bytes , 72reads )
报名这个 圣托里尼的猫   (6 bytes , 55reads )
报名这个 YoTeAmo   (45 bytes , 58reads )
还有个dior变色唇膏 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 56reads )
就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 52reads )
取消 就叫我秋秋吧   (22 bytes , 59reads )
报名这个~~~ yukimura05   (110 bytes , 50reads )
报名 呆子5200   (110 bytes , 56reads )
报名自备现金 呆子5200   (0 bytes , 51reads )
报名这个 维生素E   (157 bytes , 55reads )
报名分货 等更新完了 一起转账 嘻嘻 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 42reads )
=======6月7号, 下周三晚上6:10 clementi mrt==== ttr   (9 bytes , 56reads )
报名取货 狐狸熊   (41 bytes , 78reads )
报名这个 panghucute   (58 bytes , 58reads )
星期三晚取货 miachung   (26 bytes , 50reads )
报名这个 198x   (0 bytes , 60reads )
报名这个 vert   (20 bytes , 56reads )
报名! yhwust   (0 bytes , 57reads )
=======6月5号, 下周一晚上6:20 clementi mrt=== ttr   (10 bytes , 47reads )
报名这个 就叫我秋秋吧   (22 bytes , 54reads )
已转账,报名周二clementi取货 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 58reads )
报名拿货,会备好现金,谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 63reads )
======周一分货取消,改成周二6:20 clementi mrt===== ttr   (18 bytes , 51reads )
报名这个取货 day   (0 bytes , 61reads )
报名这个 水墨   (28 bytes , 53reads )
报名周二clementi,已转102 Sheepoo   (38 bytes , 53reads )
报名周二拿货,会备现金,谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 86reads )
报名这个。。。 lily1987   (220 bytes , 50reads )
报名 Ivyg   (20 bytes , 49reads )
=======6月4号, 周日下午2:30 clementi mrt==== ttr   (9 bytes , 61reads )
报名这个。 xiaoqinzq   (513 bytes , 111reads )
MM 第一个雅诗兰黛那个前面有人收了哦 ttr   (13 bytes , 49reads )
哦,好的,我当时还以为是有7个小样,加一个正装。 xiaoqinzq   (5 bytes , 97reads )
是在mrt里头吗? xiaoqinzq   (98 bytes , 107reads )
报名 岛人   (0 bytes , 69reads )
报名 aaalei   (0 bytes , 50reads )
报名 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 53reads )
报名 湿湿一大坨   (371 bytes , 55reads )
报名这个 arthurjxn   (10 bytes , 49reads )
具体内容 arthurjxn   (246 bytes , 60reads )
=======转账区====== ttr   (55 bytes , 91reads )
已转136.8,含smartpac邮费 Ricola   (0 bytes , 60reads )
已转73.8 含邮费 fiona_tian   (12 bytes , 51reads )
已转95.8 paylah 迦楼罗   (114 bytes , 160reads )
已转73 狐狸熊   (11 bytes , 61reads )
已转297 蚂蚁奶糖   (515 bytes , 61reads )
已转24.2 (含邮费1.2) 牛肉粒粒   (40 bytes , 72reads )
已转28 miachung   (23 bytes , 50reads )
又转了36 YoTeAmo   (14 bytes , 59reads )
已paylah $66 请查收 day   (0 bytes , 61reads )
已paylah 96.00 枕头   (0 bytes , 58reads )
已转102 via ibank Sheepoo   (20 bytes , 57reads )
已paylah了26块 P莹莹   (4 bytes , 49reads )
已转151 from OCBC amanda1991   (180 bytes , 60reads )
加邮费一共117.80。已转账到DBS 旺旺牛奶   (79 bytes , 55reads )
已转16 vert   (33 bytes , 46reads )
已转251,DBS SigmaC   (0 bytes , 53reads )
已转账57 sunpengsdu   (409 bytes , 58reads )
已转账56.15 BBTXIAOJIN   (87 bytes , 50reads )
已转DBS 66块 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 57reads )
已转 就叫我秋秋吧   (77 bytes , 51reads )
一共S$195 lemoncon   (117 bytes , 52reads )
已转sgd191 via OCBC lily1987   (226 bytes , 58reads )
已paylah 36 mshuahua   (73 bytes , 46reads )
已转33 via dbs yukimura05   (116 bytes , 49reads )
已转176 from paylah Kyria   (296 bytes , 52reads )
已转328 from posb savings acc JenniferCrane   (216 bytes , 61reads )
已转170.03 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 80reads )
paylah 225 湿湿一大坨   (391 bytes , 55reads )
截图 湿湿一大坨   (50 bytes , 51reads )
已转 254.8 (邮寄smartpac),谢谢! Chels   (0 bytes , 50reads )
已转38, 舒然99   (37 bytes , 49reads )
已转38,请查收! yhwust   (0 bytes , 68reads )
已转105 Ivyg   (87 bytes , 49reads )
有kiehl's 波丽路仙桃   (45 bytes , 54reads )
同求 FengLinZH   (0 bytes , 55reads )
想你 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 44reads )
=======闲聊区======= ttr   (5 bytes , 56reads )
可以继续约在JP吗? 艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 49reads )
坐等!!! lemoncon   (33 bytes , 56reads )
请问有娇韵诗男士乳液不? 雪莉莉七   (2 bytes , 48reads )
clarins这次木有男士呢 ttr   (0 bytes , 58reads )
强力围观 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
Vase   (32 bytes , 59reads )
木有呢,不过有30ml大特价嘿嘿 ttr   (0 bytes , 50reads )
哎吆 啥都别说了 维生素E   (74 bytes , 53reads )
你终于开帖了 Murama   (5 bytes , 54reads )