所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2017-06-02 14:19

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========TTR 出货贴,6月1号下午两点更新==== ttr   (93 bytes , 21732reads )
这个还有吗 chunyuruo   (9 bytes , 41reads )
kisskiss娇兰 Zhiqing   (13 bytes , 46reads )
这个三个平邮加多少? 随白色飞翔   (5 bytes , 65reads )
取消这个,谢谢 foryee   (33 bytes , 49reads )
剩下全排 Ming0425   (0 bytes , 63reads )
有多少留着。 Ming0425   (0 bytes , 82reads )
收一个! msfish   (19 bytes , 67reads )
三个 岛人   (0 bytes , 65reads )
======更新区===== ttr   (5 bytes , 96reads )
======发完啦~~====== ttr   (54 bytes , 80reads )
?? 呆子5200   (32 bytes , 69reads )
转账那层楼主有放账号 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
======YSL==== ttr   (14 bytes , 73reads )
400. YSL刷子三件套,25出就一套 ttr   (125 bytes , 160reads )
排介个~ solacui   (26 bytes , 85reads )
这个是什么毛毛啊 圣托里尼的猫   (42 bytes , 51reads )
这个先不要了,留给排队的妹子吧 @solacui 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 70reads )
399. YSL妍活洁面20ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (29 bytes , 70reads )
收这个。。。。 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 55reads )
398. YSL 伸缩散粉/腮红刷,18出,有四个 ttr   (122 bytes , 102reads )
397. YSL 光泽妆前乳10ml,12出就一个 ttr   (104 bytes , 91reads )
396. YSL forever youth 眼霜 3ml, 8出,有两个打包15 ttr   (112 bytes , 87reads )
395. YSL方管中样70号,15块一个,有三个 ttr   (86 bytes , 117reads )
收一个 ddc28   (36 bytes , 48reads )
收一个 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 53reads )
一个 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 70reads )
394. YSL方管中样1号,15块一个,有两个 ttr   (86 bytes , 79reads )
排一个 卡布布   (5 bytes , 56reads )
一个 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 60reads )
393. YSL方管中样19号,15块一个,有两个 ttr   (87 bytes , 88reads )
392. YSL 唇部打底 3ml,6出,有三个打包15 ttr   (86 bytes , 70reads )
要一个试试 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 61reads )
391. YSL top secret instant glow 黑丝缎妆前隔离5ml, 6出,有三个 ttr   (189 bytes , 77reads )
要一个 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 63reads )
收一只 群航   (8 bytes , 65reads )
打包收 枕头   (0 bytes , 55reads )
390. YSL新出的CC霜紫色5ml, 5出,有三个打包13 ttr   (86 bytes , 88reads )
打包剩下两个 cyr   (32 bytes , 59reads )
收一个试试 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 61reads )
色号ROSE,打错了 ttr   (5 bytes , 58reads )
389. YSL睫毛膏2ml, 4一个,10块三个,有八个 ttr   (87 bytes , 66reads )
收1个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 49reads )
收一个 simila   (0 bytes , 51reads )
388. YSL黑色防水眼线笔0.8g,一个4块,三个10块。有10只 ttr   (93 bytes , 74reads )
收一个 cyr   (13 bytes , 52reads )
要6只 BBTXIAOJIN   (12 bytes , 51reads )
1个。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 55reads )
这个取消吧,我自己有 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
387.YSL粉扑,每包里面两个,3一包,2包打包5 ttr   (203 bytes , 85reads )
收 一包 simila   (0 bytes , 57reads )
一包 Murama   (0 bytes , 55reads )
386. YSL奶油粉饼1.5g, 5出,有三个打包12 ttr   (189 bytes , 81reads )
要一个 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 59reads )
385. YSL美白精华 5ml,8出,有两个打包15 ttr   (118 bytes , 57reads )
打包。。。。。 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 67reads )
384. YSL top secret instant glow 黑丝缎妆前隔离正装40ml, 58出,有2个 ttr   (471 bytes , 75reads )
收一只 枕头   (0 bytes , 64reads )
383. YSL 气垫10号星星限量版,82出,就一个 ttr   (144 bytes , 90reads )
Hold一下这个! 秋味   (0 bytes , 67reads )
382. YSL气垫正装,20号适合大多数妹子,68出,有两个 ttr   (282 bytes , 83reads )
收这个 Ceceliaah   (4 bytes , 53reads )
hold一個 JenniferCrane   (17 bytes , 56reads )
这个要 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 65reads )
381. YSL唇膏方管17号,37出就一个 ttr   (102 bytes , 70reads )
收方管 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 59reads )
380. YSL黑管409,37一只,有3个 ttr   (95 bytes , 96reads )
收一 Tiya   (8 bytes , 60reads )
379. YSL黑管401,37出,有两个 ttr   (94 bytes , 84reads )
======WHOO===== ttr   (5 bytes , 60reads )
378. WHOO 拱辰享睡眠面膜17ml, 7出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 59reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 51reads )
要这个。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 55reads )
377. WHOO密贴面霜8ml,13出,有两个 ttr   (331 bytes , 52reads )
打包收了 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 63reads )
376. WHOO密贴自生精华8ml, 14出,有两个打包25 ttr   (113 bytes , 62reads )
打包收 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 57reads )
375. WHOO密贴循环精华15ml, 12出,有三个打包35 ttr   (113 bytes , 65reads )
打包 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
374. WHOO天气丹华泫眼霜5ml,20出就一个 ttr   (93 bytes , 62reads )
373. WHOO天气丹华泫面霜10ml,20出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 53reads )
372. WHOO 天气丹华泫精华 8ml,20出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 55reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 57reads )
取消,家里还有 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 52reads )
371. WHOO glow lip balm 色号Red, 30出就一个 ttr   (101 bytes , 64reads )
370. WHOO密贴循环精华85ml, 正装无盒,85出,有两瓶 ttr   (114 bytes , 80reads )
369. WHOO luxury唇膏 15号色, 40出就一个 ttr   (126 bytes , 83reads )
收这个 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 82reads )
=======SULWHASOO===== ttr   (5 bytes , 75reads )
368. 雪花秀 闪里眼霜 3.5ml ,6出就一个 ttr   (294 bytes , 71reads )
收眼霜 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 53reads )
367. 雪花秀润燥精华8ml按压泵的没盒子,8出就一个 ttr   (208 bytes , 64reads )
366. 雪花秀新版人参面霜5g,就一个7出 ttr   (442 bytes , 57reads )
sunpengsdu   (0 bytes , 68reads )
365. 雪花秀滋阴水+乳,各15ml,打包4出就一组 ttr   (191 bytes , 67reads )
排这个 牛肉粒粒   (10 bytes , 74reads )
hh0nn   (2 bytes , 77reads )
364. 雪花秀玉容撕拉面膜新版15ml, 4出,有三个打包10 ttr   (44 bytes , 68reads )
meimeixi   (0 bytes , 57reads )
打包 群航   (4 bytes , 50reads )
363. 雪花秀snowise brightening uv protector spf50 2号色 soft peach,两个打包5出 ttr   (88 bytes , 68reads )
打包。。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 59reads )
打包两个一起 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 60reads )
362. 雪花秀 snowise brighteining cream 5ml, 4一个,有两个 ttr   (115 bytes , 70reads )
这个也打包收了 牛肉粒粒   (4 bytes , 84reads )
361. 雪花秀 snowise brightening spot treatment 3ml, 5出,有两个 ttr   (113 bytes , 62reads )
360. 雪花秀美白精华8ml,8出, 有三个打包22 ttr   (379 bytes , 61reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 57reads )
打包三个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 55reads )
359. 雪花秀美白水+乳各15ml, 5一组,有三组 ttr   (88 bytes , 62reads )
打包收这个 牛肉粒粒   (20 bytes , 74reads )
358. 雪花秀新版与润睡眠面膜15g, 6出,有三个打包16 ttr   (113 bytes , 68reads )
打包 sunpengsdu   (9 bytes , 69reads )
打包 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 66reads )
357. 雪花秀新版与润睡眠面膜30g, 12出,就一个 ttr   (434 bytes , 70reads )
收~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 68reads )
356. 雪花秀harmonizen regenerating cream ex多馠雪再生露面霜8ml, 20出就一个 ttr   (172 bytes , 68reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 66reads )
面霜太多了,取消这个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
355. 雪花秀气垫粉扑限量版,7一套,3套20,有12套 ttr   (85 bytes , 102reads )
要2套,邮寄 开水白面包   (16 bytes , 63reads )
收一套这个! 秋味   (0 bytes , 74reads )
想收这个 ivyzhang05   (14 bytes , 65reads )
错了 ivyzhang05   (20 bytes , 64reads )
一套 Sue0123456   (5 bytes , 61reads )
要一套 LovelyFace   (6 bytes , 58reads )
一套 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 56reads )
joannlu83   (4 bytes , 52reads )
354. 雪花秀美颜修容亮润露Luminature Essential Finisher 8ml,4出就一个 ttr   (525 bytes , 66reads )
Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 66reads )
353. 雪花秀滋阴水+乳套装,105出就一套 ttr   (170 bytes , 73reads )
收这套 Wendy_TWT   (15 bytes , 85reads )
352. 雪花秀润燥精华限量版120ml jumbo size,135出就一个 ttr   (104 bytes , 68reads )
收这个 维生素E   (10 bytes , 54reads )
351. 雪花秀顺行柔和洁颜油正装200ml,35出,有两个 ttr   (96 bytes , 59reads )
350. 雪花秀顺行洁面正装200ml有盒子,35出,有3个 ttr   (293 bytes , 53reads )
收。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (0 bytes , 64reads )
349. 雪花秀木莲花气垫BB亮白版13号限量包装,56出,有两套 ttr   (128 bytes , 70reads )
收一个。。 lily1987   (6 bytes , 62reads )
348. 雪花秀气垫限量版21号,51出,有7个 ttr   (142 bytes , 94reads )
收一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 50reads )
21号收一套 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 57reads )
347. 雪花秀气垫限量版13号,51出,有11个 ttr   (130 bytes , 74reads )
收2个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 37reads )
346. 雪花秀木莲花气垫BB亮白版13号,55出,就一套 ttr   (356 bytes , 71reads )
345. 雪花秀气垫BB 21号,50出,有2套 ttr   (543 bytes , 69reads )
要一个 水墨   (4 bytes , 65reads )
收一套 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 49reads )
=======SKII====== ttr   (5 bytes , 69reads )
344. SKII facial treatment gentle cleansing cream 15g, 6出,有五个打包27 ttr   (190 bytes , 108reads )
收一个就好 圣托里尼的猫   (6 bytes , 56reads )
343. SKII FACIAL TREATMENT GENTLE CLEANSER 洁面6g*6只=36g,打包10块 ttr   (87 bytes , 58reads )
打包6个一组 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 48reads )
打包 BBTXIAOJIN   (12 bytes , 61reads )
打包 joannlu83   (3 bytes , 58reads )
342. SKII 神仙水10ml,有七个打包40 ttr   (190 bytes , 65reads )
打包~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 60reads )
341. SKII 新版clear lotion 10ml, 6个打包10块就一组 ttr   (190 bytes , 51reads )
要了 kallang88   (4 bytes , 78reads )
340. SKII RNA面霜2.5g,8个打包13出,就一组 ttr   (299 bytes , 70reads )
kallang88   (2 bytes , 85reads )
339. SKII clear lotion 30ml,6出就一个 ttr   (190 bytes , 53reads )
收一个························· 湿湿一大坨   (0 bytes , 59reads )
338. SKII FACIAL TREATMENT REPAIR C, 正装一半15ML, 26出,有两个打包50 ttr   (105 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收一个 Chels   (0 bytes , 56reads )
337. SKII RNA 面霜15g, 20出,5个打包95,有11个 ttr   (318 bytes , 65reads )
打包要5个 大壮壮   (33 bytes , 57reads )
打包要5个 水墨   (4 bytes , 60reads )
336. Skii cellumination deep surge ex 新版环彩面霜15ml, 20出,5个打包92,有10个 ttr   (415 bytes , 66reads )
打包五个,玖八伍二二久三六 JESSICA333   (0 bytes , 30reads )
取消単,己从别处收了 JESSICA333   (0 bytes , 38reads )
收5个 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 54reads )
收5个,不要之前那个防晒的环彩日霜啦 Kyria   (0 bytes , 68reads )
要5个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 57reads )
335. SKII 神仙水樱花限量版230ml, 155出,有三个 ttr   (125 bytes , 84reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 kallang88   (6 bytes , 74reads )
收一瓶 呆子5200   (24 bytes , 48reads )
要一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 54reads )
334. SKII clear lotion 清莹露正装230ml, 低于半价55出,有三个 ttr   (138 bytes , 67reads )
收1个 圣托里尼的猫   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一瓶 呆子5200   (22 bytes , 55reads )
333. SKII skin signature全效活能3D面膜正装六片有盒子,低于四折75出,有两盒打包140 ttr   (556 bytes , 69reads )
收一盒这个试试 大壮壮   (33 bytes , 71reads )
332. SKII男士神仙水230ml正装,142出,有两个 ttr   (95 bytes , 54reads )
诶 要一个吧 崦嵫客   (33 bytes , 68reads )
331. SKII RNA 面霜大大版100g, 超值145出,有四个 ttr   (110 bytes , 76reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 60reads )
330. SKII facial treatment essence eye眼部神仙水精华正装15ml,史低价55,有6个 ttr   (314 bytes , 62reads )
329. SKII REPAIR C正装30ml有盒子,低于半价75出,有2个 ttr   (300 bytes , 59reads )
328. SKII facial treatment oil 黄金面油,正装有盒子50ml,低于六折120出, 有三瓶 ttr   (483 bytes , 57reads )
327. SKII RNA眼霜正装15ml, 85出,有2个 ttr   (199 bytes , 56reads )
326. SK2 cellumination day surge UV 环采钻白修复防晒日霜50g正装,70出就一个 ttr   (301 bytes , 70reads )
不要这个啦,要 336 那个面霜~ Kyria   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
325. SKII mid day miracle essence日间奇迹精华喷雾正装有盒50ml,近半价50出,有7个 ttr   (315 bytes , 61reads )
324. SKII Signs Up-Lifter Serum弹性抗松弛精华乳40g正装,低于半价90出,就一个 ttr   (300 bytes , 60reads )
324. SKII Signs Up-Lifter Serum弹性抗松弛精华乳40g正装,低于半价90出,就一个 魏魏   (4 bytes , 65reads )
=======SHISEIDO====== ttr   (5 bytes , 91reads )
323. 资生堂white lucent 晚霜10ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (115 bytes , 62reads )
meimeixi   (0 bytes , 60reads )
Vase   (0 bytes , 54reads )
322. 资生堂white lucent brightening spot control base色号ivory,10ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (137 bytes , 69reads )
收这个 mshuahua   (0 bytes , 54reads )
321. 资生堂眼影RD299小样0.2g, 3一个,有两个 ttr   (88 bytes , 95reads )
收一个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
320. 资生堂散粉2g 带粉扑,5一个,有两个 ttr   (89 bytes , 72reads )
一个 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 60reads )
一个 mshuahua   (0 bytes , 65reads )
Yi ge angelabebe   (0 bytes , 55reads )
319. 资生堂vital whrinklelift mask 悦微眼膜,一包两片,6一包,有三包打包15 ttr   (113 bytes , 50reads )
打包 Murama   (0 bytes , 55reads )
318. 资生堂防晒perfect uv protector spf 50,15ml, 10出,有两个打包18 ttr   (113 bytes , 59reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 55reads )
Vase   (0 bytes , 64reads )
打包两个 Vase   (0 bytes , 65reads )
317. 资生堂红腰子精华5ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (88 bytes , 63reads )
Yao angelabebe   (0 bytes , 52reads )
316. 资生堂vital white circulator serum 悦微美白精华10ml, 15出,有两个 ttr   (114 bytes , 63reads )
shou两个~ Vase   (0 bytes , 61reads )
315. 资生堂水活焕妍瞬间眼唇卸妆乳30ml, 有两个打包6 ttr   (88 bytes , 63reads )
打包两个一起 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 62reads )
314. 资生堂 vital lift cream悦微面霜7ml, 12出,有六个打包70 ttr   (114 bytes , 65reads )
打包 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 64reads )
打包剩下的。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (0 bytes , 56reads )
一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 50reads )
313. 资生堂 creamy cleansing emulsion 40ml, 5出,有两个 ttr   (102 bytes , 69reads )
要一个 扯野棉花   (0 bytes , 57reads )
收一 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 56reads )
312. 资生堂white lucent 眼霜5ml+防晒15ml, 打包10出就一组 ttr   (37 bytes , 58reads )
Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 59reads )
收~ Vase   (0 bytes , 59reads )
311. 资生堂红腰子精华10ml, 15出,有六个 ttr   (301 bytes , 204reads )
要一个 迦楼罗   (33 bytes , 47reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 55reads )
一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 58reads )
收两个 kallang88   (4 bytes , 70reads )
要一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 55reads )
310. 资生堂IBUKI protective moisturizer emulsion 15ml, 3出,有六个打包15 ttr   (567 bytes , 66reads )
309. 资生堂IBUKI refiningmoisturizer emulsion 15ml, 3出,有六个打包15 ttr   (190 bytes , 64reads )
308. 资生堂睫毛膏Perfect Mascara Defining Volume Black 2ml, 3一个,5两个,有5个 ttr   (400 bytes , 62reads )
307. 资生堂肌活舒缓香氛滚珠香水8ml, 8出,14两个,有5个打包30 ttr   (189 bytes , 67reads )
306. 资生堂rouge 口红2.5g, 12出,有4个,看好要什么色号 ttr   (145 bytes , 100reads )
要一个305邮寄 tu1pig   (9 bytes , 61reads )
305. 资生堂香味身体乳30ml, 2个打包6块 ttr   (301 bytes , 59reads )
304. 资生堂white lucent 水25ml+洁面50ml, 打包8出就一组 ttr   (88 bytes , 57reads )
Vase   (0 bytes , 58reads )
303. 资生堂vital系列洗面奶30ml, 5出,有四个打包18 ttr   (126 bytes , 63reads )
打百四个 Vase   (0 bytes , 56reads )
打包四个 Vase   (4 bytes , 55reads )
302. 资生堂vital系列洗面奶50ml, 8出,有2个 ttr   (126 bytes , 67reads )
要一个。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 67reads )
一个 Murama   (0 bytes , 54reads )
301. 资生堂悦微乳液滋润型15ml, 9出,有四个打包35 ttr   (53 bytes , 63reads )
300. 资生堂悦微乳液滋润型30ml, 18出,有两个 ttr   (61 bytes , 66reads )
299. 资生堂vital 水水滋润型 25ml,6出,有3个打包16 ttr   (116 bytes , 49reads )
也打包要了 Vase   (0 bytes , 55reads )
298. 资生堂vital 水水75ml正装一半,18出,有2个 ttr   (323 bytes , 63reads )
打包 Vase   (0 bytes , 56reads )
297. 资生堂红腰子75ml jumbo size, 120出,有两个 ttr   (97 bytes , 72reads )
296. 资生堂 vital perfection 悦微水滋润型正装150ml, 无盒,50出,有两个 ttr   (98 bytes , 67reads )
收一个 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 50reads )
收1 Vase   (5 bytes , 56reads )
295. 资生堂white lucent美白精华正装30ml, 无盒, 特价70出,有三个 ttr   (106 bytes , 76reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 54reads )
资生堂美白精华 魏魏   (6 bytes , 54reads )
要1個 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 58reads )
294. 资生堂化妆棉,9块两包,有四包 ttr   (77 bytes , 55reads )
都要了 大壮壮   (18 bytes , 59reads )
293. 资生堂美白洁面,正装无盒125ml, 25出,有两个 ttr   (471 bytes , 59reads )
排一个 群航   (0 bytes , 60reads )
打包 joannlu83   (4 bytes , 54reads )
292. 资生堂红色蜜露高机能水正装125ml,50出,有八瓶 ttr   (408 bytes , 78reads )
=======次饭去啦,晚上八点继续,今天全发完!!========= ttr   (24 bytes , 67reads )
=======RMK==== ttr   (5 bytes , 58reads )
291. RMK cream soap 水果精华泡沫洁面 正装115g, 35出就一个 ttr   (95 bytes , 76reads )
hold BBTXIAOJIN   (38 bytes , 55reads )
290. RMK 玫瑰卸妆膏正装100g, 36出就一个 ttr   (109 bytes , 68reads )
狐狸熊   (8 bytes , 65reads )
取消这个,谢谢 foryee   (33 bytes , 73reads )
foryee   (33 bytes , 58reads )
========NARS===== ttr   (5 bytes , 65reads )
289. NARS velvet shadow stick 1g,一色一个,15出,三个打包42 ttr   (234 bytes , 69reads )
打包。。。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 49reads )
288. NARS 修容粉bronzing powder 色号laguna 2.5g, 14出,有12个 ttr   (113 bytes , 111reads )
排一个 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 50reads )
要一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 58reads )
这个也收一个 维生素E   (8 bytes , 55reads )
收一个。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 52reads )
收一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 50reads )
要一个 foryee   (33 bytes , 64reads )
要1個 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 54reads )
要一个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 61reads )
joannlu83   (4 bytes , 44reads )
287. NARS the multiper多功能棒 膏状高光 4g, 色号copacabana,15出,有两个 ttr   (330 bytes , 63reads )
一个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 51reads )
收一个 维生素E   (4 bytes , 71reads )
286. NARS 高潮腮红中样3.5g,20出,有2个 ttr   (290 bytes , 75reads )
排队。。 Kyria   (5 bytes , 57reads )
一个~ Tiya   (8 bytes , 57reads )
拍一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 56reads )
285. NARS smudge proof eyeshadow base 无所畏惧眼部打底2.8g,8出,两个15,有15个 ttr   (111 bytes , 97reads )
收一个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 37reads )
收两个 枕头   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收两个! Tania4576   (5 bytes , 72reads )
要两个。。 day   (0 bytes , 63reads )
两个 就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 48reads )
收两个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
一个 foryee   (33 bytes , 58reads )
一个 Murama   (0 bytes , 52reads )
一个呀 Sue0123456   (5 bytes , 56reads )
284. NARS audacious mascara black moon睫毛膏3ml, 8出,两个15,有11个 ttr   (147 bytes , 71reads )
283. NARS指甲油正装15ml, 三折10出,一色一个,打包18 ttr   (585 bytes , 70reads )
=======MAC====== ttr   (5 bytes , 53reads )
282. MAC 单色眼影正装,半价12出,一色一个,打包45 ttr   (303 bytes , 80reads )
=======LAURA MERCIER============ ttr   (5 bytes , 61reads )
281. laura mercier 晶透唇彩 lip gloss 2.8g, 色号bare naked, 8出,有三个打包20 ttr   (214 bytes , 65reads )
收一个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 59reads )
不要了 123Berry   (5 bytes , 51reads )
280. laura mercier foundation primer妆前乳14.7ml,10一个,就两个打包18 ttr   (412 bytes , 64reads )
打包 kallang88   (4 bytes , 62reads )
打包~ foryee   (33 bytes , 55reads )
279. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer有色面霜15g, 12出就一个 ttr   (522 bytes , 73reads )
i want this 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 53reads )
取消,不好意思 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
278. laura mercier 睫毛膏5.7g, 5一个,两个8,三个10,有6个 ttr   (294 bytes , 52reads )
ho Dryskinlan   (6 bytes , 57reads )
======LANEIGE 兰芝===== ttr   (5 bytes , 65reads )
277. 兰芝time freeze firming sleeping mask 10ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (88 bytes , 59reads )
276. 兰芝睡眠面膜15ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (114 bytes , 53reads )
275. 兰芝Water Bank Essence EX 10ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (89 bytes , 58reads )
也收了 aaalei   (0 bytes , 47reads )
274. 兰芝 water bank gel cream10g, 4出就一个 ttr   (101 bytes , 58reads )
273. 兰芝perfect renew 小套装,10出就一组 ttr   (98 bytes , 52reads )
272. 兰芝气垫小样,色号beige, 5g, 8出就一个 ttr   (123 bytes , 78reads )
取消这个 颜色看错 198x   (0 bytes , 59reads )
198x   (0 bytes , 61reads )
艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 54reads )
不好意思 这个不要了 艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 61reads )
19年8月到期 ttr   (5 bytes , 51reads )
271. 兰芝 two tone lip bar 11号宋慧乔色,24出,就两个 ttr   (96 bytes , 70reads )
=======LA MER======== ttr   (5 bytes , 70reads )
270. LA MER eye balm intense 眼霜3ml, 25出就一个 ttr   (114 bytes , 62reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 49reads )
269. LA MER regenerating serum 3ml, 18出,有两个打包35 ttr   (121 bytes , 63reads )
打包 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 54reads )
268. LA MER LIFTING CONTOUR SERUM, 3ML, 17出,有两个打包32 ttr   (112 bytes , 58reads )
267. LA MER 护手霜30ml, 20出,有2个打包38 ttr   (127 bytes , 66reads )
排队 Sunxiaoqin   (0 bytes , 54reads )
打包收了 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 59reads )
266. LA MER cleansing lotion 100ml, 正装一半,带按压泵,40出就一个 ttr   (113 bytes , 63reads )
265. LA MER 经典面霜7ml, 30出,有四个 ttr   (113 bytes , 78reads )
收俩 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个 Ricola   (0 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 57reads )
264. LA MER perfect treatment完美柔肤修复霜 3ml, 10出,有两个打包18 ttr   (438 bytes , 74reads )
打包 Sue0123456   (0 bytes , 56reads )
263. LA MER 美白洁面 Brilliance White Cleansing Foam 30ml, 18出,2个35,有六个 ttr   (135 bytes , 71reads )
收1 @Lucy   (17 bytes , 31reads )
还有四个 ttr   (10 bytes , 57reads )
262. LA MER soft cream 3.5ml, 14出就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 56reads )
抖S的大众脸   (0 bytes , 61reads )
261. LA MER 最新产品美白面膜套装,20出就一组 ttr   (490 bytes , 60reads )
要这个 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 52reads )
260. LA MER 经典面霜3.5ml, 14出,有两个打包27 ttr   (87 bytes , 73reads )
打包这个,谢谢。 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 65reads )
打包 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 53reads )
看错了 LovelyFace   (12 bytes , 65reads )
259. LA MER眼霜托盘,10出,就一个 ttr   (398 bytes , 80reads )
托盘还在么 misus   (8 bytes , 60reads )
258. LA MER cleansing micellar water 30ml, 14一个,有五个打包68 ttr   (114 bytes , 66reads )
257. LA MER the tonic 爽肤水30ml, 14出,有五个打包68 ttr   (300 bytes , 65reads )
收俩 miachung   (33 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 卡布布   (5 bytes , 57reads )
256. LA MER soft cream 7ml, 30出,有三个 ttr   (104 bytes , 73reads )
一个 Sue0123456   (0 bytes , 50reads )
一个 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 51reads )
一个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 60reads )
255. LA MER 面油5ml, 35出,有6个 ttr   (420 bytes , 84reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 65reads )
要一个! lemoncon   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收一个。。。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 51reads )
要一个 扯野棉花   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个 redbeandd   (2 bytes , 58reads )
要1个 00ooo00   (0 bytes , 74reads )
254. LA MER 护手霜 正装100g, 无盒,特价100出就一个 ttr   (102 bytes , 60reads )
253. LA MER the tonic爽肤水正装200ml, 无盒,特价100出,有三个 ttr   (103 bytes , 71reads )
252. LA MER 面油正装30ml, 特价250出,有三个 ttr   (199 bytes , 67reads )
========LANCOME====== ttr   (5 bytes , 80reads )
251. 兰蔻multi lift redefining night cream 立体塑颜晚霜15ml,10出,有3个打包28 ttr   (113 bytes , 63reads )
打包 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 49reads )
250. 兰蔻multi lift redifining cream 立体塑颜面霜15ml,10出,有4个打包35 ttr   (113 bytes , 72reads )
打包。。。。。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 50reads )
249. 兰蔻新出的根源补养水漾滋润面霜 15ml, 10出,有三个打包28 ttr   (300 bytes , 96reads )
打包。。。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 63reads )
248. 兰蔻精华基底面膜,10一片,有7片打包65 ttr   (313 bytes , 62reads )
247. 兰蔻眼部精华肌底液5ml, 带正装一样大小的金属按摩头的~15出,有三个打包42 ttr   (299 bytes , 68reads )
打包 Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 56reads )
246. 兰蔻眼唇卸30ml, 4一个,有三个 ttr   (189 bytes , 59reads )
剩下打包。。。 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收一个 yukimura05   (0 bytes , 60reads )
245. 兰蔻美白洁面50ml+美白乳液15ml, 打包10出就一组 ttr   (338 bytes , 67reads )
要这一套 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收 --- day   (0 bytes , 54reads )
这个先取消 day   (0 bytes , 53reads )
244. 兰蔻BLANC NIGHT CREAM臻白晚霜15ml, 10出,有4个打包35出 ttr   (300 bytes , 63reads )
收一个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 61reads )
一个 LovelyFace   (6 bytes , 51reads )
243. 兰蔻小黑瓶眼膜一对,5出,有四包打包18 ttr   (189 bytes , 55reads )
242. 兰蔻小黑瓶小样5ml,5出,有2个打包8 ttr   (189 bytes , 56reads )
打包要 Sheepoo   (4 bytes , 58reads )
241. 兰蔻小黑瓶眼霜5ml, 14出,三个40,有11个 ttr   (299 bytes , 77reads )
3个 Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 62reads )
收剩下的2个 Joycewenn   (11 bytes , 64reads )
收三个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 64reads )
收3个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 63reads )
不要了 123Berry   (4 bytes , 57reads )
3个 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 52reads )
240. 兰蔻小黑瓶精华7ml, 8出,5个38,有19个 ttr   (277 bytes , 61reads )
收5个 cyr   (4 bytes , 60reads )
收5个 candy_zhe   (2 bytes , 68reads )
239. 兰蔻美白淡斑精华10ml, 12出,有三个打包32 ttr   (402 bytes , 57reads )
打包 群航   (6 bytes , 52reads )
238. 兰蔻MULTI lift 立体塑颜眼霜5ml tube装,8出,有2个打包15 ttr   (243 bytes , 69reads )
打包 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 59reads )
这个取消先 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 62reads )
237. 兰蔻蓝水50ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (287 bytes , 54reads )
236. 兰蔻gentle softening Cleansing Fluid 50ml, 5出,两个打包8,有6个打包22 ttr   (318 bytes , 55reads )
235. 兰蔻tresor edp香水100ml, tester包装,55出,就一个 ttr   (120 bytes , 61reads )
234. 兰蔻tresor in love 75ml EDP for women,tester包装,低于四折50出,有两个 ttr   (126 bytes , 59reads )
233. 兰蔻大眼精华20ml, 特价75出,有四个 ttr   (109 bytes , 70reads )
232. 兰蔻 gentle cleansing gel 洁面125ml正装,半价25出就一个 ttr   (101 bytes , 49reads )
收一个 维生素E   (5 bytes , 52reads )
shou Ricola   (0 bytes , 51reads )
231. 兰蔻小黑瓶眼霜正装15ml, 特价65出就一个 ttr   (95 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (0 bytes , 62reads )
230. 兰蔻气垫色号BO-01,20出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 72reads )
这个也收了 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 60reads )
229. 兰蔻BLANC EXPERT瞬白亮肌气垫粉底REFILL 14g,20出,有两个打包是一盒38,就一盒 ttr   (105 bytes , 66reads )
228. 兰蔻BLANC EXPERT瞬白亮肌气垫粉底REFILL 14g,20出,有两个打包是一盒38,有三盒 ttr   (1279 bytes , 64reads )
收一盒 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 61reads )
227. 兰蔻BLANC EXPERT瞬白亮肌气垫粉底 SPF 23 REFILL 14g,20出,两个38,有3个 ttr   (77 bytes , 71reads )
226. 兰蔻粉水200ml,28出,有两个打包54 ttr   (288 bytes , 56reads )
打包 joannlu83   (4 bytes , 65reads )
225. 兰蔻蓝水400ml, 50出,有两个 ttr   (290 bytes , 49reads )
224. 兰蔻小黑瓶75ml, 低于6折130出,只有一瓶 ttr   (300 bytes , 63reads )
收这个 学霸小刺猬的梦   (5 bytes , 58reads )
===========LA PRAIRIE========== ttr   (5 bytes , 63reads )
223. La prairie 蓝鱼子眼精华5ml, 28出,就一个 ttr   (301 bytes , 68reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 50reads )
222. LA PRAIRIE 蓝鱼子眼霜3ml tube, 28出,就一个 ttr   (707 bytes , 67reads )
排一个 群航   (9 bytes , 52reads )
要一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 60reads )
amanda1991   (7 bytes , 55reads )
221. LA PRAIRIE 新版白鱼子精华5ml, 50出就一个 ttr   (183 bytes , 65reads )
220. LA PRAIRIE白鱼子面霜5ml, 22出,有两个42 ttr   (318 bytes , 62reads )
取消这个 拍了SKII大红瓶 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 54reads )
一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 49reads )
收一个 群航   (0 bytes , 57reads )
219. LA PRAIRIE 散粉透明色正装56g+,特价六折100出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 79reads )
盒子里是56g+10g一个旅行装的,一共66g, 灰常划算 ttr   (9 bytes , 60reads )
218. LA PRAIRIE 活細胞眼部及面部卸妝水正装150ml, 半价85出就一个 ttr   (405 bytes , 55reads )
217. La Prairie 蓝鱼籽眼精华正装15ml,史低价170出,有5个 ttr   (773 bytes , 79reads )
========KOSE===== ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
216.KOSE 雪肌精 clear whitening mask 正装80g, 半价18出,有两个打包35 ttr   (190 bytes , 54reads )
215. KOSE infinity perfective white xx 美白精华正装40ml, 四折60出就一个 ttr   (161 bytes , 79reads )
198x   (0 bytes , 58reads )
214. KOSE 雪肌精treatment cleansing oil 300ml正装,特价24出就一个 ttr   (188 bytes , 53reads )
我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 48reads )
瓶子上是clear cleansing oil 卸妆油是嘛 我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 59reads )
=======KIEHL'S============ ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
213. 契尔氏紫鸢尾花青春激活肌底液活肌液精华水40ml ,6出,就一个 ttr   (189 bytes , 55reads )
收一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
212. 契尔氏夜间修复精华4ml带滴管的, 5出就一个 ttr   (298 bytes , 60reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 68reads )
波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 57reads )
211. 契尔氏 ultra facial toner 40ml, 5一个,有四个打包18 ttr   (86 bytes , 61reads )
210. 契尔氏强力抗皱眼精华3ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (190 bytes , 59reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 51reads )
取消这个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 53reads )
209. 契尔氏强效抗皱精华5ml, 5一个,有五个打包22 ttr   (296 bytes , 57reads )
208. 契尔氏 莓果精粹亮肤面膜14ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (112 bytes , 65reads )
207. 契尔氏抗衰老极致修颜霜7ml, 7一个,有三个打包18 ttr   (413 bytes , 63reads )
206. 契尔氏金盏花水40ml, 6出,有4个打包22 ttr   (202 bytes , 59reads )
打包这个 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 53reads )
205. 契尔氏活肌精华露Daily Reviving Concentrate 4ml带滴管,5一个,有四个打包18 ttr   (298 bytes , 54reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 55reads )
204. 契尔氏美白淡斑精华4ml带滴管, 6一个,有两个 ttr   (298 bytes , 72reads )
收一个 抖S的大众脸   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收1 Sue0123456   (0 bytes , 55reads )
这个先不要了。 Sue0123456   (5 bytes , 46reads )
203. 契尔氏白泥面膜正装125ml, 34出,就一个 ttr   (288 bytes , 56reads )
一起收这个 joannlu83   (0 bytes , 53reads )
202. 契尔氏Midnight Recovery Eye 正装 15ml无盒子,半价30出就一个 ttr   (110 bytes , 68reads )
要这个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 64reads )
201. 契尔氏 ultra facial cream 50ml, 33出,有两个 ttr   (102 bytes , 61reads )
要1个 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 61reads )
这个能保质到什么时候呀 我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 56reads )
200. 契尔氏唇膏正装15ml, 11出,有三个打包30 ttr   (288 bytes , 66reads )
199.契尔氏牛油果眼霜正装14g,36出,有2个 ttr   (209 bytes , 61reads )
要一个 foryee   (33 bytes , 54reads )
一个 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 65reads )
198. Kiehl's紫鳶青春肌活露/神奇水正装200ml, 半价35出, 就一个 ttr   (386 bytes , 59reads )
======今天就到这里=== ttr   (73 bytes , 68reads )
=======GIVENCHY==== ttr   (5 bytes , 55reads )
197. GIVENCHY blurring foundation balm 5ml, 3出就一个 ttr   (93 bytes , 89reads )
要这个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 57reads )
196. Givenchy le rouge a porter 唇膏小样1g,正装的一半但是看着很小很小,就一个10出 ttr   (450 bytes , 135reads )
还有别的颜色吗? yilt1   (0 bytes , 50reads )
排队 ddc28   (0 bytes , 65reads )
+1 fiona_tian   (6 bytes , 51reads )
======Guerlain===== ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
195. 娇兰metrorites base 5ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (122 bytes , 84reads )
收~ fiona_tian   (2 bytes , 59reads )
这个取消 fiona_tian   (19 bytes , 58reads )
194. 娇兰御庭兰花晚间净肌能力精华水20ml, 降价15出就一个 ttr   (319 bytes , 70reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 61reads )
193. 娇兰orchidee imperiale the cream 7ml, 15出就一个 ttr   (57 bytes , 65reads )
fiona_tian   (2 bytes , 52reads )
192. 娇兰orchidee imperiale eye and lip cream 5ml, 15出就一个 ttr   (127 bytes , 64reads )
fiona_tian   (2 bytes , 54reads )
收一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
Murama   (0 bytes , 65reads )
191. 娇兰orchidee imperiale the longevity concentrate 3ml, 10出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 73reads )
190. 娇兰kiss kiss唇膏1.4g, 超火的344色,15出,就两个 ttr   (189 bytes , 113reads )
排一下 我在桥上看风景   (0 bytes , 53reads )
1个 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 62reads )
189. GUERLAIN 娇兰 Super Aqua Lotion水合青春保湿精华水正装150ml, 50出,有三个 ttr   (96 bytes , 89reads )
要一个 Ricola   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要一瓶 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 52reads )
=========FRESH====== ttr   (5 bytes , 62reads )
188. FRESH莲花眼胶正装15ml, 低于半价45出,就一个 ttr   (197 bytes , 73reads )
187. FRESH 玫瑰面膜正装有盒子100ml,68出,有两个 ttr   (201 bytes , 65reads )
186. FRESH 香水正装30ml, 特价45出 ttr   (306 bytes , 57reads )
185.FRESH 唇膏ROSE色正装4.3g无盒,史低价22出,两个42,有7个 ttr   (297 bytes , 85reads )
收一个16年的 mshuahua   (0 bytes , 53reads )
=====ESTEE LAUDER====== ttr   (5 bytes , 73reads )
184. 雅诗兰黛anr eye serum 4ml按压泵,12一个,有三个打包35 ttr   (93 bytes , 72reads )
要剩下的两个 panghucute   (0 bytes , 49reads )
一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 50reads )
183. 雅诗兰黛Revitalizing Supreme活肤抗衰老眼霜5ml, 12出,有三个打包一个正装32出 ttr   (299 bytes , 77reads )
收正装一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 112reads )
要三个打包,谢谢 Chels   (0 bytes , 64reads )
182. 雅诗兰黛resilience lift 日霜5ml, 三个打包8出 ttr   (327 bytes , 70reads )
这个图片是晚霜吗?是的话收 meimeixi   (0 bytes , 64reads )
181. 雅诗兰黛resilience lift提拉系列晚霜,15ml,13一个,2个25,有五个打包60 ttr   (93 bytes , 68reads )
要两个 迦楼罗   (5 bytes , 60reads )
180. 雅诗兰黛resilience lift提拉系列 日霜+晚霜,各15ml,25一组,有2组打包48 ttr   (113 bytes , 66reads )
收一组 fiona_tian   (6 bytes , 48reads )
179. 雅诗兰黛 advanced night micro cleansing foam 3ml, 5一个,5个打包22,有10个 ttr   (111 bytes , 81reads )
如果是30ml就打包五个 Chels   (0 bytes , 50reads )
嗯嗯是30ml打错了 ttr   (0 bytes , 54reads )
要是30ml就打包5个 晓柒   (5 bytes , 57reads )
这个图怎么看着跟正装不太一样? 晓柒   (23 bytes , 58reads )
178. 雅诗兰黛take it away makeup remover lotion 30ml, 4出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 57reads )
177. 雅诗兰黛微精华水15ml,有三个打包12出 ttr   (117 bytes , 70reads )
3个打包 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 111reads )
176. 雅诗兰黛微精华水30ml,9出,5个打包40,有10个 ttr   (316 bytes , 80reads )
五个 kallang88   (4 bytes , 80reads )
175. 雅诗兰黛anr精华7ml, 8一个,7个50,有14个 ttr   (331 bytes , 55reads )
收7个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 85reads )
收七个,谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 70reads )
174. 雅诗兰黛唇彩,5块钱一个,有4个 ttr   (388 bytes , 77reads )
173. 雅诗兰黛 lip conditioner 护唇膏正装3.8g, 三折15出就一个 ttr   (87 bytes , 70reads )
172. 雅诗兰黛长方形粉扑,一盒两个,半价5出,有两盒 ttr   (0 bytes , 66reads )
收一盒 枕头   (0 bytes , 53reads )
171. 雅诗兰黛advanced night micro cleansing foam正装100ml, 30出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 62reads )
170. 雅诗兰黛新版红石榴水滋润型正装200ml, 52出,有两个 ttr   (292 bytes , 59reads )
=======DIOR====== ttr   (5 bytes , 88reads )
169. DIOR 新品life micellar water cleanser 15ml, 有三个打包8出 ttr   (86 bytes , 71reads )
打包这个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 65reads )
168. diorsnow bloom perfect 气垫c10,4g, 8出,有三个 ttr   (86 bytes , 101reads )
要一个 Sheepoo   (4 bytes , 67reads )
也要一个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 58reads )
一个 LovelyFace   (4 bytes , 66reads )
167. DIOR one essential booster serum 3ml, 3一个,有8个打包22 ttr   (86 bytes , 66reads )
打包。。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 54reads )
166. dior capture dream skin creator 3ml, 3一个,有7个打包18 ttr   (86 bytes , 73reads )
165. DIOR capture le serum multi perfection 3ml, 3出,有三个打包8 ttr   (87 bytes , 90reads )
打包 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 62reads )
164. DIOR capture 360 open up eye serum 5ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (22 bytes , 53reads )
1ge blueorhid   (0 bytes , 56reads )
163. Dior capture night crème 3ml, 3一个,有五个打包14 ttr   (86 bytes , 61reads )
打包。 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 57reads )
打包继续 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
不好意思取消了 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 63reads )
162. DIOR capture eye treatment 3ml, 5一个,有三个打包14 ttr   (86 bytes , 70reads )
打包收 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 58reads )
取消 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 50reads )
161. Dior capture le serum 3ml, 3一个,有五个打包13 ttr   (86 bytes , 61reads )
打包 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 51reads )
收1个。。 day   (0 bytes , 62reads )
160. Dior capture la crème multi perfection 3ml, 3块一个,有8个打包20 ttr   (86 bytes , 68reads )
打包 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 56reads )
159. Dior 新品超模漆光黑管唇膏试色板, 3一个,5两个,有16个 ttr   (122 bytes , 131reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (0 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 MiaLin   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个! 晓柒   (5 bytes , 63reads )
收一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 57reads )
收四个~ Tiya   (8 bytes , 63reads )
来一个玩看看 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 65reads )
158. dior lip maximizer 1g, 3出,3个8块,有12个 ttr   (87 bytes , 98reads )
剩下的都要了 xiaofan   (8 bytes , 74reads )
也要三个 平凡就是幸福   (28 bytes , 64reads )
要3个 随白色飞翔   (11 bytes , 54reads )
1个 Murama   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要三个 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 64reads )
这个取消,谢谢啦 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 58reads )
157. diorskin forever perfect markup everlsting 粉底液020色3ml, 3出,有7个打包18 ttr   (89 bytes , 78reads )
再要一个这个 Ceceliaah   (5 bytes , 50reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 52reads )
一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 92reads )
收两个~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 65reads )
要一个。。 day   (0 bytes , 62reads )
要3个 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 74reads )
取消这个,我跟错贴了。。。 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 61reads )
156. DIOR sauvage edt 男士香水5ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (35 bytes , 72reads )
155. DIOR真我香水5ml, 10出,有8个 ttr   (87 bytes , 81reads )
154. DIOR capture dreamskin 4g 气垫020色,8出, 有3个 ttr   (86 bytes , 85reads )
排一个 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收一个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 75reads )
收一个 卡布布   (5 bytes , 59reads )
1个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 52reads )
取消这个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 晓柒   (5 bytes , 63reads )
153. DIOR prestige la crème eclaircissante 5ml, 12出,有两个 ttr   (337 bytes , 71reads )
16年的一个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 55reads )
152. Dior prestige la crème de nuit 高端系列晚霜5ml, 12出,有三个 ttr   (144 bytes , 59reads )
一ge blueorhid   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收1 00ooo00   (2 bytes , 66reads )
151. Dior 高端系列 prestige la crème texture essentielle 5ml, 12出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 67reads )
收这个 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 49reads )
150. DIOR le nectar de nuit 夜间精华5ml,7出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 58reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 56reads )
收一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 82reads )
149. DIOR light in nectar deep serum 精萃再生精华 5ml, 7出,有三个打包20 ttr   (87 bytes , 61reads )
打包这个 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 64reads )
148. dior精萃再生光燦淨白化妝水 10ml, 5出,就一个 ttr   (86 bytes , 60reads )
147. DIOR prestige 眼霜3ml, 12出,有三个打包35 ttr   (87 bytes , 85reads )
打包剩下的 blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
收一个试试 艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 59reads )
146. DIOR 高端系列Prestige La Mousse 洁面 10ml 5出,有三个打包13 ttr   (86 bytes , 65reads )
打包 @Lucy   (31 bytes , 38reads )
145. DIOR brightening makeup base rose色7ml, 6出,有四个打包20 ttr   (87 bytes , 67reads )
打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 59reads )
不好意思,这个取消 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 56reads )
144. Dior 雪晶灵焕白祛斑透亮精华露7ml,8出,有四个打包30 ttr   (86 bytes , 56reads )
打包 Ming0425   (0 bytes , 59reads )
打包 00ooo00   (2 bytes , 58reads )
143. DIOR 雪晶灵透白亮采保湿乳霜 15ml, 9出,有四个打包35 ttr   (86 bytes , 58reads )
打包收 00ooo00   (0 bytes , 52reads )
142. DIOR diorsnow white gentle purifying foam 美白洁面50ml,12出,有四个 ttr   (86 bytes , 68reads )
打包 joannlu83   (10 bytes , 65reads )
141. DIOR睫毛膏中样4ml, 6出,三个打包15,有9个 ttr   (86 bytes , 71reads )
跟一个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 56reads )
跟一个 kallang88   (4 bytes , 75reads )
收一个睫毛膏 Kyria   (5 bytes , 54reads )
140. DIOR instant eye makeup remover 15ml, 两个打包6出 ttr   (86 bytes , 58reads )
打包两个一起 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 62reads )
139. DIOR 新品超模漆光唇釉最热门的740色,38出,有11个 ttr   (109 bytes , 145reads )
晚了,泪,排一个 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 50reads )
收一个~ msfish   (29 bytes , 87reads )
收一个 fiona_tian   (12 bytes , 63reads )
收一个740 维生素E   (4 bytes , 55reads )
收一个~~~ 舒然99   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 68reads )
要4个!! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 73reads )
收一个 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 62reads )
取消,留给排队的妹纸吧 Sglotus   (30 bytes , 57reads )
来一个 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
收3个 Tiya   (8 bytes , 55reads )
138. DIOR 新品 lip tatto 色号451,正装6ml, 34出,有两个 ttr   (46 bytes , 85reads )
收这个 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 100reads )
想收一个,谢谢。 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 46reads )
不好意思,跟错了,取消这个。谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 56reads )
137. DIOR 变色唇膏001粉色, 36出,有五个 ttr   (94 bytes , 91reads )
收1个(平安) Zhiqing   (0 bytes , 37reads )
再要个这个 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 55reads )
收一个,谢谢。这回跟对了 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 57reads )
hello22   (6 bytes , 94reads )
要一个变色唇膏 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 57reads )
========COSME DECORTE 黛珂===== ttr   (5 bytes , 69reads )
136. 黛珂liposome treatment liquid 30ml, 13出就一个 ttr   (31 bytes , 73reads )
135. 黛珂aqmw repair 水50ml+乳50ml, 打包28一组,有两组 ttr   (88 bytes , 96reads )
这个还剩一组吧? 安德烈大人   (6 bytes , 32reads )
show zhege candy_zhe   (6 bytes , 54reads )
134. 黛珂aqmw bright eye serum 2ml, 12出,有两个打包22 ttr   (124 bytes , 59reads )
133. 黛珂 IP shot line treatment serum抚纹能量精华4ml, 12出,有两个打包20 ttr   (122 bytes , 75reads )
打包这个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 50reads )
132. 黛珂蜜粉扑,5出,就一个 ttr   (36 bytes , 77reads )
00ooo00   (0 bytes , 57reads )
131. 黛珂liposome serum 15ml, 20出,有两个 ttr   (319 bytes , 79reads )
黛珂liposome serum 15ml, 20出,有两个 魏魏   (6 bytes , 55reads )
要另外一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 53reads )
+1 fiona_tian   (3 bytes , 55reads )
130. 黛珂liposome treatment liquid mask 10ml, 5一片,有五片打包20 ttr   (88 bytes , 75reads )
打包这个试试 Chels   (0 bytes , 52reads )
========CLINIQUE======== ttr   (10 bytes , 57reads )
129. 倩碧甜心小方唇膏正装3.9g, 半价18出,一色一个 ttr   (524 bytes , 74reads )
128. 倩碧CHEEK POP 菊花腮红正装,特价24出就一个 ttr   (405 bytes , 66reads )
127. 倩碧all about eyes rich 滋润型眼霜正装15ml, 特价38出就一个 ttr   (112 bytes , 56reads )
==========CPB========== ttr   (5 bytes , 81reads )
126. CPB香薰蜡烛120g,16出,有五个 ttr   (146 bytes , 94reads )
排一个。。。 mickeybubu   (5 bytes , 51reads )
拍一个 卡布布   (6 bytes , 63reads )
拍一个 群航   (0 bytes , 74reads )
排一个 Tiya   (14 bytes , 59reads )
收一个 vert   (0 bytes , 63reads )
收一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 63reads )
要一个 smileclove   (0 bytes , 57reads )
这个包装什么的都有吗 晓柒   (18 bytes , 58reads )
就图里那样,还有黑色绸丝带绑着的 ttr   (14 bytes , 54reads )
好哒好哒 晓柒   (12 bytes , 51reads )
也来一个 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 53reads )
125. cpb小套装,12出就一组 ttr   (119 bytes , 64reads )
tu1pig   (0 bytes , 54reads )
124. CPB uv protective cream tinted SPF50,色号IVORY, 3ml ,5出就一个 ttr   (61 bytes , 76reads )
收这个~~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 55reads )
123. CPB 黑管隔离小样3ml, 5出,有两个打包8 ttr   (121 bytes , 66reads )
tu1pig   (0 bytes , 52reads )
打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 54reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 64reads )
122. CPB renew massage cream按摩膏 6ml, 6出,有五个打包25 ttr   (87 bytes , 65reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 58reads )
121. cpb intensive eye contour cream 2ml,12出,有两个 ttr   (28 bytes , 52reads )
打包 smileclove   (0 bytes , 62reads )
120. CPB la creme 2ml, 那个贵到神经的面霜,10出,有两个 ttr   (327 bytes , 99reads )
打包 smileclove   (0 bytes , 61reads )
119. CPB美白精华6ml,15出,有三个 ttr   (448 bytes , 60reads )
打包 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 58reads )
118. CPB 精华 le serum 3ml, 12出,有两个 ttr   (328 bytes , 61reads )
打包 smileclove   (0 bytes , 66reads )
117. CPB lip serum 2ml, 6出,有三个打包16 ttr   (114 bytes , 76reads )
一个 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 63reads )
要一个要一个 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 52reads )
amanda1991   (7 bytes , 62reads )
要一个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 56reads )
要一个-- day   (0 bytes , 52reads )
1ge Murama   (0 bytes , 58reads )
116. CPB concentrated brightening eye serum 美白眼精华2ml, 10出,有7个打包65 ttr   (94 bytes , 71reads )
115. CPB UV protective emulsion for body身体防晒spf 50, 20ml, 10出,有两个打包18 ttr   (55 bytes , 55reads )
打包两个~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 58reads )
114. CPB UV protective emulsion for body身体防晒乳spf 30,20ml, 10出,有五个打包45 ttr   (46 bytes , 61reads )
113. CPB cleansing cream oil 9ml,有三个打包9块 ttr   (119 bytes , 74reads )
blueorhid   (0 bytes , 54reads )
112. CPB 清爽型日乳12ml,8一个,有五个打包38 ttr   (126 bytes , 65reads )
排这个,打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 61reads )
打包这个! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 53reads )
111. CPB 清爽型日乳12ml+夜乳 12ml, 打包16出,有两组 ttr   (132 bytes , 63reads )
一组 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要一组吧! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 56reads )
110. CPB Radiant Multi Repair Oil 精华美容油10ml, 22出,有五个打包95 ttr   (313 bytes , 74reads )
收一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收一个试试 lemoncon   (18 bytes , 55reads )
1个 00ooo00   (0 bytes , 55reads )
109. CPB三部曲面膜,20一组,有五组 ttr   (274 bytes , 85reads )
打包收了 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 48reads )
108. CPB洁面20ml, 7出,有7个打包45 ttr   (189 bytes , 91reads )
打包 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 52reads )
收两个 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
给楼上的Mm吧 tina_tian   (0 bytes , 55reads )
107. CPB Hydro-Clarifying Lotion 清爽型护肤水30ml, 13出,有七个打包85 ttr   (300 bytes , 70reads )
106. CPB护手霜15ml, 9出,有两个打包17 ttr   (299 bytes , 61reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 52reads )
打包 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 55reads )
105. CPB眉笔正装refill,25出,有五个 ttr   (425 bytes , 69reads )
104. CPB隔离 黑瓶 正装30ml, 70出,有两个 ttr   (98 bytes , 83reads )
要一个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 58reads )
一个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 54reads )
收一个。。。 lily1987   (5 bytes , 61reads )
103. CPB 隔离黑色长管正装36ml, 70出,有四个 ttr   (97 bytes , 87reads )
102. CPB水磨精华正装170ml, 90出,有4瓶 ttr   (311 bytes , 73reads )
收一个 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 57reads )
=======CHANEL===== ttr   (12 bytes , 60reads )
101. CHANEL sublimage 奢华精萃系列小套装一组,20出就一组 ttr   (932 bytes , 82reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 54reads )
=======今天就到这里,明天下午一点半继续==== ttr   (105 bytes , 59reads )
明天的看完一起付 一个暖暖   (33 bytes , 50reads )
=======CLARINS===== ttr   (5 bytes , 119reads )
100. clarins 黄水100ml, 12出,有七个 ttr   (127 bytes , 67reads )
99. CLARINS沐浴精华100ml, 蓝色一个,黄色四个,9一个,五瓶打包40 ttr   (87 bytes , 89reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 49reads )
2个黄色 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 56reads )
这个不要了 不好意思 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 63reads )
收一个黄色 晓柒   (5 bytes , 58reads )
蓝色 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 59reads )
98. clarins 新版美白洁面慕斯 50ml, 10出就一个 ttr   (112 bytes , 64reads )
波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 59reads )
97. CLARINS Multi-Active 多元眼霜3ml, 5一个,有四个打包18 ttr   (298 bytes , 82reads )
楼主~这个最近还有吗~ wlx_   (20 bytes , 43reads )
还有也想要一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 58reads )
这个还有吗 Via悦   (12 bytes , 62reads )
打包收 Chels   (0 bytes , 59reads )
96. clarins contour body oil 瘦身排水油30ml, 15出,有7个 ttr   (112 bytes , 81reads )
要1个 cyr   (8 bytes , 57reads )
收两个。。 lily1987   (5 bytes , 60reads )
95. clarins tonic body oil 10ml, 5出,有四个打包18 ttr   (87 bytes , 54reads )
打包收~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 57reads )
94. clarins 红魔晶新版30ml, 7出,有五个打包32 ttr   (112 bytes , 57reads )
Dryskinlan   (4 bytes , 56reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 59reads )
93. CLARINS Extra firming 颈霜30ml, 20一个,38两个,有六个 ttr   (98 bytes , 84reads )
要俩 大壮壮   (13 bytes , 54reads )
两个 岛人   (0 bytes , 59reads )
要一个 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 68reads )
要2个 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 52reads )
92. CLARINS Extra firming 颈霜15ml, 10一个,有三个打包28 ttr   (218 bytes , 58reads )
aaalei   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收剩下两个 cyr   (17 bytes , 53reads )
要一个~~ day   (0 bytes , 61reads )
91. CLARINS extra firming 日霜15ml,10出,有五个打包46 ttr   (346 bytes , 57reads )
收一个 fiona_tian   (9 bytes , 57reads )
这个取消,换el fiona_tian   (6 bytes , 54reads )
90. CLARINS extra firming 日霜15ml+晚霜15ml,20出,两套38,有四套打包72 ttr   (1124 bytes , 62reads )
收一套 Joycewenn   (12 bytes , 54reads )
收2套 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 68reads )
89. clarins 补水面膜30ml, 10一个,三个28,有7个, ttr   (112 bytes , 58reads )
88. CLARINS 防晒无色,10ml, 9一个,有6个,打包50出 ttr   (317 bytes , 62reads )
打包收六个 Chels   (0 bytes , 53reads )
87. CLARINS 新版美白精华10ml, 低于三折每个12出,有五个打包55 ttr   (113 bytes , 61reads )
打包剩下的 panghucute   (0 bytes , 58reads )
收2个美白精华 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 58reads )
86. clarins total cleansing oil 30ml, 3一个,有五个打包12 注意日期 ttr   (87 bytes , 60reads )
85. CLARINS新版瘦脸按摩面膜V-Facial Wrap 15ml, 6出就一个 ttr   (324 bytes , 102reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 49reads )
84. CLARINS新出的BB霜10ml, 9出,有三个打包25 ttr   (297 bytes , 63reads )
83. CLARINS shaping facial lift 提拉紧致精华10ml, 9出,5个40,有14个 ttr   (123 bytes , 62reads )
收一个 gltdaisy   (0 bytes , 53reads )
82. CLARINS 新出的extra firming mask, 15ml,7出,有2个打包12 ttr   (300 bytes , 68reads )
打包这个 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 53reads )
81. Clarins hydraquench mask补水面膜15ml, 5出,有五个打包22 ttr   (121 bytes , 67reads )
收2个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 56reads )
80. CLARINS body shaping cream 30ml,6出,有2个打包10 ttr   (301 bytes , 69reads )
79. clarins Gentle refiner 面部磨砂霜30ml, 10一个,有3个 ttr   (122 bytes , 61reads )
78. CLARINS花样极致精粹系列眼精华7ml,23出,有两个打包近一个正装42出 ttr   (300 bytes , 62reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 57reads )
77. CLARINS花样极致精粹精华10ml, 20新币,有两个打包35 ttr   (314 bytes , 67reads )
打包 Murama   (0 bytes , 54reads )
收两个 Chels   (0 bytes , 58reads )
76. CLARINS花样极致精粹抗老面霜15ml, 14出,就一个 ttr   (317 bytes , 66reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 59reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 57reads )
75. CLARINS花样极致精粹系列日霜+晚霜各15ml,打包28出就一组 ttr   (326 bytes , 70reads )
Ricola   (0 bytes , 54reads )
74. clarins 花样极致精粹系列活肤水50ml, 12出,两个22,四个40,有8个 ttr   (320 bytes , 66reads )
73. CLARINS extra firming Treatment Essence,50ml, 10出,有3个 ttr   (144 bytes , 87reads )
打包收 yaoxinwhu   (0 bytes , 61reads )
要一个 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 51reads )
收一个这个精华水 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 65reads )
00ooo00   (3 bytes , 61reads )
72. clarins眼卸30ml,4一个,7两个,有7个打包23 ttr   (124 bytes , 72reads )
71. clarins双层眼卸50ml,7一个,三个20,有11个 ttr   (312 bytes , 69reads )
joannlu83   (3 bytes , 64reads )
三个,刚点错了地方 岛人   (0 bytes , 55reads )
一个 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 56reads )
70. CLARINS 大橘子洁面50ml,10出,有2个打包18 ttr   (189 bytes , 68reads )
收一个 晓柒   (5 bytes , 61reads )
收一个洁面 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 62reads )
69. CLARINS 身体磨砂100ml, 12一个,22两个,50五个,有9个 ttr   (61 bytes , 60reads )
收俩 大壮壮   (31 bytes , 60reads )
收一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收2个 卡布布   (6 bytes , 60reads )
要两个这个 徐小福   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收一个身体磨砂 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 52reads )
也要一个试试 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 55reads )
68. CLARINS 保湿身体乳100ml, 12出就一个 ttr   (123 bytes , 54reads )
崦嵫客   (9 bytes , 59reads )
67. CLARINS body shaping cream 塑身霜100ml, 18出,35两个,有6个打包100 ttr   (52 bytes , 60reads )
收两个~ aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 52reads )
收两个 徐小福   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收两个。。。 lily1987   (5 bytes , 65reads )
66. CLARINS Extra firming body cream紧致身体霜 100ml,20一个,38两个,就2个 ttr   (210 bytes , 55reads )
收两个,谢谢! yhwust   (16 bytes , 74reads )
65. CLARINS Extra firming body lotion身体紧致乳100ml,20一个,38两个,5个90,有15个 ttr   (118 bytes , 66reads )
64. clarins 黄水正装200ml, 25出就一个 ttr   (83 bytes , 64reads )
狐狸熊   (20 bytes , 58reads )
63. CLARINS 新版纤体精华霜红魔晶200ml正装,55出,有四个 ttr   (108 bytes , 69reads )
这个 joannlu83   (8 bytes , 69reads )
收一个 清晨旅行   (22 bytes , 57reads )
62. clarins 身体磨砂正装200ml,无盒有塑封,特价32出有两个 ttr   (95 bytes , 56reads )
61. clarins 护手霜100ml,正装无盒有塑封,特价24出就一个 ttr   (102 bytes , 55reads )
收这个吧! SigmaC   (0 bytes , 52reads )
60. clarins extra firming body cream 正装200ml,无盒有封口,特价55出就一个 ttr   (98 bytes , 62reads )
59. clarins Body Treatment Oil 排水瘦身油正装100ml, 无盒有塑封,特价45出,有三个 ttr   (109 bytes , 61reads )
58. CLARINS double serum 双萃精华30ml正装,无盒特价52出,有三个 ttr   (109 bytes , 96reads )
收一个 迦楼罗   (22 bytes , 58reads )
收一个 Sunxiaoqin   (0 bytes , 57reads )
取消 不好意思 Sunxiaoqin   (0 bytes , 53reads )
收一个 Chels   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一个! 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 54reads )
一个 妮妮叶   (5 bytes , 70reads )
手机网路错误 取消这个 妮妮叶   (43 bytes , 53reads )
要一个 妮妮叶   (5 bytes , 58reads )
取消这个 妮妮叶   (10 bytes , 56reads )
57. clarins 瘦脸面膜正装75ml,无盒有塑封,特价45出就一个 ttr   (94 bytes , 55reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 58reads )
56. CLARINS补水面霜gel版正装50ml,46出,有2个 ttr   (197 bytes , 63reads )
拍一个 ying422   (0 bytes , 61reads )
收一个补水面霜 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 50reads )
hold一个 崦嵫客   (0 bytes , 60reads )
这个不要啦 崦嵫客   (23 bytes , 63reads )
55. clarins tonic body polisher 正装250ml巨大罐,无盒有封口,28出就一个 ttr   (98 bytes , 77reads )
到我碗里来 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 53reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 59reads )
ho Dryskinlan   (7 bytes , 59reads )
Vase   (8 bytes , 49reads )
54. clarins body shaping cream正装200ml 无盒有封口,特价50出,有三个 ttr   (102 bytes , 63reads )
收一个! yhwust   (0 bytes , 67reads )
不好意思,换一个,这个不收了! yhwust   (0 bytes , 76reads )
53. CLARINS extra firming 眼霜 正装15ml, 超低50出,有八个 ttr   (294 bytes , 77reads )
收一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 52reads )
要一个 Joycewenn   (6 bytes , 62reads )
ttr的主题:“53. CLARINS extra firming 眼霜 正装15ml, 超低50出,有八个” yixia   (8 bytes , 95reads )
一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 46reads )
收一个 123Berry   (5 bytes , 59reads )
52. Clarins新版美白防晒乳液正装75ml, 低于六折特价60出就一个 ttr   (95 bytes , 70reads )
51. Clarins 护手护甲霜正装有盒30ml,半价8块出,就一个 ttr   (344 bytes , 60reads )
要一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 48reads )
Chels   (0 bytes , 58reads )
50. CLARINS新品BB霜1号FAIR色正装无盒30ml, 低于半价33出,就一个 ttr   (293 bytes , 66reads )
49. larins Stretch Mark Control 防妊娠纹的霜正装200ml带盒,不到六折55出,就一个 ttr   (289 bytes , 64reads )
Ivyg   (5 bytes , 67reads )
48. Clarins 孕妇消浮肿美腿滋润乳正装 125ml带盒子,近四折25出,有2个 ttr   (290 bytes , 56reads )
两个都收~ 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 69reads )
47. clarins tonic body oil 防妊娠油正装100ml有盒子, 50出,有两瓶 ttr   (94 bytes , 71reads )
要一个 Ivyg   (5 bytes , 50reads )
要一瓶 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 75reads )
46. CLARINS 新出的extra firming mask紧致舒缓面膜正装无盒75ml, 55出就一个 ttr   (491 bytes , 63reads )
排一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 53reads )
一个,排队 xiaoqinzq   (5 bytes , 49reads )
00ooo00   (2 bytes , 54reads )
45. CLARINS双层眼卸正装125ml, 降价20一瓶,有三瓶 ttr   (412 bytes , 58reads )
ttr的主题:“45. CLARINS双层眼卸正装125ml, 降价20一瓶,有三瓶” yixia   (8 bytes , 64reads )
要一瓶 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 54reads )
这个不要了,多谢 旺旺牛奶   (0 bytes , 51reads )
44. CLARINS SHAPING FACIAL LIFT 提拉瘦脸精华jumbo size 75ml,特价76出,有6个 ttr   (459 bytes , 71reads )
======BOBBI BROWN======= ttr   (5 bytes , 68reads )
43. Bobbi brown 粉底刷短柄,15出就一个 ttr   (174 bytes , 72reads )
那我收了吧 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 57reads )
排错了 不好意思 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 51reads )
翘小姐   (0 bytes , 50reads )
42. Bobbi brown face base 7ml, 5出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 52reads )
i want 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 44reads )
41. Bobbi brown双层卸妆油30ml, 6出,有三个打包15 ttr   (113 bytes , 59reads )
打包这个! 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 52reads )
40. Bobbi brown hydrating eye cream 3ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 59reads )
39. Bobbi brown extra repair moisture cream 7ml, 8出就一个 ttr   (114 bytes , 62reads )
38. Bobbi brown hydrating face cream 15ml, 9出就一个 ttr   (113 bytes , 48reads )
蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 52reads )
37. Bobbi brown soothing cleansing oil 15ml, 3出就一个 ttr   (88 bytes , 62reads )
收这个 蚂蚁奶糖   (5 bytes , 56reads )
36. Bobbi Brown Powder Pink Pot Rouge Cream Blush 1.7g, 12出就一个 ttr   (111 bytes , 71reads )
收这个 狐狸熊   (8 bytes , 50reads )
35. Bobbi brown 睫毛膏3ml, 5块一个,有两个打包8块 ttr   (111 bytes , 71reads )
打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 51reads )
打包 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 53reads )
34. BOBBI BROWN creamy lip color 正装无盒3.8g, 低于三折13出就一个 ttr   (222 bytes , 74reads )
33. BOBBI BROWN 波光亮唇蜜 crystal lip gloss 7ml,7一个,有三个打包18 ttr   (298 bytes , 56reads )
32. BOBBI BROWN BB霜正装40ml,特价42出就一个 ttr   (423 bytes , 51reads )
======BIOTHERM 碧欧泉===== ttr   (5 bytes , 58reads )
31. Biotherm小套装一组,打包10出就一组 ttr   (188 bytes , 65reads )
收了 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 58reads )
30. Biotherm aquasource instant hydration toning lotion 100ml,9出就一个 ttr   (106 bytes , 66reads )
29. Biotherm aquapower refreshing shower gel男士沐浴胶75ml, 10一个,有两个打包18 ttr   (94 bytes , 54reads )
两个打包 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 54reads )
28. 碧欧泉Aquasource Night spa 睡眠补水面膜20ml, 10出,2个18,有四个打包35 ttr   (104 bytes , 72reads )
27. 碧欧泉aquasource anti-pollution toner 100ml,正装一半,10出,有三个 ttr   (121 bytes , 63reads )
26. Biotherm aquasource gel正装50ml,原价69,40出就一个 ttr   (136 bytes , 64reads )
25. BIOTHERM LIFE PLANKTON ESSENCE水源再生基底活肤源液200ml, 低于六折60出,有两个 ttr   (104 bytes , 71reads )
hold 一个 Chels   (0 bytes , 53reads )
=========ALBION============ ttr   (5 bytes , 66reads )
24. ALBION 28天美白精华 Whitening Immaculate Essence 1.5ml,5一瓶,7个32,有57个 ttr   (153 bytes , 115reads )
收4组(28个) dtcywj   (0 bytes , 67reads )
要七个 smileclove   (0 bytes , 46reads )
yao7ge 00ooo00   (3 bytes , 56reads )
那就要28个试试吧… 崦嵫客   (5 bytes , 56reads )
要七个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 58reads )
要28个 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 55reads )
美白精华 来7个 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 50reads )
要14个 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 53reads )
要21个 123Berry   (0 bytes , 54reads )
要28个 123Berry   (0 bytes , 52reads )
23. Albion 贵妇唤肤抗老EX-VIE渗透乳+水各30ml, 打包25一组,48两组,70三组,有12组 ttr   (309 bytes , 75reads )
收一组 arthurjxn   (5 bytes , 53reads )
一组 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 63reads )
hold一组 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 55reads )
這個不要了 不好意思 JenniferCrane   (0 bytes , 61reads )
要一组 群航   (0 bytes , 57reads )
22. ALBION exage美白卸妆油21ml, 三个10块,九个28,有18个 ttr   (82 bytes , 56reads )
21. ALBION exage保湿精华8ml, 5一个,8两个,15四个,有12个 ttr   (82 bytes , 62reads )
20. ALBION exage保湿水30ml, 只有两个打包6块 ttr   (82 bytes , 60reads )
打包 P莹莹   (5 bytes , 50reads )
19. ALBION 保湿渗透乳II号30g, 三个10块,有9个打包28 ttr   (94 bytes , 65reads )
还在的话 小丫嘎嘎   (28 bytes , 85reads )
要3个 hh0nn   (4 bytes , 67reads )
18. ALBION exage保湿卸妆油21ml, 三个10块,有8个打包25 ttr   (82 bytes , 70reads )
17. ALBION 新出的embeage系列睡眠面膜2.8g, 5出,就两个打包8块 ttr   (334 bytes , 55reads )
排一下 aiiwaa   (5 bytes , 54reads )
全要 123Berry   (0 bytes , 53reads )
不要了 123Berry   (5 bytes , 59reads )
16. ALBION EXCIA RICH MILK渗透乳30g,9出,两个打包17,五个打包40,有25个 ttr   (344 bytes , 59reads )
收两个,ntu取 fhs   (38 bytes , 52reads )
打包5个。。。 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 53reads )
15. lbion Eclafutur 细胞修护精华液肌底液8ml, 7一个,三个打包20,有23个 ttr   (94 bytes , 63reads )
14. ALBION excia eternal keystone serum 8ml,7一个,三个打包20,十个打包60,有65个 ttr   (272 bytes , 58reads )
13. ALBION HERBAL OIL GOLD 8ml, 5出,5个打包22,10个打包40,有48个 ttr   (82 bytes , 64reads )
十个 岛人   (0 bytes , 57reads )
一个 Ritanicol   (0 bytes , 49reads )
12. Albion 健康水12ml, 三个10块,有21个打包65 ttr   (95 bytes , 65reads )
健康水21瓶 打包 魏魏   (10 bytes , 57reads )
11. ALBION infinesse 保湿柔肤水30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有17个 ttr   (95 bytes , 57reads )
10. ALBION infinesse 保湿渗透乳30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有12个 ttr   (95 bytes , 58reads )
9. ALBION infinesse 美白柔肤水30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有50个 ttr   (95 bytes , 47reads )
8. ALBION infinesse 美白渗透乳30ml, 6一个,五个打包27,十个打包50,有39个 ttr   (95 bytes , 70reads )
6. ALBION infinesse美白精华8ml, 7出,三个打包20,十个打包60,有37个 ttr   (193 bytes , 69reads )
美白精华3个+健康水3个,NTU 取货可以直接付现金么 无名泡泡   (0 bytes , 62reads )
要三个 P莹莹   (5 bytes , 58reads )
要十个 198x   (0 bytes , 54reads )
三个 Ritanicol   (0 bytes , 63reads )
5. ALBION line terminate maximum 极致抗皱精华正装30g无盒,特价低于三折100出 ttr   (280 bytes , 87reads )
不好意思取消这个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 59reads )
hold一下 Murama   (10 bytes , 62reads )
这个取消 Murama   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要一个 smileclove   (0 bytes , 52reads )
要一个 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 52reads )
两个打包190,一共有4个 ttr   (5 bytes , 59reads )
4. Albion exage 美白渗透乳200g 蓝瓶 II号,55出,就一个 ttr   (97 bytes , 73reads )
albion蓝瓶乳液 Zhiqing   (6 bytes , 46reads )
还在么? 小丫嘎嘎   (6 bytes , 85reads )
谢谢 小丫嘎嘎   (8 bytes , 75reads )
3. Albion exage 保湿渗透乳粉瓶200g II号,55出,就一个 ttr   (97 bytes , 85reads )
2. ALBION健康水面膜8片,35出,两盒68,三盒100,有8盒 ttr   (98 bytes , 66reads )
要1盒 Danae   (23 bytes , 58reads )
收一个吧 维生素E   (4 bytes , 53reads )
一盒 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 55reads )
这个要三盒~ 学霸小刺猬的梦   (5 bytes , 51reads )
mm不好意思,这个不要了 学霸小刺猬的梦   (61 bytes , 53reads )
1. 健康水330ml,全新,105出, 有三个 ttr   (102 bytes , 57reads )
楼楼 这个还有吗~请问~ wlx_   (21 bytes , 39reads )
一个 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 54reads )
不好意思,这个我不要了,发现排太多了。 xiaoqinzq   (0 bytes , 84reads )
=====分货区====== ttr   (5 bytes , 75reads )
我要快递 加多少邮费 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 56reads )
======邮寄区============== ttr   (191 bytes , 77reads )
所有给我留言邮寄的全都寄出去啦 ttr   (36 bytes , 55reads )
是今天刚邮寄的吗? BBTXIAOJIN   (2 bytes , 63reads )
报名smartpac fiona_tian   (18 bytes , 59reads )
报名smartpac 迦楼罗   (21 bytes , 62reads )
报名TAQBIN Wendy_TWT   (137 bytes , 76reads )
已经转了taqbin的运费了 lemoncon   (18 bytes , 56reads )
已转$198.80 请查收 包括了邮寄Singpost$3.8的费用 一个暖暖   (324 bytes , 55reads )
求平邮,谢谢mm Sglotus   (54 bytes , 49reads )
mm我跟的都取消吧,留给排队的妹纸 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 51reads )
求邮寄 MiaLin   (54 bytes , 54reads )
mm求邮寄,邮费多少阿75. CLARINS花样极致精粹系列日霜+晚霜[…] Ricola   (200 bytes , 58reads )
已转账,地址私信mm 谢谢 Ricola   (0 bytes , 59reads )
我要邮寄Singpost 3.8那个 一个暖暖   (378 bytes , 51reads )
mm, 我所有东西列表, 旺旺牛奶   (646 bytes , 50reads )
我要快递 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 55reads )
已转56.15包邮费 BBTXIAOJIN   (30 bytes , 54reads )
楼主 已经Posb转了 报名平邮 谢谢 ddc28   (0 bytes , 52reads )
邮费多少呀 Sue0123456   (82 bytes , 52reads )
报名平邮,邮费$1 已paylah mshuahua   (31 bytes , 50reads )
=======其他时间==== ttr   (56 bytes , 63reads )
sms你具体收东西的方式啦。。。 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 52reads )
想约八号下班时间金文泰拿 aiiwaa   (103 bytes , 54reads )
报名八号在金文泰拿 aiiwaa   (13 bytes , 54reads )
======NTU随时约==== ttr   (5 bytes , 67reads )
NTU拿货 sunpengsdu   (54 bytes , 66reads )
已转 hello22   (43 bytes , 66reads )
妹纸可以哪天7点到7点10分左右约boonlay 或者pioneer mrt吗? Kyria   (24 bytes , 53reads )
求八号白天自取 马甲甲甲   (381 bytes , 63reads )
如果隔壁八号在金文泰取的妹子约下午4点之前的时间,我可以一起在金文泰取 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 66reads )
有JP分货么 岛人   (0 bytes , 68reads )
=======6月7号, 下周三晚上6:50 raffles mrt==== ttr   (9 bytes , 62reads )
那个出口。 呆子5200   (30 bytes , 64reads )
报名这个 mickeybubu   (93 bytes , 53reads )
报名 Ceceliaah   (7 bytes , 49reads )
Ceceliaah   (77 bytes , 54reads )
报名这个x 崦嵫客   (19 bytes , 57reads )
报名这个 枕头   (132 bytes , 61reads )
报名 舒然99   (23 bytes , 54reads )
报名这个,给现金 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 56reads )
报名取货 Ritanicol   (13 bytes , 72reads )
报名这个 圣托里尼的猫   (6 bytes , 55reads )
报名这个 YoTeAmo   (45 bytes , 58reads )
还有个dior变色唇膏 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 56reads )
就叫我秋秋吧   (33 bytes , 52reads )
取消 就叫我秋秋吧   (22 bytes , 59reads )
报名这个~~~ yukimura05   (110 bytes , 50reads )
报名 呆子5200   (110 bytes , 56reads )
报名自备现金 呆子5200   (0 bytes , 51reads )
报名这个 维生素E   (157 bytes , 55reads )
报名分货 等更新完了 一起转账 嘻嘻 翘小姐   (0 bytes , 41reads )
=======6月7号, 下周三晚上6:10 clementi mrt==== ttr   (9 bytes , 56reads )
报名取货 狐狸熊   (41 bytes , 78reads )
报名这个 panghucute   (58 bytes , 58reads )
星期三晚取货 miachung   (26 bytes , 50reads )
报名这个 198x   (0 bytes , 60reads )
报名这个 vert   (20 bytes , 56reads )
报名! yhwust   (0 bytes , 57reads )
=======6月5号, 下周一晚上6:20 clementi mrt=== ttr   (10 bytes , 47reads )
报名这个 就叫我秋秋吧   (22 bytes , 54reads )
已转账,报名周二clementi取货 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 58reads )
报名拿货,会备好现金,谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 63reads )
======周一分货取消,改成周二6:20 clementi mrt===== ttr   (18 bytes , 51reads )
报名这个取货 day   (0 bytes , 61reads )
报名这个 水墨   (28 bytes , 53reads )
报名周二clementi,已转102 Sheepoo   (38 bytes , 53reads )
报名周二拿货,会备现金,谢谢 小恩妈妈   (0 bytes , 86reads )
报名这个。。。 lily1987   (220 bytes , 50reads )
报名 Ivyg   (20 bytes , 49reads )
=======6月4号, 周日下午2:30 clementi mrt==== ttr   (9 bytes , 61reads )
报名这个。 xiaoqinzq   (513 bytes , 111reads )
MM 第一个雅诗兰黛那个前面有人收了哦 ttr   (13 bytes , 49reads )
哦,好的,我当时还以为是有7个小样,加一个正装。 xiaoqinzq   (5 bytes , 97reads )
是在mrt里头吗? xiaoqinzq   (98 bytes , 107reads )
报名 岛人   (0 bytes , 69reads )
报名 aaalei   (0 bytes , 50reads )
报名 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 53reads )
报名 湿湿一大坨   (371 bytes , 55reads )
报名这个 arthurjxn   (10 bytes , 49reads )
具体内容 arthurjxn   (246 bytes , 60reads )
=======转账区====== ttr   (55 bytes , 91reads )
已转136.8,含smartpac邮费 Ricola   (0 bytes , 60reads )
已转73.8 含邮费 fiona_tian   (12 bytes , 51reads )
已转95.8 paylah 迦楼罗   (114 bytes , 160reads )
已转73 狐狸熊   (11 bytes , 61reads )
已转297 蚂蚁奶糖   (515 bytes , 61reads )
已转24.2 (含邮费1.2) 牛肉粒粒   (40 bytes , 72reads )
已转28 miachung   (23 bytes , 50reads )
又转了36 YoTeAmo   (14 bytes , 59reads )
已paylah $66 请查收 day   (0 bytes , 61reads )
已paylah 96.00 枕头   (0 bytes , 58reads )
已转102 via ibank Sheepoo   (20 bytes , 57reads )
已paylah了26块 P莹莹   (4 bytes , 49reads )
已转151 from OCBC amanda1991   (180 bytes , 60reads )
加邮费一共117.80。已转账到DBS 旺旺牛奶   (79 bytes , 55reads )
已转16 vert   (33 bytes , 46reads )
已转251,DBS SigmaC   (0 bytes , 53reads )
已转账57 sunpengsdu   (409 bytes , 58reads )
已转账56.15 BBTXIAOJIN   (87 bytes , 50reads )
已转DBS 66块 YoTeAmo   (10 bytes , 57reads )
已转 就叫我秋秋吧   (77 bytes , 51reads )
一共S$195 lemoncon   (117 bytes , 52reads )
已转sgd191 via OCBC lily1987   (226 bytes , 58reads )
已paylah 36 mshuahua   (73 bytes , 46reads )
已转33 via dbs yukimura05   (116 bytes , 49reads )
已转176 from paylah Kyria   (296 bytes , 51reads )
已转328 from posb savings acc JenniferCrane   (216 bytes , 61reads )
已转170.03 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 80reads )
paylah 225 湿湿一大坨   (391 bytes , 55reads )
截图 湿湿一大坨   (50 bytes , 51reads )
已转 254.8 (邮寄smartpac),谢谢! Chels   (0 bytes , 50reads )
已转38, 舒然99   (37 bytes , 49reads )
已转38,请查收! yhwust   (0 bytes , 68reads )
已转105 Ivyg   (87 bytes , 49reads )
有kiehl's 波丽路仙桃   (45 bytes , 54reads )
同求 FengLinZH   (0 bytes , 55reads )
想你 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 44reads )
=======闲聊区======= ttr   (5 bytes , 56reads )
可以继续约在JP吗? 艾嘎嘎   (5 bytes , 49reads )
坐等!!! lemoncon   (33 bytes , 56reads )
请问有娇韵诗男士乳液不? 雪莉莉七   (2 bytes , 48reads )
clarins这次木有男士呢 ttr   (0 bytes , 58reads )
强力围观 Kyria   (5 bytes , 52reads )
Vase   (32 bytes , 59reads )
木有呢,不过有30ml大特价嘿嘿 ttr   (0 bytes , 50reads )
哎吆 啥都别说了 维生素E   (74 bytes , 53reads )
你终于开帖了 Murama   (5 bytes , 54reads )