所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2010-10-28 13:10  评分:

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Hello there,

We're excited to see that our popularity has grown so much during the last little while. This has meant that we've had quite an influx of emails and as we don’t want you to wait any longer, we’ve included some information to help you with your query.

We’d also encourage you to have a look at our Help & Contact Page which answers most of our customers questions - click here to see it.

General information about Deliveries:

You may be aware that we ship orders late in the evening, so it’s quite usual to receive your Despatch Confirmation at this time. If your order has been dispatched with a carrier other than Air Mail, you’d be able to follow its journey by clicking on the delivery link which was included in your Dispatch Confirmation Email. You can also keep an eye on it by clicking here, logging into your account and then tracking your order.

For all other orders despatched, please click here for a reminder on our delivery timescales. Deliveries outside of the UK can be made anytime between 9am and 5pm.

If you have been left a calling card, there will be details of how you can contact the Carrier directly.

If you haven’t received your ASOS order yet, please check the expected delivery date on your Order Confirmation. If this date has lapsed, we would ask you to wait a few more days to allow for any delay from the courier. If your Order hasn’t arrived and it is a few days past your expected delivery date, please get back in touch and we will look into it for you.

If you have any further questions, please visit the help and contact section on our website which will guide you to our contact form.

Thanks for your patience during this time and all the best,

ASOS Customer Care

----- christin1109@hotmail.com Wrote -----
From: christine lei
Email: christin1109@hotmail.com

Dear Sir,

I would like to check my five orders although it showed shipped but I did not receive them at all.

Please look at this matter and revert to me.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
[友情帖] ASOS BEAUTY 召唤团购。。。要的MM请跟帖 crabtree   (22 bytes , 2066reads )
团长有啥update不? liebpps   (0 bytes , 208reads )
我就知道大家急了,几天前已经发去问了。回答是, crabtree   (2076 bytes , 352reads )
mm辛苦了。。。看了回复。。。话说他的expected delivery date是几号啊? yanzhi   (0 bytes , 271reads )
我也不知道,我等下发各有件再问问。那个网站都说到了呢~~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 158reads )
MM贴出的回信里面有这么一句。。。 yanzhi   (142 bytes , 243reads )
看了,那个order confirmation什么都没有 crabtree   (0 bytes , 235reads )
看了,人家说: crabtree   (472 bytes , 277reads )
看了,人家说: crabtree   (472 bytes , 162reads )
看了,人家说: crabtree   (472 bytes , 184reads )
我的单子,谢谢MM jinglove   (649 bytes , 323reads )
不好意思没有看到你的单子 。今天帮你下 crabtree   (0 bytes , 240reads )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~团长唠叨处~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 233reads )
今晚要拿东西的mm,请提前跟我联系亚。 crabtree   (0 bytes , 172reads )
[请版版给个高亮] 请大家快点看+找我分赃+给我结余 [看到ASOS我都快不行了] crabtree   (352 bytes , 309reads )
怎么一直没有我的东西啊 jinglove   (84 bytes , 250reads )
mm, 没有看我给你的留言? 你的东西压根就没有来。给我你的账号,我还你20定金 crabtree   (0 bytes , 169reads )
我都要哭死了,这个囧asos我实在 不行了。。最后的结局: crabtree   (2192 bytes , 447reads )
我的留崽裤.....辛苦团长了,那么多单不容易 694   (0 bytes , 219reads )
pat pat... 算了美团。。。问问,那我的两件到了没? liebpps   (0 bytes , 185reads )
抱抱美团~~想问下我的东西最后到了多少呀? 紫羊   (24 bytes , 177reads )
摸摸团长~我那个需要明天一起去吗?还是NARS的到了一起? yanzhi   (0 bytes , 189reads )
那你等nars...下个星期就能到 crabtree   (0 bytes , 165reads )
那个asos beauty 到了: kyoest, 3c, 家有虎妞,木林mm看过来。 crabtree   (456 bytes , 278reads )
请mm电联我,这样方便分赃。那个我不收现金, 请在拿货前转好钱。多些!!! crabtree   (0 bytes , 247reads )
没来找我拿东西的mm< 请尽快联系我。。。。多谢 crabtree   (0 bytes , 155reads )
团长,没被你点名,是不是我的包裹还没到?Clothes单的。。。 liebpps   (0 bytes , 159reads )
请kymini, kyoest mm 看近来。。。 crabtree   (382 bytes , 270reads )
我有点后脸皮地说一下: crabtree   (344 bytes , 244reads )
团长有什么最新update吗? 紫羊   (0 bytes , 181reads )
你得到了一件,我又去催了。等到齐了我再说。。 crabtree   (0 bytes , 156reads )
我要说,分赃啦~~~~~~~~~(回音) crabtree   (120 bytes , 234reads )
那个说一下:tyiss, 薄荷儿,红线, 三亩坡mm你们可以来拿,其他的没到 crabtree   (268 bytes , 300reads )
不好意思我才看见啊!转好余额了,多谢团长Reference 3244292465 三亩坡   (101 bytes , 154reads )
余额已转,但是晚上有quiz去不了啊。。。 tyiss   (0 bytes , 259reads )
美女。联系我那你的东西呀 crabtree   (0 bytes , 154reads )
好的,辛苦团长了。。到时见 kyoest   (0 bytes , 149reads )
说明4:我单子 下完了。。。请美女们转定金 crabtree   (131 bytes , 327reads )
转了36 谢谢mm~ ssstory   (0 bytes , 155reads )
转了$40.05,团长请查收~ 家有虎妞   (0 bytes , 193reads )
转了46,请查收。谢谢 3213371445 3c   (0 bytes , 152reads )
转了40,from mirage mirage   (0 bytes , 214reads )
转了200,from sanmupo,Reference 3209783569 三亩坡   (101 bytes , 164reads )
娜娜,我转了50给你,Ref:3209278907 value512   (0 bytes , 171reads )
已转订金30.01 紫羊   (47 bytes , 145reads )
$40已转 木林2010   (0 bytes , 146reads )
已转定金30,REF.6008. 多谢~ 薄荷儿   (0 bytes , 188reads )
订金已转,谢谢mm yanzhi   (38 bytes , 188reads )
定金已转,谢谢团长 tyiss   (33 bytes , 221reads )
定金已转,不过我没看到团长MM回复我,不知道有没有帮我下单?谢谢回复 jinglove   (91 bytes , 193reads )
谢谢团长,定金已转~ liebpps   (25 bytes , 148reads )
已转,再次感谢团长mm 红线   (13 bytes , 165reads )
已转。谢谢 kyoest   (28 bytes , 151reads )
谢谢团长,已转定金~ kimiyin   (13 bytes , 209reads )
说明3 :三亩坡mm请进来 crabtree   (633 bytes , 254reads )
可以的,多谢mm, 三亩坡   (0 bytes , 200reads )
多一个没有货压 crabtree   (163 bytes , 201reads )
唠叨2 :我拜六早上下单子,要的同学请尽快。 不要打乱队形。 crabtree   (0 bytes , 176reads )
唠叨1 :请底下写单子 的tx再写一次,方便我整理 crabtree   (0 bytes , 204reads )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASOS BEAUTY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 257reads )
我的list. 谢谢 木林2010   (606 bytes , 255reads )
收到,第二个没货 crabtree   (0 bytes , 194reads )
我的单子 家有虎妞   (271 bytes , 227reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 187reads )
我的单子,谢谢~ 3c   (210 bytes , 206reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 183reads )
单子见内,谢谢啦 小球   (493 bytes , 250reads )
美女看看你要的是什么颜色~~~快点让我知道呀。。黑色我倒是没有看到 crabtree   (0 bytes , 228reads )
美女我也不会选呢。 crabtree   (0 bytes , 139reads )
mm UD的primer potion取消,只要眼线笔哈,谢谢啦 小球   (0 bytes , 247reads )
娜娜,我要的东西 value512   (366 bytes , 286reads )
为了你开的帖子。。感恩吧。下好了 crabtree   (0 bytes , 147reads )
把那个bliss的手霜去掉吧~ value512   (0 bytes , 261reads )
我的单子。谢谢 kyoest   (468 bytes , 221reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 160reads )
单子见内,谢谢MM==>>> yanzhi   (514 bytes , 211reads )
美女对不住亚,俩都没货~~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 189reads )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~clothes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 241reads )
我的单子~谢谢团长 薄荷儿   (496 bytes , 168reads )
GOT IT, got it crabtree   (0 bytes , 164reads )
我的单 三亩坡   (4396 bytes , 422reads )
GOT IT, got it crabtree   (0 bytes , 154reads )
再加两个,多谢 三亩坡   (548 bytes , 272reads )
mm,不好意思 三亩坡   (54 bytes , 195reads )
我的单子,谢谢团长 tyiss   (431 bytes , 273reads )
GOT IT, got it crabtree   (0 bytes , 179reads )
我的单子,谢谢团长 红线   (346 bytes , 225reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 170reads )
我的 picaqiu   (417 bytes , 251reads )
改下单子 picaqiu   (248 bytes , 202reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 184reads )
单子内详,谢谢团长 mirage   (453 bytes , 210reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 150reads )
我的单子,谢谢团长==> 紫羊   (464 bytes , 236reads )
团长mm,改了下单子==> 紫羊   (770 bytes , 212reads )
mango 的没有货了:( crabtree   (0 bytes , 244reads )
mm, 我以你这个单子为主,第一个单子我就不看了。got it crabtree   (0 bytes , 180reads )
我的单子,谢谢团长 liebpps   (643 bytes , 232reads )
第一个没货。其他的下单了 crabtree   (0 bytes , 215reads )
我的单子,谢谢 694   (457 bytes , 259reads )
第二个没有货压。38一下你好瘦亚。。。穿26的。。崇拜ing crabtree   (0 bytes , 143reads )
那就第一条吧,定金已转30 :) 694   (0 bytes , 153reads )
我的单子。谢谢 kyoest   (185 bytes , 169reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 185reads )
我的单子,谢谢MM==》》 yanzhi   (296 bytes , 205reads )
got it thanks crabtree   (0 bytes , 180reads )
补上2的link yanzhi   (149 bytes , 198reads )
我的单子,谢谢MM~~ ssstory   (815 bytes , 250reads )
团长第一件下单了吗 下单了我转定金 ssstory   (0 bytes , 209reads )
美女你的只有第一件有货 ! crabtree   (0 bytes , 233reads )
我的单子,谢谢nana =》 米小米   (691 bytes , 234reads )
got it ....小米,第一和第二个都没有货了。实在是对不起亚。第三个我下了 crabtree   (0 bytes , 204reads )
我的单子,谢谢MM~ kimiyin   (429 bytes , 260reads )
GOT IT crabtree   (0 bytes , 178reads )
狠心押一个。。千万别又不合适T_T 小馋牛   (193 bytes , 268reads )
oos。。。。 crabtree   (0 bytes , 220reads )
好诡异。。 小馋牛   (69 bytes , 187reads )
自我鄙视一个,原来是美元vs英镑...-__-|| 小馋牛   (0 bytes , 210reads )
团长MM,可以团衣服吗?如果可以,那就太感谢啦~~~如果不行,就ignore里面的内容吧~~ liebpps   (646 bytes , 200reads )
举手报名,单子见内==》》谢谢mm yanzhi   (582 bytes , 235reads )
补上3、4的link yanzhi   (393 bytes , 216reads )
我的单子,谢谢nana =》 米小米   (710 bytes , 236reads )
声援一个。。。XD 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 155reads )
单子见内,谢谢啦 小球   (500 bytes , 190reads )
同问:可以团衣服吗? 紫羊   (0 bytes , 162reads )
可以团衣服的吗?可以的话单子见内 ssstory   (348 bytes , 235reads )
同问:可以团衣服吗? 紫羊   (0 bytes , 212reads )
我一定要来支持你一下~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ value512   (0 bytes , 182reads )