We're excited to see that our popularity has grown so much during the last little while. This has meant that we've had quite an influx of emails and as we don’t want you to wait any longer, we’ve included some information to help you with your query.
We’d also encourage you to have a look at our Help & Contact Page which answers most of our customers questions - click here to see it.
General information about Deliveries:
You may be aware that we ship orders late in the evening, so it’s quite usual to receive your Despatch Confirmation at this time. If your order has been dispatched with a carrier other than Air Mail, you’d be able to follow its journey by clicking on the delivery link which was included in your Dispatch Confirmation Email. You can also keep an eye on it by clicking here, logging into your account and then tracking your order.
For all other orders despatched, please click here for a reminder on our delivery timescales. Deliveries outside of the UK can be made anytime between 9am and 5pm.
If you have been left a calling card, there will be details of how you can contact the Carrier directly.
If you haven’t received your ASOS order yet, please check the expected delivery date on your Order Confirmation. If this date has lapsed, we would ask you to wait a few more days to allow for any delay from the courier. If your Order hasn’t arrived and it is a few days past your expected delivery date, please get back in touch and we will look into it for you.
If you have any further questions, please visit the help and contact section on our website which will guide you to our contact form.
Thanks for your patience during this time and all the best,
ASOS Customer Care
----- christin1109@hotmail.com Wrote -----
From: christine lei
Email: christin1109@hotmail.com
Dear Sir,
I would like to check my five orders although it showed shipped but I did not receive them at all.