I see
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2018-03-22 11:31  更多评分:

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解释一下我的思考, 如果用户点退出说明TA想退出账户或切换账户, then what is the point to have the passworded remembered?

Twitter: 退出重登录需要重新填用户密码
QQ: 记住用户名密码(这个是因为QQ相对鼓励多账户切换)

根据目前的user case我觉得记住密码不是特别的high priority, 所以你的奏折我先压下了哈哈,当然你集齐5个用户跟你有一样的需求的话,我立马就开码 #用户你们最大


我在"技术の宅"版写了个华新第三方iOS客户端: https://goo.gl/8ksqB2
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【其它】挖个坑, 打算写一个第三方的华新iOS客户端 cospace   (1106 bytes , 5712reads )
小版本更新 cospace   (184 bytes , 70reads )
Swift could be out of date. Serenityblue   (154 bytes , 34reads )
呵呵 しろ   (9 bytes , 28reads )
哈哈 cospace   (272 bytes , 38reads )
相比一些在新加坡和中国流行的mobile start-up app Serenityblue   (747 bytes , 43reads )
什么时候 RAD 又成时髦了? iND   (372 bytes , 27reads )
这是RAD的弱点 Serenityblue   (767 bytes , 62reads )
大侠,我没看错吧? iND   (451 bytes , 35reads )
已经部署的较大企业 Serenityblue   (619 bytes , 47reads )
突然发现歪楼了 Serenityblue   (203 bytes , 41reads )
欢迎你的讨论 cospace   (1182 bytes , 46reads )
精通 Serenityblue   (249 bytes , 48reads )
另外两个非企业级应用 Serenityblue   (839 bytes , 96reads )
一周时间 Serenityblue   (457 bytes , 34reads )
听说citi在用一种测试工具 Serenityblue   (134 bytes , 39reads )
RE cospace   (105 bytes , 35reads )
Facebook Messenger 只是简单的 REST API。 iND   (80 bytes , 29reads )
没什么,就是看见那种啥也没干还指手画脚的憋不住话而已 しろ   (399 bytes , 35reads )
我的确用IBM Watson做了virtual agent for customer service Serenityblue   (508 bytes , 31reads )
If you look in decades time, any language can be outdated, any. cospace   (203 bytes , 34reads )
https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/%E7%9C%8B%E5%8D%8E%E6%96%B0/id1329175157?mt=8 cospace   (77 bytes , 40reads )
Apple Store 新版本上线 cospace   (171 bytes , 29reads )
"上次看到这里“很不错。 iND   (689 bytes , 32reads )
谢谢你的comment cospace   (541 bytes , 30reads )
Re: iND   (164 bytes , 29reads )
嗯嗯 cospace   (156 bytes , 24reads )
又下载了一次试用 love962397   (439 bytes , 68reads )
感谢反馈 cospace   (221 bytes , 31reads )
另外我觉得前面有人提到的一点也是很有道理的。 love962397   (208 bytes , 47reads )
好的 cospace   (18 bytes , 29reads )
附客户端显示打花的emoji列表 cospace   (63 bytes , 37reads )
更新 cospace   (316 bytes , 28reads )
另附trello board查看开发概况 cospace   (30 bytes , 41reads )
更新: 添加了回复和@的帖子 cospace   (252 bytes , 41reads )
下载了,试用了。 love962397   (76 bytes , 30reads )
登陆了吧 cospace   (126 bytes , 31reads )
可以回帖 SearchDream   (18 bytes , 34reads )
提升看帖体验 cospace   (448 bytes , 33reads )
回复帖子后华新鲜事变成几天前的 SearchDream   (4 bytes , 27reads )
回复帖子后刷新 SearchDream   (54 bytes , 31reads )
这个我研究下 cospace   (18 bytes , 30reads )
我好像发现问题出现的规律了 SearchDream   (135 bytes , 29reads )
已fix cospace   (93 bytes , 31reads )
已从TF更新,谢谢 SearchDream   (0 bytes , 36reads )
别人回复帖子的通知现在支持吗? SearchDream   (50 bytes , 22reads )
下一个就做这个了 cospace   (8 bytes , 31reads )
okay, 谢谢:) SearchDream   (0 bytes , 30reads )
@SearchDream 加好了 cospace   (36 bytes , 39reads )
已从TF更新,谢谢 SearchDream   (0 bytes , 35reads )
好的 SearchDream   (18 bytes , 31reads )
瓷续赞并挑刺儿着 しろ   (35 bytes , 27reads )
具体解释下 cospace   (17 bytes , 25reads )
就是 しろ   (176 bytes , 31reads )
I see cospace   (470 bytes , 28reads )
哈哈 しろ   (81 bytes , 38reads )
第二季开更 cospace   (44 bytes , 31reads )
你肯定老板不上华新是吧 icky   (0 bytes , 36reads )
能听懂华文都成问题 cospace   (4 bytes , 34reads )
第一季终,已上线Apple Store cospace   (511 bytes , 64reads )
表扬! iND   (66 bytes , 29reads )
好问题 cospace   (70 bytes , 20reads )
其实, iND   (248 bytes , 44reads )
@iND cospace   (53 bytes , 31reads )
那么我再等等再下载吧。 love962397   (47 bytes , 34reads )
由于私信发不了图 呵了个呵   (141 bytes , 29reads )
Bug确认 cospace   (63 bytes , 42reads )
好滴 呵了个呵   (28 bytes , 29reads )
改好了 cospace   (68 bytes , 39reads )
嗯作为普通用户的功能差不多了 cospace   (0 bytes , 35reads )
更新 cospace   (99 bytes , 35reads )
赞赞赞 华新pro 指日可待 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 36reads )
版主,这个帖子要给桃 蓝胖子老婆   (68 bytes , 33reads )
谢谢支持 cospace   (0 bytes , 33reads )
已撸~我也觉得 @西蜀霸王 しろ   (153 bytes , 40reads )
兔子是什么哏啊? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 45reads )
o_O 应该问两个月前的你自己吧。。 しろ   (110 bytes , 47reads )
什么时候说过兔子 给个链接 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 33reads )
为层主的 しろ   (43 bytes , 32reads )
我在意 cospace   (14 bytes , 34reads )
我又回错层了.. cospace   (0 bytes , 30reads )
填坑更新 cospace   (108 bytes , 42reads )
another milestone しろ   (85 bytes , 49reads )
好赞 cospace   (4 bytes , 46reads )
应该给你一个赞👍 icky   (0 bytes , 46reads )
谢谢支持~ cospace   (0 bytes , 27reads )
填坑进展 cospace   (99 bytes , 55reads )
这个APP,没有 cospace   (8 bytes , 58reads )
有写OC的代码吗? seanwen   (1 bytes , 60reads )
填坑进展 cospace   (121 bytes , 79reads )
更新 cospace   (371 bytes , 69reads )
登陆之后可以看短消息吗? 眉毛弯弯   (19 bytes , 73reads )
目前还没有 cospace   (12 bytes , 66reads )
咋样可以玩这个 没有昵称的人   (10 bytes , 47reads )
站短我你的Apple ID就可以 cospace   (8 bytes , 70reads )
来自在野党的test しろ   (35 bytes , 48reads )
谢谢lz的effort しろ   (63 bytes , 55reads )
后续的工作需要一定的权限的吧 小诺基亚   (0 bytes , 81reads )
填小坑: 优化置顶帖子显示 cospace   (228 bytes , 98reads )
昨天已经更了 しろ   (14 bytes , 61reads )
华新有开放api吗 嘉兽   (108 bytes , 101reads )
为啥行不通 cospace   (54 bytes , 80reads )
用什么软件sniff network的? cy1024   (9 bytes , 110reads )
Bingo cospace   (7 bytes , 75reads )
feed LZ back しろ   (145 bytes , 73reads )
谢谢! cospace   (43 bytes , 74reads )
可以登陆吗 cy1024   (13 bytes , 100reads )
目前没有登录 cospace   (10 bytes , 65reads )
登陆技术上也可以是吧 cy1024   (0 bytes , 88reads )
不错支持 sonatam   (5 bytes , 76reads )
要不要试一下呀 cospace   (22 bytes , 70reads )
写个 Android app吧 icky   (0 bytes , 111reads )
目前还没写过Android App[汗] cospace   (0 bytes , 69reads )
编继续编~ 早日升级皈依华新 功夫熊猫   (6 bytes , 73reads )
这回可真的是 熊猫妹妹   (10 bytes , 81reads )
编继续编到底什么梗啊 cospace   (6 bytes , 74reads )
某人的口头禅 熊猫妹妹   (57 bytes , 78reads )
Thanks :) cospace   (34 bytes , 81reads )
不懂啊哥.. cospace   (0 bytes , 57reads )
自愿帮忙测试 蓝胖子老婆   (0 bytes , 86reads )
谢谢! cospace   (18 bytes , 67reads )
哇 火钳刘明 しろ   (32 bytes , 63reads )
哈哈 回复的好搞笑 cospace   (65 bytes , 54reads )
? cy1024   (22 bytes , 101reads )
拿的华新API cospace   (34 bytes , 65reads )
顾虑倒没有 cy1024   (29 bytes , 99reads )
twitter facebook都可以连api 周小渔   (29 bytes , 69reads )
其实但凡API都是可以抓取的 cospace   (40 bytes , 73reads )
不明觉历 vitesse   (17 bytes , 76reads )
请问你用iPhone吗? cospace   (15 bytes , 65reads )
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