WOW 有多少在MF玩的?
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-12-09 23:26

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有什么好的代理能快一点吗? 真是够郁闷

记得上个周末他们维修的时候domain不能上, 用vpn却奇迹般的看到了300以下的ping,当时幸福的就哭了出来....可以只是昙花一现啊....谁知道这是为虾米捏?

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WOW 有多少在MF玩的? ah_bia   (221 bytes , 736reads )
what kinda ping are u guys having? ah_bia   (18 bytes , 329reads )
250 123   (38 bytes , 284reads )
Which server you are in? seems ping quite low warcraft3   (163 bytes , 273reads )
stormscale 123   (14 bytes , 329reads )
inside the game lor 123   (31 bytes , 317reads )
R there any loopholes we can exploit? wanna buy, but i'm in NUS!!! seina   (0 bytes , 215reads )
what kind of loopholes? hehe SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 205reads )
nah...i'm not a specialist in computer or network. just ask a stupid question^^ seina   (0 bytes , 181reads )