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发帖次数 128 在线时间 41.1小时
用户等级 2 - 初出茅庐 经验值 306
华新财富 407 华新币
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我的最热十贴 (有内容)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
The Frozen Throne upload completed! ^-^  2003-06-25 15:49
WOW正式发行后网络质量提高了,ping值列表.(内详)  2004-12-01 20:40
Do you mean it takes 2 min+ to run SuperPi 1M?  2004-11-02 17:40
帖子标题 花花 发表于
有人在NatSteel或者Singapore Computer System工作麽?能否介紹下。急!  2006-02-09 00:41
I thought it is my own machine problem, seems it is not  2005-05-19 19:08
风暴之怒 牛战士,  2005-05-10 13:14
Do you facing huge lag in World of Warcraft recently? I need your help =(  2005-03-21 12:03
WoW, I hv just come back to Singapore and WoW again, any progress of your WoW  2005-03-16 11:28
Windrunner  2005-01-30 23:40
To check your WOW server popu, www.wowcensus.com  2005-01-28 11:38
One thing I do not understand Blizzard is, why they do not nerf paladin?  2005-01-17 14:14
yes, pal hard to be killed, and also hard to kill others ^^  2005-01-15 21:53