or as i suggested, format the partition again
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-10-05 18:03

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files (probably hidden or system files) that occupied the space would be cleared.
partition information will be shown after formatted

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Maxtor 160G 大硬盘求助丢了25G空间 passat   (132 bytes , 734reads )
win2000 sp4 和 winxp sp2都装了,注册表也改了,48位引脚也开 passat   (90 bytes , 263reads )
既然windows已经显示最后一个分区有30G容量,那就显然不是137GB clip的问题 逃课专家   (85 bytes , 672reads )
多谢,新分出来的30G,从ftp下载电影,说空间不够 passat   (68 bytes , 344reads )
possible solutions: warcraft3   (1216 bytes , 305reads )
or as i suggested, format the partition again 逃课专家   (133 bytes , 319reads )
how you partitioned your HD? how many primary and how is the extended warcraft3   (69 bytes , 354reads )
多谢, 分了一个31G主区C:, 四个31G的扩展区 D: E: F: G: passat   (25 bytes , 321reads )