所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2024-01-06 15:41

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

 建议你仔细再通读全文。 如果你这方法可行, 早就一堆人自己给自己开薪水了。

However, if your total OW from your employers exceed the current OW ceiling,”


If you are concurrently employed by more than one employer, all your employers must pay CPF contributions based on the wages payable to you. This is because the Ordinary Wage (OW) ceiling is applicable on a “per employment” basis.

However, if your total OW from your employers exceed the current OW ceiling, you may apply to limit your share of contributions. There will be no change to the employer’s share of CPF contributions. All your employers will have to pay the employer's share of CPF contributions on the OW at the prevailing rate, subject to the OW ceiling. As contributions are payable monthly, the approval cannot be backdated and it will only take effect once CPF Board’s approval has been granted.





 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
CPF利息 xcyidie   (98 bytes , 8991reads )
那SA 和 MA都没满的情况下充哪个啊? 马克杯   (34 bytes , 34reads )
当然充SA 大好人   (33 bytes , 25reads )
再看 statement, 去年也是去了OA 萧武达   (58 bytes , 32reads )
能充SA就会去SA gomugomu   (35 bytes , 23reads )
不是去OA吗? 萧武达   (106 bytes , 26reads )
借贴问一下 regina2019   (50 bytes , 28reads )
不包括,8K是额外的 Spring   (0 bytes , 26reads )
明白了。 regina2019   (6 bytes , 29reads )
一个疑问 tonald   (170 bytes , 28reads )
把OA全部梭哈进SA 业余打酱油   (33 bytes , 31reads )
政府替你着想 老好人   (20 bytes , 22reads )
FA以后是不可以再转OA去SA的 tonald   (26 bytes , 45reads )
EA是什么? 随白色飞翔   (8 bytes , 26reads )
他说的应该是CPF Enhanced Retirement Sum (ERS) 大好人   (0 bytes , 31reads )
没啥办法 随便转转   (60 bytes , 26reads )
两个方法。 TPMT   (50 bytes , 32reads )
还有一个办法 Yolandacc   (22 bytes , 33reads )
没有用呀, 两份工作也是有个一年的上限 tonald   (37 bytes , 24reads )
分开算的 随便转转   (0 bytes , 29reads )
每年上限一起算的。 tonald   (155 bytes , 30reads )
这个网页自己都说了 随便转转   (198 bytes , 26reads )
每年的OA顶限37740, 这个没有变,不管你有几个雇主, 而且你自己也无法TOP UP. tonald   (31186 bytes , 26reads )
顶限37740 是每个雇主的 Spring   (18 bytes , 26reads )
为什么这么肯定呢? tonald   (249 bytes , 35reads )
因为拿过 Spring   (8 bytes , 25reads )
退是要申请的 萧武达   (38 bytes , 25reads )
了解!谢谢! tonald   (12 bytes , 25reads )
自己top up CPF有四种形式 随便转转   (212 bytes , 27reads )
的确如你所说 tonald   (844 bytes , 30reads )
跟CPF咨询结果 tonald   (1465 bytes , 34reads )
笔误 tonald   (33 bytes , 27reads )
你能读完么? tonald   (2898 bytes , 25reads )
我不跟你争 随便转转   (220 bytes , 23reads )
刚写信去问了CPF tonald   (174 bytes , 28reads )
你这个问题,跟问认为大华银行老板黄祖耀可以每年有一百万CPF一样可笑 大好人   (206 bytes , 24reads )
哇,还有这种操作!厉害了👍 a1988   (0 bytes , 27reads )
小白借楼问一句,如果Total relief超过ceiling了那么填cpf也不能免税 空中楼阁   (24 bytes , 30reads )
随白色飞翔   (6 bytes , 26reads )
感谢华新及CPF,感觉 AppleJK   (13 bytes , 43reads )
有钱人太多了 诺思她尔家   (75 bytes , 34reads )
开源节流的极致 业余打酱油   (14 bytes , 26reads )
还好又进来看了一下。 老财   (22 bytes , 31reads )
已经充进去3000了。谢谢大家的更新! xcyidie   (0 bytes , 45reads )
谢谢update a1988   (180 bytes , 37reads )
请问MA上限多少呢,谢谢 热带鱼999   (22 bytes , 31reads )
今年是71500。 TPMT   (8 bytes , 28reads )
已经整理好了 Newtimes   (26 bytes , 38reads )
有点疑惑, lily2021   (36 bytes , 30reads )
也是 suse2011   (5 bytes , 41reads )
是的 Newtimes   (17 bytes , 28reads )
进去了 yhtxc   (65 bytes , 32reads )
刚刚登陆查了一下,感觉cpf后台逻辑改了 a1988   (149 bytes , 47reads )
那是不是意味着1月初top up MA来免税已经不可行了? xcyidie   (0 bytes , 42reads )
好象是这样 老财   (33 bytes , 35reads )
应该是的,本来想着早上起来后填3千,结果就2百多块, liumama   (12 bytes , 36reads )
ma和sa 加起来8000免税额 直接冲sa就好了 huaxinabc   (38 bytes , 34reads )
除了SA 8000 jiatong32   (45 bytes , 30reads )
没白冲 Bigmonkey   (32 bytes , 26reads )
仔细想想:如果充SA利息4或者6%,免税额一样 萧武达   (73 bytes , 26reads )
可以top up SA的话 gomugomu   (179 bytes , 20reads )
这里大把的老人 vitesse   (47 bytes , 29reads )
满了 suse2011   (26 bytes , 33reads )
还是进不去 yhtxc   (0 bytes , 32reads )
收到了 云鬼魂   (4 bytes , 39reads )
八点过了 大好人   (18 bytes , 33reads )
正常的, 毕竟一年中系统最忙的一个晚上 新加坡的流浪兔   (0 bytes , 61reads )