Focus of the business
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2008-08-21 00:35

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Maybe it deal with the focus of the business.

I can bet, there is no more than 200 people in entire Singapore in 'retail level' who trade(I mean day trade) multi market zone across from Asia to Europe and to the beginning hours of US. At least not for equity side,futures,some.

From what I can observe now, we do not really want to be the so called 'global supermarket',which have the best platform set up, and leave the retail trader alone without much of the dealer's role (that's why in those kind of firm, they are called 'account manager' rather than dealer, most likely this group of investor are very professional, they do not like to be bothered).

Even nowadays, we have this algo trading, AI-arbitrage all this kind of things, but why the big multi bn foreign banks trader still call dealer like us for a cup of coffee?

There are something comupter can't do,and sometimes, opinion is more important than facts.

it's matter of focus of the business.


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