所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-07-08 15:19

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TT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (Registration No. 198403771D) (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) PARTICIPATION IN WAREHOUSE RETAIL SCHEME AND ACQUISITION OF LEASED LAND 1. Introduction The Board of Directors of TT International Limited (“TT” or the ”Company”) wishes to announce that its application to participate in the Warehouse Retail Scheme (“WRS”) has been approved through facilitation by the Economic Development Board (“EDB”). A 5.6 hectare site in the western part of Singapore has been identified as the location for the WRS project. 2. JTC’s Offer 2.1. Jurong Town Corporation (“JTC”) had, by a letter of offer dated 21 March 2007 (the “JTC Offer Letter”), offered to allocate land situated along Jurong East Street 11 (the “Land”) on a 30 year lease (the “JTC Offer”) to the Company. The acquisition of the Land for the WRS project shall be referred to as the “Transaction”. 2.2. The JTC Offer was conditional upon, inter alia, the Singapore Land Authority (“SLA”) alienating the Land to JTC. By a letter dated 5 July 2007, JTC notified the Company that the Land had been alienated to it by the SLA. 2.3. The land price (the “Land Price”) amounting to S$40,014,890 for the acquisition of the Land will be funded from internal resources and bank borrowings. 3. Financial Effect Of The Transaction 3.1. For illustration purposes only, assuming (as per Rule 1010(8) of the Listing Manual) that the Transaction had been effected as at end of the financial year ended 31 March 2007 (“FY2007”) and based on the FY2007 audited accounts of the Group, the Transaction would not have a material impact on the net tangible assets per share of the Group. 3.2. For illustration purposes only, assuming (as per Rule 1010(9) of the Listing Manual) that the Transaction had been effected as at the beginning of FY2007 and based on the FY2007 audited accounts of the Group, the Transaction would not have a material impact on the earnings per share of the Group. 3.3. The relative figures computed pursuant to Rule 1006 of the Listing Manual are as follows: 3.3.1. Net asset value test – not applicable as this is an acquisition of assets. 3.3.2. Net profit test – not applicable as no profit can be attributed to the Land at this stage. 3.3.3. Market capitalisation test – the Land Price represents approximately 18.58% of the Company’s market capitalisation of S$215.3 million as at 4 July 2007. 3.3.4. Securities issue test – not applicable as this is an acquisition of assets.
3.4. Accordingly, the Transaction would be considered to be a disclosable transaction pursuant to Rule 1010 of the Listing Manual. 4. Rationale For The Transaction The Company had earlier announced its expansion into the third core business – large scale retail business. The Company has also identified certain of its core markets where it has already established a strong foothold as primary markets for this expansion. Hence, the Transaction will fit very well into the medium and long-term growth plans for TT in the progressive building up of its third strategic pillar of growth - the retail business. This retail business will complement the Group’s existing two core businesses: brand management for house brand AKIRA; and distribution of branded electronics products. In addition, the Company plans to consolidate its operations by moving its headquarters, flagship retail stores and warehousing facilities to the building to be constructed on the Land when it is completed. 5. Interest Of Directors And Shareholders In The Transaction None of the directors or controlling shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Transaction. 6. Inspection of Documents A copy of the JTC Offer Letter is available for inspection during normal business hours at the Company’s registered address at 10 Toh Guan Road, #10-00, TT International Tradepark, Singapore 608838 for three months from the date of this announcement. By Order of the Board Lien Soh Cheng Company Secretary 5 July 2007

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TT调整过后也要大涨了!看图- 它摆了个姿势!385! 昌昊   (45 bytes , 1359reads )
请教昌昊前辈,为什么TT惊天的消息出来之后,股价却不见波动呢? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 210reads )
市场还为认识到,其实这是个房地产项目,靠近JURONG EAST地铁站! 昌昊   (7 bytes , 261reads )
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就是她了吧 changel   (311 bytes , 283reads )
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我觉得昌昊的TT一直握到今天.不知猜测是否正确! 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 206reads )
没看他的announcement。但问一句,昌兄说的是jurong 那儿的tt building? 牛魔王   (33 bytes , 216reads )
旧TT BUILDING是卖了,不过他要在JURONG EAST地铁站旁建一个更宏伟的! 昌昊   (0 bytes , 225reads )
然后会形成一个类似courts之类的集家私与电器于一体的大型零售市场,对吗? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 221reads )
货仓零售计划(Warehouse Retail Scheme) forpc   (0 bytes , 212reads )
货仓零售计划有很高的利润吗?为何对TT有如此大的影响? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 176reads )
卖了,前不久经过看见logo还在啊???? forpc   (0 bytes , 198reads )
buy and lease back。好几年前的事情了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 223reads )
数次从它门前过 forpc   (0 bytes , 176reads )
请问TT分发dividend和配发rights的日期确定了吗? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 166reads )
惊天的消息出来了!原来是它。。。 昌昊   (4039 bytes , 611reads )
搬家是利好的消息吗?对TT以后的业务发展会有怎么样的影响呢? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 238reads )
如果仅仅是搬家的话就不是什么好事(cost),但是搬家后进军WRS了 forpc   (0 bytes , 225reads )
3 for 10 来了 forpc   (273 bytes , 314reads )
worth getting the 3 for 10? or get the money.. xiao_bai   (109 bytes , 293reads )
bro 昌昊, TT down again. Sell now or keep longer? xiao_bai   (0 bytes , 271reads )
Sorry I am outside this morning.What I recommend is for long term,keep lah! 昌昊   (26 bytes , 356reads )
我也获利10%对敲出局,等下一波 forpc   (0 bytes , 173reads )
TT的这种走法不是第一次了。 ATOM   (0 bytes , 204reads )
bro 昌昊? any advice? or any of u here? xiao_bai   (0 bytes , 243reads )
股市有风险,盈亏要自负。建议你独立自主地多学习相关知识 新生   (768 bytes , 301reads )
哇!新生说得对极了!支持独立思考! 芳林   (0 bytes , 230reads )
沒有哪支股票是天天漲的 lifesux   (74 bytes , 402reads )
没看见人家叫小白啊? 南海观世音菩萨   (0 bytes , 222reads )
小白如何,小黑有如何,阿米托付. bigapple   (0 bytes , 266reads )
小白是只狗,小黑是只猴 南海观世音菩萨   (0 bytes , 206reads )
小白就白,小黑就黑啊 南海观世音菩萨   (0 bytes , 204reads )
吸进待涨. 卷心菜   (64 bytes , 307reads )
Armstrong也冲了,注定要和TT双飞,反复验证了昌昊大哥的话。 ATOM   (30 bytes , 271reads )
我就剩一个翅膀了!不能再卖了! 昌昊   (0 bytes , 219reads )
上午看了它一眼,没下手,下午把它给忘了,没想到它就偷偷拉上来了 forpc   (0 bytes , 166reads )
这个故事告诉我们: ATOM   (65 bytes , 253reads )
4:30回来看还是45c,记得他上次高45c。一转眼看有人发铁,已经47了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 215reads )
这个最后半小时搞偷袭,打算做什么? 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 201reads )
打算一起飞啊! ATOM   (63 bytes , 195reads )
how high can this tt go? i bought at 0.38, xiao_bai   (0 bytes , 238reads )
我猜50应该有吧。 ATOM   (0 bytes , 156reads )
43了 forpc   (0 bytes , 181reads )
现在想来昨天放在sell q 395的2000多股,40的2600多股都是吓人的。 牛魔王   (19 bytes , 234reads )
这厮敢忽悠牛兄,拉出去毙了 forpc   (0 bytes , 186reads )
TT太牛了,看来真的要来惊天的消息了。哈哈! 谢谢昌昊大哥! ATOM   (0 bytes , 209reads )
果然今天高开40, 现41!显出大牛风范! 昌昊   (0 bytes , 203reads )
谢过昌昊大哥! superqq   (20 bytes , 250reads )
3 for 10 or RTO? forpc   (0 bytes , 207reads )
直觉告诉我,TT有什末事情要发生!这末大的量! 昌昊   (22 bytes , 338reads )
惊天大地震?坏消息吗? 我也想炒股   (0 bytes , 221reads )
buy up 一下 forpc   (0 bytes , 204reads )
再buy up 一下 forpc   (0 bytes , 210reads )
0.4买不动了,等你们了 forpc   (0 bytes , 219reads )
已经全仓了,再buy up就是借钱炒了 superqq   (35 bytes , 280reads )