There are some basic introduction of Warrants on today's MyPaper
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Good for newbies like me.

最新推出专栏《倾听索罗斯》 欢迎大家前来捧场!

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请教朋友们,什么是option?risk大吗?谢 noviceme   (0 bytes , 1012reads )
There are some basic introduction of Warrants on today's MyPaper 香陵居士   (25 bytes , 343reads )
哇,虹真是高人,对option有兴趣的朋友请参考如下网页,清晰明了 noviceme   (35 bytes , 385reads )
谢谢各位朋友赐教,本地有很多玩us trading noviceme   (353 bytes , 516reads )
option & warrant   (1487 bytes , 1170reads )
为什么新加坡的warrant 跟美国不一样?能否详解一下? Economist   (0 bytes , 344reads )
本地是欧式期权,美国是美式期权。 materialist   (0 bytes , 286reads )
新加坡是新加坡,美国是美国 =_= xiaohu   (123 bytes , 404reads )
意思是说因为引入的时间短,所以限制多 Economist   (37 bytes , 344reads )
说得很好,补充并且纠正几点: tangba   (203 bytes , 408reads )
我看过一个超级牛人,他只买option. halley   (384 bytes , 630reads )
Option means you got an option to buy 香陵居士   (193 bytes , 452reads )
还请谨慎说话。。。你天人合一,说不完整会误导新人的。。。 MrDJay   (707 bytes , 452reads )
For future & option, you can check the reports of major exchanges 香陵居士   (487 bytes , 326reads )
晕…… 香陵居士   (542 bytes , 417reads )
你的理解是错误的! tangba   (0 bytes , 273reads )
可否指教一二? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 244reads )
...... MrDJay   (0 bytes , 257reads )
大。不谢 一尘不染   (0 bytes , 269reads )