Yap, Quantz is in front office, like 仙仙龙 as well. Anyway,
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2005-04-20 18:39

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
return is equal to the amount of work you delivered....

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请教: MFE在新加坡的工作前景+ NUS跟NTU的哪个比较好 alex_lan   (393 bytes , 2733reads )
谢谢papaya, dengke, 削竹, 临水照花,仙仙龙,真是人多力量大! 还有最后一个问题 alex_lan   (221 bytes , 516reads )
MFE gives you the ticket to enter.. after that it all depends on yourself 临水照花   (17 bytes , 567reads )
HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL nuswolf   (1212 bytes , 569reads )
very good point 海风   (0 bytes , 286reads )
I have the same question. 本贴应该删   (775 bytes , 572reads )
since you are jobless currently. 海风   (64 bytes , 378reads )
联系一下 alex_lan   (0 bytes , 276reads )
maybe ... u can read this book.. 仙仙龙   (92 bytes , 544reads )
强烈推荐liar's poker 削竹   (124 bytes , 344reads )
谢谢,可以说说我下面说的那个financial analyst的在SG的现状吗? alex_lan   (0 bytes , 386reads )
赚的银子狠多 牛魔王   (23 bytes , 411reads )
木瓜同学不是quantz吗? alex_lan   (16 bytes , 382reads )
Yap, Quantz is in front office, like 仙仙龙 as well. Anyway, frpapaya   (55 bytes , 412reads )
Got commission as a Quantz? alex_lan   (106 bytes , 505reads )
BONUS Formula is very simple % of work... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 211reads )
可以去找点相关的课本看看,你到底感不感兴趣。。 临水照花   (144 bytes , 408reads )
好,谢谢 alex_lan   (111 bytes , 314reads )
risk management和quant 削竹   (525 bytes , 451reads )
问题太大,也关系到你的前途,不敢随便回答 邓可   (16 bytes , 384reads )
想做这个 alex_lan   (2042 bytes , 521reads )
谢谢,因为我对这个field知道的不多, alex_lan   (329 bytes , 444reads )
说一下我知道的 削竹   (986 bytes , 453reads )
谢谢削竹,非常清楚 alex_lan   (0 bytes , 271reads )
既然你没当真就别去了。 彡彡灬灬   (50 bytes , 450reads )
不是没有兴趣,只是没有finance的背景,所以没有报多大希望 alex_lan   (4 bytes , 332reads )